NM governor "suspends" open & concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque

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The state's attorney general does what she tells him to and she appoints the state police chief so I would say to forget about any chance of arrest.
Jared at G&G was pleading yesterday for any LEO in the state to arrest her.
I have to say the state police were nice here during Covid. They arrested no and just explained to business what could happen if they ignored her orders. Some did which really aroused her ire and one cafe amassed $50,000 in fines before throwing in the towel and closing and then filed suit on her. Never saw the results of that. Other business gave in after lesser fines. Many just shut their doors and walked away never to reopen.

Our sheriff was ordered to enforce her rules and he explained quite forcefully that he worked for the citizens of Lea county and not her. She took him to court to force him to. It made it all the way to the supreme court where she lost.
Wow, good for him!

She isn't smart, just arrogant and power mad. She got off on the wrong foot with almost all of the sheriffs in the state the day she took office. It is a tradition for all the sheriffs to gather in Santa Fe and welcome the new governor into the office. She told them they had to disarm before entering the capital building. Three did so. The others just turned around and left so there has been a lot of bad blood between the two positions since.
SHE TOLD THE SHERIFFS THEY HAD TO DISARM?!?!?!? That's beyond mind-boggling...
There is more clarification in today's paper. Delving on down it affects the entire state, not just Bernillio County. Using the fine print contained in the order it can be used everywhere and I expect her next step will be to try doing just that. Also this little idiot believes she has the power to suspend rights granted by the US Constitution by using a health order. Even the ACLU is speaking out against her. The state attorney general remains mum on the subject.

Edited to add: I just saw where the AG manned up and went against her. He''s reading the political winds and I am expecting he will run for governor in the next election, Up until now he has been a total loss as both Bernillio County DA and his current job.
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The drum beat against concealed carry goes on: https://apnews.com/article/michigan...ing_date_20230912&cid=db&source=ams&sourceid=

Note students and faculty were already banned. Now, pretty soon the only place you will be able to carry is on some billionaire's private yacht (hint!). Oh, the glory of Bruen and the beauty of the procedural majesty of the courts dealing with the challenges to our rights in real time. Thus, I lament, yet again to the annoyance of some lawyers.
The article doesn't mention whether the shooter in the recent incident cited was a permit holder. Which leads one to assume he was not.

I think people should just leave the states that have the stupid gun laws. I did and I've never been sorry.
GOA, SAF, FPC, etc. have filed lawsuits.

The NM State AG says he doesn't think it is constitutional.
Local officials say it isn't constitutional.
Anti-2A activists and politicians say it isn't constitutional and unwise.

Hopefully this will turn out to be a disaster for her that provides more than just egg on the Governor's face.
I wouldn't be surprised if a coalition of Democrat governors had already talked about attempting this type of action in a state where the party controls the legislature and has a lapdog state police administration, just as kind of a trial balloon, and Albuquerque citizens are the unlucky guinea pigs.
My dream is that Scotus sees these shenanigans and establishes a very quick path for 2nd A right unlike their glacial, procedural BS now.
Just might be the silver lining ... test case for Bruen. 👍

NM governor just may have shaved years off many 2A cases. ;)

GOA, SAF, FPC, etc. have filed lawsuits.

The NM State AG says he doesn't think it is constitutional.
Local officials say it isn't constitutional.
Anti-2A activists and politicians say it isn't constitutional and unwise.

Hopefully this will turn out to be a disaster for her that provides more than just egg on the Governor's face.
What's the point when the damage would have already been done and the gun ban expired before it is ruled on most likely as being moot. Even if it is ruled in our favor, the Governor already knew it would be. She basically stated as much. She also knew that she would have already gotten her way aka the month long gun ban, so even if she loses, she wins.

Conservative judges don't seem to want to enact emergency stays when it comes to clear 2A violation like they would with other outright violations of the U.S. Constitution, bit we'll see if they grow a backbone in this cause. I'm not holding my breath.
Could you imagine what politicians would do if never called out on their BS?

She knew when she did it, that it was unconstitutional and did it anyway.

