NRA Confusion

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Jan 4, 2014
I received an e-mail from the NRA Leadership and Past Presidents that offsets reports that "the NRA is vulnerable, financially unstable and weakened in its fight to defend the Second Amendment." The e-mail goes on to say that the NRA convention in Indianapolis was the largest in NRA history, that the writers of this memo have full confidence in Wayne LaPierre as CEO and that the NRA is on budget in 2019 , that their financial house is in order.

Within a day or two of receiving the above I received an e-mail from Wayne La Pierre titled Critical Update, NRA Shutdown Notice.

I have no idea what's going on? Does any of our THR's know what's behind these confusing e-mails from the NRA?
JMHO but I am completely done giving the NRA any money until the current leadership is replaced, and I say this as a life member. The corruption and cronyism that is rife in the leadership is unacceptable in my opinion. I will spend my 2A activism money else where until the NRA rights its ways. They have violated my trust and it will not be won back easily.
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I am an annual NRA member.
I will continue to be, but, will not give another dime, other than my membership, until the NRA leadership allows an outside, independent financial audit, and the results are made public, at least to the "dues paying" membership.
From what I have read, and I don't fully accept everything I read, there are many people in leadership roles at the NRA who are getting rich, without any justification.
The NRA is needed, but not at the expense of being accountable to it's membership.
If Gov Andrew Cuomo succeeds in using the influence of New York State banking and insurance regulations to deny NRA banking and insurance services because Cuomo hates NRA for promoting gun rights, does anyone really think he won't do the same to other gun rights groups?


The NRA Leadership and Past Presidents vouch that the NRA is not vulnerable, is financially stable and still strong in its fight to defend the Second Amendment.*
NY Gov Andrew Cuomo has vowed to use the State of New York's clout over the banking and the insurance industry nationwide to deprive the NRA of banking and insurance services and shut the NRA down:
Andrew Cuomo
August 3 [2018] at 12:16 PM ·
The regulations NY put in place are working. We're forcing the NRA into financial jeopardy. We won't stop until we shut them down.
The NRA has had the support of the ACLU against Cuomo's campaign:
Dated 24 Aug 2018, ACLU:
Although public officials are free to express their opinions and may condemn viewpoints or groups they view as inimical to public welfare, they cannot abuse their regulatory authority to retaliate against disfavored advocacy organizations and to impose burdens on those organizations' ability to conduct lawful business."
But Cuomo's war to shut down the NRA continues. No matter how healthy the NRA is otherwise, NRA-ILA needs funds to fight this in court.
* US Supreme Court Held in DC v Heller 2008:
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
My home state Article I Declaration of Rights, Section 26 declares the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms but reserves the power of the Legislature to regulate with view to prevent crime. All traditionally lawful purposes to own and use arms, including self defense, military preparedness training, hunting, protecting livestock from predators, collection as curios or keepsakes, and recreational use, are protected and gun regulations for crime control must not unduly burden traditionally lawful purposes.
The New York attitude is summed up in Madison Avenue Adman Carl Bakal's book "NO Right to Bear Arms" a holy writ to gun controllers, especially fans of Tim Sullivan's Law of 1911. New York politicians have sought to impose the Sullivan Act nationwide.
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Anyone ever had a girlfriend who cried every time you didn't buy her presents and made you think she would commit suicide if you ever left her?

That's today's NRA.
Don't care much anymore after the pay of the board was published. It's not as legit a cause it use to be. Had to start blocking all the begging call numbers. From now on I'm going to tell the to get the money from the boards pay.
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