Obama ruins Christmas, for me. Who else?

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Obama didn't ruin your Christmas.

It ain't your birthday so complaining about your presents don't make any sense.
HSO prices up makes Christmas more expensive for everyone buying in the industry. I don't think he ruined it per se, but I can see why the OP is upset.
Keep shopping, this will blow over and you'll get what you want. There's always deals to be had.

Oh yeah, in the mean time, quit your whining and have a Merry Christmas. I'm sure there's bigger things in your life than the price of PS90s. Be thankful for things you have, remember your loved ones, and count your blessings because, in the grand scheme of things, gun prices really don't mean much.
Obama didn't ruin your Christmas.

It ain't your birthday so complaining about your presents don't make any sense.

I'm with HSO on this one. Obama has little to do with the panic buying and the subsequent price gouging going on right now. If the OP thinks his Christmas is ruined, what about the families of those killed by the gunman who is the real person at fault for this gun buying frenzy.
Am I the only one here who finds it somewhat ironic that guns would be given as presents to mark the birthday of the Prince of Peace? (I'm not at all against guns, but they have their place, and that place has nothing to do with the practice of religion.)
As a teenager your choice is either to buy a $1500 gun or turn druggie/criminal? Something doesn't sound right.
Hso nailed it in post #2. Not my birthday. Still, my wife and I have decent jobs and a home we share with both of our children... and AWB/ fiscal cliff/ Mayan apocolypse disappointment be darned, we're singing carols and having HAM.
President Zero goes on vacation every time there is work to be done.
What has a Hawaiian vacation got to do with him being a joke? He is a joke every day regardless where he is, especially when he has Moochelle with him.
1. Sorry about the families who have loss.

2. Yep, I agree , Christmas is not about merchandise!!!

3. Did Obama cause the panic - maybe not all, but, between him had the other Dems - they sure threw gas on the fire and fanned the flames as high as they could get them. Truth be damned, never waste a crisis, has been their motto for the last four years.

4. Politicians in general ruining Christmas. Comes from the very definition of the profession:

Poli = Many

Tics = Blood Suckers

Politics = Many Blood Suckers

I hope they all get that lump of coal in their stocking for Christmas - Trouble is, were the ones who have to pay for that.
By the way, One of the posters here was talking about how this is not a buyers market. Some of the members of this site are AVID collectors, meaning they'll buy sell and trade. In the last week, my gun count has dropped drastically. And now theres a large lump of cash in my safe.

I am always happy to take advantge of either market. Whether it be buyers or sellers, that cash in the safe is just as good as any of my "safe queens" to me. Becuase after the fear subsides, and the market turns back into a buyers marker, My safe will be a little bit more full.

Im not complaining about a thing.


(ps, I obviously not selling any of my ARs or AKs :) )
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