Nuevo Laredo Police Chief Killed First Day On The Job

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Fred Fuller

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 26, 2004
A recent thread here advised that Nuevo Laredo might not be a good place to visit- seems not to be a good place to wear a badge either.


Gunmen kill police chief first day on job
Seven police commanders killed in Nuevo Laredo this year
The Associated Press
Updated: 2:02 a.m. ET June 9, 2005

NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico - Gunmen shot Nuevo Laredo’s new police chief dozens of times and killed him Wednesday, hours after he took the post.

Alejandro Dominguez, a businessman who once worked at the federal Attorney General’s office, was sworn in Wednesday afternoon, saying he wasn’t afraid of anything. Many top police officials here have been ambushed and killed recently in this border city, and President Vicente Fox sent in soldiers to try to keep the peace.

“I don’t owe anybody anything. My duty is to the citizenry,” said Dominguez, nephew of former Attorney General Javier Coello Trejo. “I think those who should be afraid are those who have been compromised.”

After dark, a group of assailants opened fire on Dominguez as he was climbing into his Ford Lobo outside the city’s National Business Chamber, which he leads.

“We’ve recovered 35 to 40 casings from an AR-15 assault rifle,” Vallejo said.

A witness told authorities Dominguez was targeted by a group of men who arrived at the scene of the shooting in three dark-colored Chevy Suburbans.

Seven police commanders killed
Since the beginning of the year, ambush-style shootings have claimed the lives of seven police commanders in Nuevo Laredo, including Dominguez.

The position of police chief stood vacant for weeks after Jose Valdez left to take another municipal position. The city had a hard time finding applicants who weren’t afraid to take the job.

In all, shootings have claimed the lives of 61 people this year in Nuevo Laredo.

The U.S. government has issued a warning to tourists traveling to the border, which has seen a rise in drug violence amid a turf war between the country’s two main drug cartels.

Federal agent slain in hospital
Also on Wednesday, seven gunmen wearing ski masks entered a hospital in a northern Mexican state capital and killed a federal agent who was recovering there from gun shot wounds, investigators said.

The assailants, who also killed two men accompanying the agent, arrived at the Clinica del Centro hospital in Chihuahua City, just after 1 a.m.

After subduing security guards and covering surveillance cameras, the group moved into the room of federal agent Victor Estrada, said Rene Medrano, a spokesman for Chihuahua state attorney general’s office.

A former member of the federal judicial police force, Estrada was an 11-year veteran of the Federal Agency of Investigation who was suspended for vague investigative violations and reinstated in early March at the order of a Chihuahua judge, federal authorities said.
I'm glad that I haven't been to Nuevo Laredo in a decade or so. Sounds even worse now that it was then.
I've been to Nuevo Laredo once, in 1974. Sounds like it should go high on the list of places NOT to visit again.
I'm very glad that ARs will only fire those shell casings marked "AR-15 assault rifle", for the benefit of law enforcement - that just may solve this crime. Ford Lobo?
And now for our local news...............

The recently deposed Sheriff of Cameron County was back in the news yesterday when he was picked up by the Feds. It seems that he and his senior cohorts had a tidy business going working with enterprising drug distributors, while he was in office.

All of the details have not yet been released but it hardly causes a yawn down here. You see, the Mexicans on that side of the border aren't the only ones with their hands in the candy jar.

The incredible number of Sheriffs, Judges, civic officials and representatives of all types charged, convicted and jailed for corruption in this part of the world is enormous. The only group larger are the ones not yet caught. It's just how things are done here.
Hang on a second guys, Neuevo Laredo is one of my favorite cities and has been since to '60's and that includes some of the seedier parts of town. Boy's Town comes to mind. It's a great place to take the wife shoping, buy Cuban cigars, enjoy good restraunts. The Caddilac Bar is a great hangout. The town is vibrant and has great atmosphere. Is it a good place to persue a career in Law Enforcement? Absolutely not! A few years ago when we lived in Eagle Pass Neuevo Laredo police Captains and Lieutenants were being shot with some regularity. But as far as being a Turista is see no problemo. This is one Vermonter that looks forward to his next visit..........Essex
You mean the War on Some Drugs causes violent strifes over profitable territory, empowers criminals to send hitmen after high-ranking police officials, and spreads corruption amongst law enforcement and the judiciary?

Well, at least we've kept people from accessing illegal drugs.
Boy's Town comes to mind. It's a great place to take the wife shoping, buy Cuban cigars, enjoy good restraunts. The Caddilac Bar is a great hangout. The town is vibrant and has great atmosphere.

I hope you dident mean you took your wife to Boy's Town for shopping. :D

Hang in no need to come down this direction the present administration
is working hard to bring the third world to your door.
Another fine example of how well strict Mexican gun control works. :barf:

May that brave man rest in peace.

I wonder if the Mexican people would take their country back from the cartels and their biyatch corrupt government?
Another great success in both Gun and Drug Control! </sarcasm>

I have to admire that guy for having the balls to step into a position that has pretty much a 100 percent success rate for getting assassinated.

I wonder if Mexico will ever legalize marijuana, or would the government not be able to handle the competition?
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