Only Through Secession can we achieve Liberty

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Glock Glockler

Uhmmm, last time I checked, West Virginia and Killington, VT were still part of the United States...

As for what two sovereign nations do with or for each other, I couldn't care less. Thats between the two governments.

Regarding one world government.... That must be your dream, not mine. Yours would be called Chaos. Everyman a government unto himself.

I read your links: They would good reads as well, although I do not completely agree with them. However, I don't believe that the South will ever secede again. There are too many Yankee infuences already. The Yankee campaign to colonize Dixie has been thorough, especially in Florida.

It would require a major collapse of the American political system for any serious debate about secession to begin in the South. If the Federal Government were to inact draconian gun confiscation, that would be the nexus for such event. But I don't expect that. Our right to keep and bear arms will be gradually infringed. There was no mass revolt over the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. There will be no mass revolt over the next series of infringements either.
Ok, so you're ok if parts of a state want to join another state or become a new indepentant state, you don't think a state should be able to seceed, yes?

Well, why not? Do you really think that Yugoslavia splitting up into many countries is the cause of the problems between the various peoples or is it the result of those problems?
I was born and raised in California. I have never even been to or in the South, so I'm gonna give an opinion. What used to be the "American culture", in terms of values, attitudes and tradition is lost, except for the South. Southerners remain the repository of real America and its values. If our country is to be returned to its roots, it will begin in the South.
Well, I've been to the South (lived there, too) and I wouldn't go making any such generalization. Plenty of folks in the rural parts of the Northeast, the Midwest, and the Southwest still very much uphold traditional American values. For anybody to even make such a statement insults all those people.
Plenty of folks in the rural parts of the Northeast, the Midwest, and the Southwest still very much uphold traditional American values

That's probably correct, although on more of an isolated basis rather than by communities, as in the South. Apologies to anyone I insulted.
I was born and raised in California. I have never even been to or in the South, so I'm gonna give an opinion. What used to be the "American culture", in terms of values, attitudes and tradition is lost, except for the South. Southerners remain the repository of real America and its values. If our country is to be returned to its roots, it will begin in the South.


You are proof that there is still intelligent life in California.

It is interesting to note that Southerners are the only available people group that you can make fun of in the media and entertainment these days.

I remeber when the new CBS TV series The Magnificent Seven came out back in 1998. The bad guys were ex-Confederate soldiers. They were terrorizing some Indian village, killing innocent people with no remorse. The original Magnificent Seven, the movie, was about Mexican bandits terrorizing a small Mexican village. They decided that it would be politically incorrect to show Mexican villains, so they made the villains Southerners. Nevermind the fact that there was absolutely no record of any band of ex-Confederate soldiers heading West to bully poor Indian villages. U.S. :eek: In fact, ex-Confederate soldiers were known for arming the Indians.

But they had to pick a bad guy, didn't they, so it had to be Southerners. Nobody cares if they offend Southerners. Southerners are often portrayed by Hollywood as backward, toothless, fanatically religious, intollerant, bigotted, uneducated, unintelligent, loud mouthed, poor, rude, riotous, intemperate, stubborn and lazy. And you wonder why some Southerners feel they would be happier being separated? :confused:
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