Oldest, ugliest, most lethal

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It's interesring that all the guns in the thread are shotguns or ss 22s except for the punt guns.

During the depression, my grandpa gave my father and uncle 2 10 ga. And 5 22 cartridges and they wewe expected to bring home supper + for 8 people. Suffice it to say my pop was a good wing shooter, tho I'm sure they potted birds when they could.
Theres plenty or hard used rifles here in the Arctic.
Some are right under the boat load of Salmon, some are bungied to the side of the gas tanks of a snowmachine.When you start walking , the sling does its job. Its wise to keep your rifle with you at all times.
The boat can carry all a guy wants to shoot, a snogo generally has 2 guns in various flavors generally amount to at least a 12 gauge, a .22 and/or some sort of high powered rifle. Maybe a pistol when riding across the tundra snow.
Most are spray painted in several layers of rust preventive Rustolium in a variety of flat colors. And again, when used in winter, Rusty from sea water and spray, the cold winters condensation, wrists in a variety of repair and pinning, cheeks dished out to accommodate a wide face and a hat tied down, most with open sights and most excellent bores, the outside is a going concern. Wood stocks are preferred so they can easily be shortend to compensate for heavy winter clothing, can be repaired easily enough and can be used as a source of dry kindling if an emergency came up.
Few scopes last, but among the oldest that Ive seen in constant use, I see Leupold lasts longest.
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