Ohio CCW...no one came

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Dec 24, 2002
At this point in time it was expected 50,000 people would have obtained their CCW license. In fact only 18,000 state wide have applied. Reasons given by some are the tough demands for training and the appointment only requirements by some county sheriffs. Legistration is promised to address the unreasonable requirements. I've had my CCW permit for 8 weeks but haven't had the desire to carry even once yet.:eek:
Same thing in Minnesota. I think it's a "rights" issue. People want the right to carry, but may not exercise it everyday.

Why don't you carry? I have one on me at all times, well except when I have to disarm to work. A small pocket gun that you can carry at all times may ease you into it.
The restrictive nature of the law has had a lot to do with people not even getting the carry permit. Compound that with the amount of places that have posted "No handguns allowed" signs and it hardly seems worth the trouble. I haven't bothered with it yet because I want to let things settle down for a year or so. Hopefully a lot of the signs posted in businesses etc, will be removed by then. Also the Cleveland Plain Dealer has vowed to list everyone's name who has the permit and I am not interested in being on a list in the only major paper in Northeast Ohio. Things are going to get better, but it is going to take some time. For now I am willing to wait.
Also the Cleveland Plain Dealer has vowed to list everyone's name who has the permit and I am not interested in being on a list in the only major paper in Northeast Ohio.
I see your point here, but remember, if the signors of the Declaration of Independence would have thought the same way, were would we be?

I don't mean to belittle your concern, just something to think about.

I thought the same thing when our law was passed, but heck, I don't care, they can print it.
By whom?

<p>Expected by whom?

<p>In Minnesota, the legislative researchers looked at states trhat had shall-issue permitted for a while, saw between 2 and 5% of the population had permits, multipled 4.5 million times .02 and said 90,000 permit applicants could be expected.

<p>At the end of the year, there had been only 14,000 applicants, and the papers asked "where are they all"?

<p>Since the end of the year, applications have continued to come in at over 1,000 a month, and show no signs of slowing. Last I heard was 23,000 permits issued, and 1,000 pending.

At this point in time it was expected 50,000 people would have obtained their CCW license. In fact only 18,000 state wide have applied. Reasons given by some are the tough demands for training and the appointment only requirements by some county sheriffs. Legistration is promised to address the unreasonable requirements. I've had my CCW permit for 8 weeks but haven't had the desire to carry even once yet.

A couple weeks ago there had been 20,000 licenses issued and thousands more being processed.

Some newspapers are purposely underreporting the number of licensees.

The car carry provisions in the law are also discouraging a lot of people.
I have not yet taken the state-required 12 hours of training or applied. I am waiting for the rush to pass and (maybe) cost to drop for the required training. Second, I am waiting for some things to be clarified. I don't want to be the test case for the car carry fiasco, etc. I don't care about having my name printed in the paper. I can be patient for a couple more months.
Henry, I took it from www.ppctraining.com - it was done very well and only cost $125. They have the classes at Greene Co. Fish & Game in Xenia, not too far from Cincy. Also has options for 2 day or 3 day courses.
Thanks Zaijain, I'll look them up. But I'm still going to wait a while longer.

The car carry thing is that it must be "in plain sight" in a holster on the person's person or locked in a case in plain sight or locked in the glove box (or unloaded in the trunk). Makes for unnecessary handling of loaded guns and revealing to the others in the vehicle that you are carrying (whether you are the driver or a passenger). Also no carrying at all where alcohol is served. (No 51% rule for restauraunts.)

For some, these are not any inconvenience. For most, as intended by the sponsers of the poison pill provisions, it is a significant inconvenience.
OR does a holster velcroed to the dash work?
The law says:
In a holster, plainly visible on the persons person

Legally speaking, 'on the persons person' could include sitting in your lap. This is fine if you are prepared to be the test case. Some people are suggesting that a holster strapped to the seatbelt is okay as it's in contact with you. The down side to that is if you get pulled over for some traffic violation, if you get out of the car it's no longer on you..

Fuzzy area, but I would suggest that velcro's to the dashboard is in no way going to cut it.
I've had my CCW permit for 8 weeks but haven't had the desire to carry even once yet

May I ask as to why you went thru the trouble of getting a CCW permit?

There are times that I dont feel the desire to carry either. But its that time that I worry I will be a victim.

Thats why my desire for survival overrides my desire not to carry.

Only time I dont carry is in the shower, or on base. Other than that, I am in some way able to defend myself and family if need be.
I applied the morning of the first day. Yes the car carry issue is rediculous. It is limiting, but it is do-able.

