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Open Carry Day

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CBS, if thugs are going to kill you for something as trivial as a pair of shoes, they will kill you to see what change you might have in your pockets. By the time they get that close, it doesn't matter whether your gun is out in the open or not. In fact, by the time they get that close, it had better be in the open, and pointed at them!
so when is this? is it legal in michigan? who sponsers such an event? why have i not heard of this before? is it something new?
Exercising rights...

A good source map is located on www.opencarry.orgto see what states allow OC and the you'll be interested to find that only 7 (yeah seven) states completely ban OC.

First, I have been to this site (www.opencarry.org) before - but I found it informative. Thanks Prometheus for the info.

A couple quick thoughts.

During the cold war we used to go thru exercises of our US/UK rights under terms of the end of WWII. The Soviets and East Germans used to attempt every year to roll these back. If we let them get away with it at any time it was considered a precedent and they would make it part of their routine the next year. Every Year we would run an armored column of US and Brits down the highway from West Germany to Berlin. The East Germans, doing the bidding of their Soviet masters, would try to stop our column to check IDs or some other paperwork drill. Our Captain or LT in the front column would tell them that we were not doing any paperwork drills and insist on passing the check point. Sometimes we would have a standoff while the diplomats sent strong messages back and forth. We never failed to make the trip, a Battalion-sided unit going into the mouth of a huge armored military beast just to make our point that we were not giving up our rights to access Berlin.

We did learn the hard way that giving even an inch would eventually lead to giving a yard, and then a mile.

How does my snippet of history relate to OC? We did not exercise this everyday, but we did do it every year to make sure, that by default we did not lose the right our WWII vets earned. I don't think the demonstration of Open Carry is a tactical matter; it is a political matter of exercising your rights, those that are even more fundamental then those we won in WWII in my access to Berlin example. I think is wise to recognize that the way we do this is almost as important as doing it. Who is the target audience?

general voters, law-abiding citizens who are inclined to afraid of guns, law enforcement folks, thugs (e.g., would be home-invaders, car-jackers)?​

If I am right about the audience for an open carry demonstration, the audience is not the folks we find here on THR. If I am right about the audience (for either a demo of rights day or occasional personal demo of rights and personal protection), then I think the best way to communicate with these very different audiences is to carry with total confidence (not bravado) and to portray and image of an upstanding citizen in dress and behavior.

  • general voters: see someone who looks responsible carrying...who otherwise seems perfectly normal and able to discuss OC. CC, 2A, John Lott's research (e.g., More Guns, Less Crime)
  • law-abiding citizens who are inclined to afraid of guns: see someone who looks responsible carrying...will probably think you are LE...
  • law enforcement folks: see someone who looks responsible carrying...who may just see a positive contributor to deterrence of crime...
  • thugs: see someone who could have been a target who looks responsible carrying...making them wonder is this area may be a little high-risk, leaving them to want to move to a gun-control area.

All IMHO, as usual.
Mainsail said:
Gang of street thugs steals your wife’s purse and runs off? Tough nuts for you and her, your ‘element of surprise’ does nothing for you.

Are you for real??? Let's say I'm walking down the sidewalk (sidearm showing) with my wife and a few street thugs who are also armed see this. This is now an even greater cause for them to run up behind and just kill me outright during a robbery (they'd be removing any potential threat). As for the purse snatching while concealed carry, they can have the purse and nobody has to die. Purse snatching is not to be matched with deadly force.

Gang of street thugs jump out of the shadows, armed with a gun or knife, before you can react? It looks like the surprise is on you. They get your wallet and your concealed weapon. If you’re lucky, they won’t shoot you with your own gun merely for the irony.

Concealed carry is not as "slow to the draw" as the misinformed might suspect. Pull a knife on me and I'll put 3 in him before he could get close enough... and that's the God's honest truth! I have practiced many years from a concealed quick draw. There are others here too who have amazing drawing speeds from the point of concealed carry and they're pretty accurate.

