North American Confederated Union?

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The natural instinct of every bureaucracy is to perpetuate and expand itself, just like it is the natural urge of every authority to expand its influence.
Couldn't have said it better myself. In one sentence you said what I tried to say in paragraphs. Thank you CAnnoneer.
Interesting Read

My take on the situation is more with the people running the government than it is the system itself. I beileve every ill our country has is directly related to usurpations of power made possible by interpretation and misconstrual of the Constitution. Misuse of the Commerce Clause is probably the biggest hinderance to what should be a robust and free economy. Individuals redefined words in the Constitution to accomplish some untoward agenda, the Constitution didn't change on its own. Congress wanted more power, so the Court said "regulate" included "limit" and "prohibit" in its definition. People did this, not the government itself.

This usurpation(redefining "regulate") is the supposed power those in government have used to govern our keeping and bearing of arms. I still haven't figured out how this can possibly override the Second Amendment. The authority to govern the keeping and bearing of arms has never been granted to the government, and has, in fact, been denied to the government by the Second Amendment. This can only be the result of ignoring the Constitution and violating the oath these people have taken.

Those in government who accomplished these infringements and other usurpations are not the only guilty parties in this mess. We put them there. Those we put there since then are as guilty as those who enacted the unconstitutional law for not removing the unconstitutional law. Again, we are as guilty for putting them there.

Now, it may not necessarily be us here on this forum who participated in the election of these usurpers and bastardizers of the Constitution. I know I've done my best to elect upstanding and Constitution-abiding citizens to office. The major problem these days is the selection. Mix that with apathy, greed, lazyness, letiginous opportunists, misguided do-gooders, and rampant ignorance and there doesn't ever seem to be a chance we will ever prevail in restoring greatness, freedom, prosperity, and personal soverignty to our great land.

All that said, I don't think I'll ever give up. Ignorance can be educated away, progress and success will reduce apathy. When lazyness and letiginous opportunity become fruitless, want and need will foster ambition. When the fallacies of well-intentioned go-good persuits are exposed as nothing more than a solution for a problem that doesn't exist, more honest and rewarding careers will be followed. All of this must happen or the system will collapse upon itself. Those on the producing end of society can only support so many takers before the system collapses or the producers revolt. The answer, without spilling blood, is in who we send to Congress and the White House.

With GWB's Supreme Court appointees, and maybe one more before his term is up, we just might end up with a Court that will follow the Constitution and remove the false teeth in the Commerce Clause, and unfetter our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Conservative inroads into Congress will lessen the power of the commune-minded, vote-selling, incumbancy-supporting liberals who have taken this country so far off track. With fewer and fewer dollars spent on programs whose only intention is to garner votes, people will begin to elect representatives for Congress who will remove barriers to earning a living. With welfare no longer a way of life, people will hike up their bootstraps and earn their living. Removing barriers such as confiscatory taxation on the people(get rid of the income tax and payroll tax) and put some common sense into environmental protections, industry will folurish and we won't be so dependent upon foreign oil.

All this can be done with wise choices on election day. What we can do to ensure we have suitable choices on election day is to support only those citizens who share our vision. We can discourage those who do not share our vision by exposing them for who and what they are. We can keep our arms clean and ready for if the day should come that the loosers in Washington refuse to step down. I am serious about this. Can you imagine Ted Kennedy gracefully leaving office? Can you imagine Diane Feinstein or Chuck Schumer acquesing to a Supreme Court decision that the NFA and all the subsequent gun control laws are unconstitutional? They'd be up in their own brand of arms - throwing legislation and court challenges around like feeces through a fan. It's time to unplug the fan and leave them standing with their hands full of what will fill their hands faster than wishing.

In the mean time, prepare. Be resolute with what you are willing to accept and what you refuse to settle for. It is much more than our guns we are fighting to keep, you know. It is our prosperity and our very freedom. It is to secure a future for our progeny that is more prosperous than what we ourselves have, and freedom more along the lines of what our great-grandparents enjoyed.

We need not divide up the country - not if we can reduce the influence of the factions who can only see as far as the tip of their own noses. But, never give up one single arm. Without those arms, we can never secure our future. And it is our future, not the future of a belicose, self-serving hoard in power in the halls of government. They are there to serve us. We keep and bear aur arms to keep it that way.


Look at your rights and freedoms as what would be required to survive and be free as if there were no government. If that doesn't convince you to take a stand and protect your inalienable rights and freedoms, nothing will. If that doesn't convince you to maintain your personal sovereignty, you are already someone else's subject. If you don't secure your rights and freedoms to maintain your personal sovereignty now, it'll be too late to come to me for help when they come for you. I will already be dead because I had to stand alone. B.E.Wood
My take on the situation is more with the people running the government than it is the system itself. I beileve every ill our country has is directly related to usurpations of power made possible by interpretation and misconstrual of the Constitution. Misuse of the Commerce Clause is probably the biggest hinderance to what should be a robust and free economy.

The people running the government are typically the same ones of various
corporate boards. It doesn't matter if they're Repub or Demo since they
both go through the same revolving doors and collect a fat check on both

This country was founded on the principles of religious freedom and removing
the yoke of onerous taxes. This generation's new religion is consumption
and the fruit it bears is extreme public and private debt.

With GWB's Supreme Court appointees, and maybe one more before his term is up, we just might end up with a Court that will follow the Constitution...

I wish there was a knee-slapping smilie. Do you think W is going to appoint
anyone who doesn't support more warrantless wiretaps or other executive
branch usurptations of what should be under the control of Congress?
Isn't this the same W that said he would sign a new AWB if it came to him
and refuses the protect the religious freedoms of our military chaplains?

