New York law enforcement should have same restrictions on magazine capacity

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Nov 28, 2004
Why not? They patrol the same streets and hoods the citizens live in. Who needs more than 7 shots right? They don't plan on shooting a whole bunch of people so why should they be exempt? The new bill apparently did not exempt them. Protest to keep it that way. Or wait what's good for the goose is not for the gander. Their reason for allowing the Leo's to have higher capacities should be the same for the citizen. Ah! New York the hypocrisy.
Darn right they should.

Let NY reap what it has sown.

LEOs (God Bless Them All), but their lives are no more valuable than the lives of the ones I love.

I would like, and we need to let them know, Manf. only sell to Gov't Agencies what the citizens are allowed to have in that state.
I seem to recall the last mass shooting in NYC was by the NYPD! If they were limited to 7 rounds, perhaps they will learn to shoot better.

(I know, not HighRoad, but I am burned up about all this!)
Anyone who undermines the 2nd amendment and calls it law is a terrorist that happens to be employed by the gov. Our Founding Fathers would call them tyrants.
“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”

― Confucius
I think Obama's guards should all be equipped with nerf swords. If he doesn't support concealed carry then he should be subject to the same rules.
ive piped up about something similiar for a long time about guns with built in locks.....when the police are issued those guns as their primaries then i will considering buying one.....
I'm sure an exemption will be made. It isn't right but if you're a LEO you'll probably be granted the ability to keep your rights, unlike the rest of the people in NY.
So you can't have a magazine over seven rounds? I gather that the cops over there can have magazine capacity over that. I wonder if armed security guards can carry what cops carry. I think you can become a security guard for like $25. Everybody should be their own security guard is the way I see it.
I seem to recall the last mass shooting in NYC was by the NYPD! If they were limited to 7 rounds, perhaps they will learn to shoot better.

Those 18 round glocks are great on crowded streets
I just came from a cop-run gun store in lower Westchester. He couldn't sell any ammo. He could sell guns to the cops that do business with him, but the mags had to stay behind in his shop. There DOESN'T seem to be exemptions for Law Enforcement in the NYS Law. This is right along with one of my main arguments I make against new gun laws - they're usually sloppy and poorly constructed!
The Patrolman's Benevolent Association President released a statement saying, "The PBA is actively working to enact changes to this law that will provide the appropriate exemptions from the law for active and retired law enforcement officers."

Even if active LEO's are exempt,
Why should retired LEO's be exempt?
I love it. They can arrest each other until none are left to arrest.

Not the LEO's fault of course, but they shouldn't have more rights than anyone else does. I would vote for no changes to the current version.

And all Manf. selling to NY (and other non-Free states) should be reminded of where their real profit comes from and to either stop selling in those locations or only sell, for example, the 7 round mags there.
Any way for NY'ers to use this oversight to their advantage? Letters and emails to their state representatives to limit LEOs to the same 7 round mags as the law abiding citizens?

LEOs (God Bless Them All), but their lives are no more valuable than the lives of the ones I love.

They have radios and can call for backup. You're on your own.
From Justin's link:

State Senator Eric Adams, a former NYPD Captain, told us he's going to push for an amendment next week to exempt police officers from the high-capacity magazine ban. In his words, "You can't give more ammo to the criminals"

So they know criminals are going to keep using standard cap magazines in lieu of the 7-rounders, so the cops need to be equally equipped. So the only person is the law-abiding citizen that has the low-cap magazines. Makes no sense.

Another thing this ban makes me think about, how common are 7-round magazines? Since it will be a bit of time before manufacturers will be able to make enough, this sounds almost like a gun usage ban, save for deer rifles, revolvers, and people who have smaller magazines already.
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