Oklahoma Researchers Test Drones That Can Detect Guns

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Nov 3, 2011
I just read this article. I realize that since much of this research is taking place in Oklahoma, it stands to reason that's where the testing will take place.

But I don't like it. 4473s, registration, ad infinitum. When did we accept the notion that government has a greater right to our personal information than we have a right to privacy? I enjoy walking around my father-in-law's farm armed to the teeth looking for ninja squirrels. Now I gotta worry about somebody spying on me?


A government report reveals testing in Oklahoma of drones with sensors that can find people and even tell if you are carrying a weapon. It's happening at a remote site near Fort Sill.

The publication Homeland Security Today says the testing is taking place at the Oklahoma Training Center for Unmanned Systems operated by Oklahoma State University. The group doing the work is "a trusted agent" of the federal government.

Nah, this could never become more than it was intended to be.

I guess we're heading for the time when the only reasonable expectation of privacy will be our personal thoughts.
all I can say is (colorful low-road language left out) WOW!

reasonable expectation of privacy will be our personal thoughts

"Slopes! 6079 Slopes S! You commit a crime-think."
Yeah, I live in OK and love to roam my father-in-law's farm armed to the teeth, in complete privacy, hunting for ninja squirrels. Now I gotta worry about being watched from above?

Perfect. Just perfect.
Yeah, I live in OK and love to roam my father-in-law's farm armed to the teeth, in complete privacy, hunting for ninja squirrels. Now I gotta worry about being watched from above?

Perfect. Just perfect.
Looks like you're going have to cart around Barrett M107 just in case.
I'd like to know the "point" in having this technology incorporated into UAVs, or what they are going to do with the information of who is carrying a firearm, and who isnt.

Unless you are trying to declare martial law and disarm the population (I see JoeSchmoe coming already, *puts on tin hat*), It doesn't seem relavent. Carrying a firearm is a perfectly legal activity throughout the large majority of this country.
Unless you are trying to declare martial law and disarm the population

Yeah, I could see that scenario in totalitarian states like california, colorado, new york, et al. But here in Oklahoma?

I also can see these "researchers" losing a few of these drones by some good old boys.
While there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe the tech couldn't/wouldn't be used here, there's a good chance the study is being funded for user overseas in war zones. With the way wars are fought among the citizenry nowadays, I can see the value in scanning a zone where a convoy may pass through.
I'm going to call my local legislators and ask them to open a hunting season for drones. I believe it will pass muster in Alabama.
cvman they test the stuff over there and use it here. anyone beating drums for war always seems to miss that
I can see the value in scanning a zone where a convoy may pass through

Definitely. But the question we must ask is, do local law enforcement agencies ever acquire military hardware?
So if you felt threatened by one of those things on your property, a 12 gauge would not be out or the question? It would also show that it worked.
The only place I can see this having a good use is in war zones where our soldiers are on the ground. Maybe along the border too but even then it blurs the line.
bush and obama said the whole world is a war zone. the worship of war among civilians who should know better has brought damicoles sword over our heads
Yeah, I could see that scenario in totalitarian states like california, colorado, new york, et al. But here in Oklahoma?

I also can see these "researchers" losing a few of these drones by some good old boys.
Promise. If i see one of those drones when im roaming around NEOK, I'll be one of those "good ole boys". Guess I'll keep a couple slugs handy when I'm in the turkey woods.
Drone (/Noun/- a male Bee, has no stinger, mates with Qween Bee and dies after, an unmaned aircraft remotely operated) words have meanings.

Things to consider: The media is not in the habit of calling it a UAV. Some can fly 65000ft and loiter for 24hrs. Each branch of the militay has at least three tiers of operation rainging from 1lb- 40000lbs in weight. Most aircraft flying over head go unnoticed or is only noticed by its contrail( passenger aircraft). Some are electricaly driven and have minimal noise, while others can cancel out thier own noise with electronics. Tactics dictate that the UAV flies close to the sun's position in the sky in relation to its target( to hedge its bets against beeing seen). Many can be operated via satellite any where on the globe. Some have stealth.

I am NOT a conspiracy theorist. I do not believe in ghosts or life from other worlds. All info given is public knowledge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_aerial_vehicle
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I read an article on this a week or so ago (don't have a link).

As I understand it, what they are doing is not detecting the weapon, but detecting the possibility that a person may be carrying a weapon using pattern recognition to analyze the shape of what a person may be holding, the way a person is standing or walking, and any gestures the person may make that are common to an armed person.
They already have drones flying over the southern US border. Alot of good that does....chris3
They should make one that detects your birth certificate, and fly it over the White House.
I don't think these drones detect guns. I think it's a thermal imager that is a little higher definition than usual, thus showing the position of a persons arms to see if they are shouldering a rifle or pointing a pistol.
Or a camera. Or a walking stick. The technology has been used by the military, but isn't as refined as the piece suggests. Anyway so what? So it can see if I'm carrying. If it comes down to a nation where anyone carrying is shot with rockets, then we have bigger problems than UAV's.
They already have drones flying over the southern US border. Alot of good that does....chris3
I think those are intended to prevent the Border Patrol from interfering with the drug cartels armed by our own Attorney General.
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