Conservative inroads into Congress will lessen the power of the commune-minded, vote-selling, incumbancy-supporting liberals who have taken this country so far off track.

Which "conservatives" would those be? The Republicans who've been
selling their votes? Quite frankly, I've been a long-time Repub and have
been quite disgusted with the leadership at the federal level who seem
more concerned with supporting the Partiya over the People.

All this can be done with wise choices on election day. What we can do to ensure we have suitable choices on election day is to support only those citizens who share our vision.

How do "we" do that? I think things have gotten to the point where a
person has to be corrupt or power-hungry (and therefore can be corrupted)
to run for the big offices.

Look at the last election --we had tibia or fibula for a choice. It makes me
:barf: to even imagine the "choices" for 2008. The repubs have the next
two years to continue making their base angry and driving a lot of moderates
(ie, those who don't worship GWB) to cast a throw-away or protest vote.

Of course, by doing this the People are playing right into their hands in the
first place ;)

Don't get me wrong, I do agree with a lot of what you said, but at this
point the dealer in the card game has stacked the deck more so than
ever before.
The two-party system is an integral element of the problem, not a solution to it. The system guarantees that the same pigs will alternate at the trough, so we have reached a stage at which the parties don't even care that much anymore about winning particular elections, because they know they will have their turn. While politicians want to stay in office, they collectively know they get nothing unless their party is in power, because that attracts the money of the Abramoff's of the world. So, they simply wait for the next cycle of feeding frenzy for their team. Ever wonder why the dems in congress are so quiet now? It is not polite to poke your companion when he eats...

What 95% of the country yet has to understand is tha Kodos would never really step on Kane, and vice versa. The two parties are just the two heads of the same corporatist-statist hydra. That is also why corruption is so rampant and why candidates are progressively worse every year. When there is no true competition, why is it a surprise that nepotism, incompetence, and embezzlement are the mark of the day?

If there is to be a peaceful solution to all this, it lies in viable additional parties. I'd rather "throw away" my votes for 10 years voting e.g. Libertarian, if that would be enough to unhinge the ruinous system we have today.
If there is to be a peaceful solution to all this, it lies in viable additional parties. I'd rather "throw away" my votes for 10 years voting e.g. Libertarian, if that would be enough to unhinge the ruinous system we have today.

How can there be a "peaceful solution?" Does anyone believe that the people who run America are going to let the American people really have a voice if it means interrupting their deals? Isn't that what we learned just recently from "Dubai?" Isn't it what we are about to learn again from "immigration reform?"

The system will in time collapse of its own weight or extraneous factors will intervene to cripple it. We've let things get way too far along: I don't see any soft landing for America.
America the Beautiful

has been hijacked by minority special interest.....

as pointed out by several others on the thread...a 50/50 divide is pure myth.

The libs buy power by promising a full utter and plenty of teets to go around at the gov't cow. The urbanites have long pawned the true cost of their many problems off on the more rural or suburban locals. Thus they naturally gravitate to the libs.....who promise them that someone else will pay their bills....and boy can the socialist rack up some serious bills.:confused:

The true red/blue map is by county (or precinct). The libs own about 3% of the country....but effectively control the rest through the courts...flipping democracy upside down and thwarting the will of the majority time and time again.:banghead:

The COURTS ARE THE KEY to nixing the influence of the libs. Say what you will about GWB, he just took a huge dent out of the libs power. And they know it....and they vehemently hate his guts for it. During the 2000 election many bemoaned that GWB and Gore were to much alike (both pro-business centrist) and it didn't make any difference. If that's the case, why do the libs hate GWB with such passion?????:scrutiny:

Two word answer....."Roberts" & "Alito" :) :) .....the libs house of cards is doomed. It may take ten years to work out in the courts.....but the ship is doomed.:D

One more solid conservative Justice to replace Ginsburg and that will be the final nail in the coffin.:p

As far as "throwing away your vote" to support a viable third party....DON'T DO IT!!! That's just what my parents and many others did with Ross Perot and the result was 8 years of Bill Clinton and his appointments Ginsburg and Breyer.:eek:

IMHO, this nation was hurt severely by the Clinton legacy and it will take a LONG TIME to undue the damage.:mad:

I hope GWB can kick some major ass in Iraq.....bag BinLaden, Al Zarquai and the Egyptian Dr. (name illudes me).....bust a serious network in CONUS and stuff a serious rag down Feinsein, Hillary and Tedd Kennedy's network mouthpieces.:neener:

Now Breathe....that feels better:)
How can there be a "peaceful solution?" Does anyone believe that the people who run America are going to let the American people really have a voice if it means interrupting their deals? Isn't that what we learned just recently from "Dubai?" Isn't it what we are about to learn again from "immigration reform?"

All dictators are ultimately cowards. They can huff and puff and get nasty and violent, but in the end, deep inside themselves they are mortally afraid because they know political power is a house of cards.

I do not know if there can be a peaceful solution, but if there is, it certainly does not lie in the perpetuation of the current corrupt bi-partite system. Even at this forum, so many people are swayed by cheap baubles they happen to cherish, like kicking some lib ass, militarism, Clinton smackdown, a JSCOTUS, or a small respite in 2A curtailment. They refuse to acknowledge that a rotten tree cannot produce healthy fruit and that all the compromising and bargaining and lesser-of-two-evils only digs their grave in the long run.

The irony is that the "swing vote" is not a couple of million, which is what we are expected and encouraged to believe. I bet it is more like 70% of all people that actually vote. They just get scared into locking step with whichever perverse monstrosity they mind less. A third or fourth party if given a chance would naturally pull them away from the evil twins.
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