OK, who changed their names from TFL?

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Used to be MGB (well I still am) but decided to go with a new name -- my favorite fictional radio character ;)
Nope. Same on most forums, unless it's been taken. What a wonderful Christmas present.
Fignozzle : unique, but somewhat nonsensical.

Felonious Monk : Unique, and appropriate on many levels.
--Love Jazz (especially bebop) and play jazz guitar.
--Used ta be...mildly felonious (okay, at least misdemeanorous :p )
--Am...interested in spiritual disciplines.

I understand comments about some people saying things behind a screen name they wouldn't say using their real name. That's not the case here, I'll tell you what I think regardless. Anybody that really wants to know me better will know my real name before long anyway.

We live in a litigious society, and (G-d forbid) if I ever should have to off a bad guy while protecting my family, I DO NOT want posts on a forum to be misquoted, misconstrued, or used against me in a court of law.

PLUS, gun-grabbers aren't the ONLY ones attempting to erode your rights and freedoms.
Personal privacy is my other soap box.
Hence, the nom de plume.

Glad to see all of you!

Thanks and BIG respect to you, Oleg, and your team. Site looks world-class!
Was JohnnyGotHisGun1 (just bought my first handgun at the time I registered with TFL).

Now, several years and a myriad guns later, its just doesn't fit.

Always loved the passage about Grond from the seige of Gondor in Return of the King.
Nope, same name, same no frills attitude. lol

Glad to be here. The collective knowledge base of TFL was irreplaceable. At least, so I thought until Oleg gave us a home.

Merry Christmas to all.....
I kept the same name. I have joined Gun-Talk, Thefireingrange, and now THR. I wan't sure where all the ex TFLers would end up so I joined all of them. :)

Not me... I'm cratz2 pretty much everywhere I go except eBay and glocktalk which, almost unbelievably, someone else already has cratz2 at both places.
Well this tiome I used my callsign from when I was the GLO with the 127th Wing of the MIANG: Blackcloud Six.

I was Fred S on TFL.
Not me. Still semi- hiding in the shadows.

The site feels like home folks...good work! :)
Stayed the same......TheFiringLine is the only site that I use JG as a username (also a car forum, but I haven't participated there in quite some time).

Not everything has to change. :cool:
I'm just plain Gomez. Anything fancier than that and I get confused. Of course, I'm pegomez, someplaces simply because I never thought about just plain Gomez when I first got on this internet thingy.
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