I would say quit waiting around and get out there and get your permits and start carrying. You don't have to carry all the time or carry in questionable ways, if you don't want tot be a "test" case, but at least start. If you want to carry that is, if not, then don't get it.
So you cant CC in a car, even with your CC permit? Am I reading this right?

had my CCW permit for 8 weeks but haven't had the desire to carry even once yet.
No offense dude, but thats kinda like me building a 600hp 514 stroker for my car, and never dropping the hammer. Whats the point?
Yes, you are reading it right. It has to be unconcealed in the car, or locked up. So, if I am carrying, when I get in the car, if I am with others, I have to unconceal in front of them. STUPID!

I conceal at home, go out to my car, unconceal (I don't think IWB is "open" enough, so I take it out and lock it up, then when I put it back on to carry I take it out of lock box and stick it in holster), drive a block up the road to the video store, take out my gun and conceal it, go into the store, come back out, pull out my gun and unconceal it, drive across the street to the cleaners, pull it out again and conceal it, go into store, come back out, pull out gun in car, etc, etc. So instead of handling it twice, at home, while I'm putting it on or taking it off, I handling it mulitple times throughout the day, in public parking lots. :rolleyes: :banghead:
The vehicle issue is a major deal-killer. The previous examples do not even approach things like motorcycles, public transport, etc. I still do not know how to get a pistol onto a private aircraft located at an airport owned by an educational institution.

Ohio got boned. IMO thinking that all these grey areas will be clarified anytime in, say, the next fifty years is optimistic. I sense a legislative "quit your whinin' you wanted CCW, you got it" in the offing.

I was far more comfortable doing what needed to be done in the past under the old affirmative defense code.
Stupid as it may sound, I really havent had the money lately. When you add in the appointment-only CRAP, and the fact that I WILL be going to an adjoining county to get it done....

But I will have to do it within the next few months, so that they will still honor my DD214. If I didnt have that, I wouldnt even bother. $45 for the permit, plus $300 or so the going rate for classes? They can kiss my....foot. heh I absolutely refuse to pay that much, even if I COULD afford it, which I cant. And with no provision for renewal, so unless they change things within the next few years, once the DD214 is no longer good enough for them, I wont renew after I get it.

Wish we could have gotten Vermont style. Ahh, to dream....
Why don't you carry?
May I ask as to why you went thru the trouble of getting a CCW permit?

I have never experienced a clear and present danger in my civilian life. Thats not to say it can't happen but living in a low crime area (pretty much my whole life) and avolding cess pools by choice (why would I go there anyhow?) its a matter of risk. Again, its not a guarantee but my judgement has been fine so far. Why did I get it? I work in a prison, unarmed with 55-60 max security inmates, elbow to elbow. That being said it seems foolish for me to CCW in the streets for protection from the (big maybe) "bad guys". The need could easily arise however (an angry discharged inmate?) and if it does I won't have to wait for a temporary permit.
No offense dude, but thats kinda like me building a 600hp 514 stroker for my car, and never dropping the hammer. Whats the point?
I haven't applied yet either. If and when I do, I'm pretty sure I won't carry either. Really, the whole point is that it's now MY decision, not some nanmby-pamby -dial 911 and pray-shaking in their shoes at the thought of an armed freeperson political-jack booted thug - or whatever.
G1FAL said: "....$45 for the permit, plus $300 or so the going rate for classes? They can kiss my....foot. heh I absolutely refuse to pay that much, even if I COULD afford it, which I cant. And with no provision for renewal,...."

There are provisions for renewal and I agree only a fool would pay $300. I've seen the training courses for as low as $50.

Just so you know that you don't have to send a fortune.
When was teh whole renewal thing worked out? Last I had heard, there was nothing in the law about renewing a license, meaning that you would have to take the classes all over again, or in the case of those of us with a DD214, take them the first time.
I paid $150 for the class - made an appointment with Franklin Co. a few days later (about 30 days out) - applied on a Friday afternoon and had the permit in my wallet before noon on the following Tuesday. Pretty painless....other than the $. And truthfully (I don't know why) ....I have not carried on my person since I got the permit. :uhoh:
I also live a pretty humdrum existance. I can't carry at work, I don't deal with the public, and I probably get out of the house after 8 pm about once a month - and that's to go to a bar where I can't carry anyway. It's nice to have a loaded one close by though, and to have the option to take it with me without running the risk of a felony conviction.
Funny story- The day I picked up my permit, I was walking back to my car and there was a young black guy walking ahead of me. He looked back over his shoulder at me, his eyes got real wide, and he took off running to his car. He kept looking at me while he fumbled with his car door- then he got the car started and drove over the baracades while still looking back at me. Methinks I don't look to friendly sometimes LOL.
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