? on my future guns

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Nov 3, 2006
Riverside, California
i am 19, live in riverside california and have never been in trouble with the law. basically i am hardcore into guns, and plan on buying many more than the two i currently own (marlin 795, yugo mauser m24/47). i would like to buy some guns that are fully automatic. i have a couple of questions how to do this.

1. is thier a ffl license that i could get that allows me to own fully automatic weapons in california

2. what are the laws for storing guns in a california home, i looked on our state website and all it did was confuse the hell out of me with its jiber jaber :fire:

3. i want a C&R license, do i have to be 21

4. with a C&R license would i be able to buy fully automatic guns?
You're gonna need to leave CA if you want full auto stuff.

Storing guns.. they need to be out of the reach of children. If you have kids or kids are over your house, then they need to be locked up and inaccessable to the minors. If they get a hold of them and something happens, you'll be royally screwed.

I live alone and no kids are ever over my place. Long guns are locked in a gun cabinet and the XD is in a drawer by the bed. If for some reason a minor ever came over my house, I'd lock up the XD.
If at all possible, figure out a way to move out of the Peoples Republik of California. IMHO, it's gonna get worse everywhere, but the PRK is at the forefront of of any/all anti-gun laws. I live in NY, which is pretty bad, but not so bad as California. Most states are much better.
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