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NY Police...

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Oct 22, 2010
This is exactly what happens when a bill is not vetted or followed through in a democratic manner...

I think they should start charging their police officers with the crimes and not give them an exemption...


s the statute is currently written, it does not exempt law enforcement officers.

Nearly every law enforcement agency in the state carries hand guns that have a 15 round capacity.

A spokesman for the governor's office called Eyewitness News to say, "We are still working out some details of the law and the exemption will be included, currently no police officer is in violation."

The Patrolman's Benevolent Association President released a statement saying, "The PBA is actively working to enact changes to this law that will provide the appropriate exemptions from the law for active and retired law enforcement officers."

State Senator Eric Adams, a former NYPD Captain, told us he's going to push for an amendment next week to exempt police officers from the high-capacity magazine ban. In his words, "You can't give more ammo to the criminals"
"currently no police officer is in violation"

So does this mean they took all the AR15s too?
if i lived in NY id actually be happy the ban included police. Afterall how many bystanders were shot by them in that one incident a few months back?
I like the last line of "you can't give more ammo to the criminals."
That's a line they all need to read over and over till it sinks in.
Yeah, whats next? Retired millitary too?

Wow... this is BS and will get reversed. It will be the retired PD and Millitary that get it reversed.
Yeah, whats next? Retired millitary too?

Exactly. And who knows, maybe since I'm an attorney and have had other background checks maybe I should be exempt. And then perhaps federal employees who have clearance for confidential information. And then perhaps certain other trustworthy individuals.

We could get a whole Orwellian thing going where we are all equal, but some people are more equal than others.
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Maybe every US citizen should be allowed to apply for a CCW... if you pass the BG check then you can buy whatever you want including doing away with the NFA....
'Criminals' presumably meaning everybody except the cops...

I find the hipocracy staggering.
Why do the police need >7 round magazines, but a homeowner defending his/her family against a violent intruder has to make do with 7?

They need to get it through their thick heads that a civilian with a gun is not automatically a bad guy.
New amemdment to the NY law.... hell no, unless they change some other things and the biggest being the repeal of the law.
I find the hipocracy staggering.
Why do the police need >7 round magazines, but a homeowner defending his/her family against a violent intruder has to make do with 7?

I've never understood this either. So apparently the police are better trained and presumably better shooters....however we're supposed to be able to get by with less bullets? I guess maybe they're trying to imply that we're the better shots? Either way it doesn't make sense.
I shoot better than every single member of the local PD. I have proven it at every match I have entered against them.
So....where's the argument that they somehow "deserve" more ammo? Based on their numerical misses per rounds fired? That's the only one I can think of.
"We are still working out some details of the law and the exemption will be included, currently no police officer is in violation."

That is absolutely false. What they are saying is we are not going to enforce the law until we can get it changed. It comes down to yet again only enforcing the laws they wish.
'Criminals' presumably meaning everybody except the cops...

That's the mentality a lot of cops have, and it's the reason I dislike them as a group. Never encountered an officer who wasn't looking for a way to criminalize something that someone was doing at any given moment, nor have I ever met one who didn't believe he/she was above the law.

Sorry, not trying to cop bash here, but for the good ones out there: Until your brethren stop harassing good people, there will always be an "us vs. them" mentality, and animosity from John Q Public.
I meet a retired Suffolk officer at the bus stop every day. He is asking me if his high-cap mags are legal. According to the law, all mags over 10 rounds are illegal. He cannot replace his Glock 19 mags with 10-rounders because new ones are also illegal. I guess he has to wait for Glock to produce new 7-rounders.
The NYPD needs a higher capacity because they can't shoot worth a darn. They proved that last year.

And retire LEOs are exempt? why?
Hopefully you guys in NY can get that seven rounds raised up to ten because you are going to have a hard time finding full sized handguns, whether 22 or centerfire semi autos.

I would not give a mag exemption over 10 to retired LEO.

You guys already have it bad with handgun registration and the AWB not sunsetting.
I can't see how that would be a financially sound decision by Glock. Why ramp up production on something only people in 1 state would buy?

For the same reason that gun makers spend money putting guns through tests to qualify for the CA approved list.
For the same reason that gun makers spend money putting guns through tests to qualify for the CA approved list.

Those tests probably cost less than setting up an entirely new manufacturing line. Not to mention California has twice as many people as New York and over 40% of New York's population is in New York City...which is pretty much just a lost cause.
Unfortunately, it just means that they'll havet o charge more for the magazines. You know that people will pay $70 each for brand new 7 round glock magazines in NY state if there is no other choice.
When production costs go up, consumer costs go up. Simple economics. Of course if nobody ends up wanting to buy 7 round mags at that price, then either the price goes down, or they just stop making them. I don't have a crystal ball, so I don't know how it'll play out.
This entire thing just points to how poorly thought out the law was, and how it was railroaded through without any thought put into it.

I just hope that soon it goes before a federal judge who slaps it down with all the vehemence he or she can muster
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