She should be bounced out on her arse but the other Democrats don't have the spine to do it!

It was their "test run" to see what would happen. They all knew full well what was happening but stayed quiet.
What's the point when the damage would have already been done and the gun ban expired before it is ruled on most likely as being moot. Even if it is ruled in our favor, the Governor already knew it would be. She basically stated as much. She also knew that she would have already gotten her way aka the month long gun ban, so even if she loses, she wins.
She's not getting her way if nobody is enforcing it.
gun ban expired before it is ruled on

If the state AG has stated it is unconstitutional a state case can probably proceed faster than the 30 day period and a federal case can probably move faster than the 30 day period AND an injunction can certainly be issued before the 30 days expires.

She might have had a chance making it to the full 30 days before her own AG cut her legs out from under her, but now she's short a leg to stand on making her a very easy target.
Could you imagine what politicians would do if never called out on their BS?

She knew when she did it, that it was unconstitutional and did it anyway.

She should be bounced out on her arse but the other Democrats don't have the spine to do it!

It was their "test run" to see what would happen. They all knew full well what was happening but stayed quiet.
CCRKBA issued a press release pointing out the importance of voting. See at https://www.thehighroad.org/index.p...-comments-replies-please.887535/post-12715280

New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque.​

Due to a "spate of gun violence."

(Presumably committed by criminals, often against other criminals, but also presumably not because legal gun-carriers are contributing to this epidemic of gun violence in Albuquerque.

I have no words...

I do, she needs to be fired for willfully violating the Constitution. No citizens should be putting up with any of this Unconstitutional crap anywhere in the United States. We truly are pathetic to have allowed any of this to have happened. The founders were a lot smarter than we are.
I head she is going to have state police enforce it.
That's what she said, but it remains to be seen whether they will acquiesce. They may or may not vocally oppose it, but we'll see soon enough whether they actually proactively enforce it. They are in a tough spot. Any NM lawyers here who can tell us if what she said is really true, i.e. that they "have to" enforce executive orders, regardless of constitutionality?
Legally she could declare martial law, governors can do that for civil unrest. Then the military, ie national guard takes control and lets the state and local cops off the hook.

The legality here would be dubious at best. (Keep in mind, I'm not an attorney.)

You can't just declare martial law for dubious claims of "civil unrest". Just having a few counties with "high rates of crime" would not qualify as a level of "civil unrest" requiring martial law.

Declaring martial law happens, essentially, when civil authority becomes ineffective. (Discounting other reasons, such as in time of war.) There are no sweeping riots, there are no lynch mobs, there are no natural disasters, or any other agents of disruption of civil authority or effectiveness.

If she tried declaring martial law over this the backlash would be huge.
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I can see this person trying that, and THAT is when everyone needs to say, "no". Police, sheriffs, National Guard, be like Nancy Reagan and just say no. If she does something that insanely stupid, it MIGHT be the final straw that gets her perp walked.
READ my last sentence.

That post was an observation about how the law works, and how it has always worked, for as long as we have had the Republic. It wasn't an argument for how things should be.

And as an aside, it wasn't ad hominem, which is something we avoid here at THR.
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As I understand it, Impeachment is a LEGAL process and Recall is a POLITICAL one. Yes?
Impeachment is political as well. It is done by the legislative branch, not the judicial branch, even if has some of the ritual (largely performative) of a legal investigation.
Could you imagine what politicians would do if never called out on their BS?

She knew when she did it, that it was unconstitutional and did it anyway.

She should be bounced out on her arse but the other Democrats don't have the spine to do it!

It was their "test run" to see what would happen. They all knew full well what was happening but stayed quiet.
I actually think it is useful in the long run when politicians overreach in a very public way. It reminds the normally dormant and self-absorbed populace of the importance of paying attention and that it is possible to hold politicians accountable.

In the USA, politicians are just citizens and subject to law and the Constitution just like the rest us us. Try holding Mohammed bin Salman or Vladimir Putin accountable. You would end up dissolved in a barrel or being poisoned by thallium or dioxin.
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