New Orleans' Government--their real plan

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
NOLA Mayor Ray Nagin has been chomping at the bit for days now, aggressively calling for the FORCED evacuations of all holdouts. He wants his city completely empty of citizens. Given the positions of the state government and military on this issue, I really wondered why the city officials were so keen on clearing everyone out. He claims that "There's a martial law declaration in place that gives us legal authority for mandatory evacuations," and he--THE MAYOR--has gone on record that the city is essentially uninhabitable and in a "state of devastation."

The reality, of course, is that while many low-lying poor neighborhoods are flooded and in terrible shape, much of the business district, the Quarter, and many other areas didn't get hit with the water or got hit only by a little bit. Much of the property is insured or otherwise repairable. The winds themselves weren't nearly as bad as feared and didn't level anything (unlike Mississippi). But here's the Mayor--the guy who should be defending his town, claiming that the whole thing needs to be cleared of people. Weird. Really weird.

My theory--He's a guy with a big plan. Clear everyone out of the city. Get tons of federal $$ to play with. Declare the city uninhabitable by decree. Seize the land without compensation, since no compensation need be paid for land that is uninhabitable and condemned. Bulldoze it. Use the federal money to build his own Sim City.
My theory--He's a guy with a big plan. Clear everyone out of the city. Get tons of federal $$ to play with. Declare the city uninhabitable by decree. Seize the land without compensation, since no compensation need be paid for land that is uninhabitable and condemned. Bulldoze it. Use the federal money to build his own Sim City.

If that happens he better use some of the money to buy a pope-mobile. THere's no way that would be accepted buy 10's of thousands of people.
I wondered about that as well. I realize now, that Mayor Nagyn was, and is, completely out of his league here. I've been following Interdictor's blog and webcam including pictures on a daily basis. Quite a bit of NO is okay, and inhabitable. To request forced evacs, and "claim" that he has declared Martial Law (which he can't) is simply a knee-jerk, emotional reaction to a huge national disaster that he was ill-equipped to deal with. Maybe he would better suited back at the cable company. :p
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