Gang of street thugs surrounds you and taunts you like they do in the movies?

Like they do in the movies... Hmmm... Movies don't mean squat when it comes to reality.

As for me, I have a lofty goal of going my entire life without ever shooting anyone. I don’t want to surprise a criminal; I want them to avoid me. Personally, I think that many of the people who espouse the ‘element of surprise, are secretly hoping they’ll get to shoot someone. The only surprise they’ll experience will be their own. Criminals aren’t the zombies some are hoping for; they’re smart, street savvy, and cunning. They’re far better at the whole robbery business than any of us. If you don’t believe me, come on out to Tacoma and walk around a while, you’ll get your chance to ‘surprise’ a robber.

You want them to avoid you... and so that gun proudly displayed is your magical instrument in the prevention of any and all crime from ever entering your inner circle. If you really want to take the first step in avoiding most of these situations you brought up, don't walk in such areas where there is a greater propensity for such criminal activity. I wouldn't take a stroll along Joseph Avenue or Jay Street in my city with two guns showing, if you know what I mean. Avoid the bad areas in Tacoma altogether in the first place, or would you be strolling down in those districts for some special reason?.. not my business anyways.

Hypothetical 1: What would open carry do in another DC sniper copy cat crime that would be anymore different from concealed carry? If the man pumping gas shows his sidearm, he's three to four times safer at the pump while standing in the cross hairs than the man carrying concealed??

Hypothetical 2: How about a deranged gunman who's concealing, just doesn't care about your gun showing because he doesn't care at all about life, pulls out his pistol, first wipes you out and does it so fast you wouldn't even know what hit you, shoots another 3 or 4 innocents, then ends his own life? Again, where did open carry get you that would be any different from concealed carry?

Open carry all you want. Just understand that everyone has their own unique preferences. Because some choose to cover it up, this doesn't mean they're any less of a proud gun owner or any less a supporter of the Second Amendment than the person who wants to show it off.
This whole open carry discussion kind of irritates me. I did so today and no one looked at me funny or said anything.

I carry concealed every day. On days when I don't work I carry openly (or after I get off work).

I never gave it a second thought until I started reading posts on THIS board. Somehow, someone has made people think they are second-class citizens if they open carry.

If someone asks me why I'm carrying openly I have one answer "It is my right."

But, even though I open carry about 100 days a year, no one has asked that question. (Have to admit I had to tell an LEO why I had five guns in my truck once.) Hmmm, had five today too...

Oops, it was six, forgot about my BUG.

I have to question - if you are afraid of acknowledging you have a gun on your person, how willing would you be to use it when needed?

Paid $114 for a concealment holster today. Of that 64 was for hand-tooling. Guess I wouldn't have paid that if no one was ever going to see it.

I'm wondering, does it take more huevos to carry openly than it does to shoot a BG?

If not, why are so many people worried about it being known they carry a gun?

If I'm not representing someone else there can be no question - I'm carrying - openly.
If not, why are so many people worried about it being known they carry a gun?

You have to understand something. You're in AZ, things are a little different out there. Other states are full of people that aren't used to seeing a citizen with a gun and they can really make a stink.

I'm concerned about OC mainly because I don't want the cops called or have to constantly deal with social confrontation.
In Wisconsin open carry is legal, with the usual exceptions. I have been doing it for over 40 years while trout fishing or bow hunting the northern part of the state. The only time I had a problem was being checked by a DNR warden while trout fishing, for bag limit and license, and he noticed the ruger 4 inch .357 on a shoulder rig. He asked "what in hell do you need that for?" I really wanted to give the obvious answer, but a simple reply was "It's my right, as I am in the backwoods alot." No futher discussion on that subject. I am all for open carry, I feel we should also be able to open carry on all terain vehicles. The problem in our state is that the general population are considered lawbreakers, the various agencys just have to catch you in the act of breaking the law. Open carry on the public streets will get you a disorderly conduct citation, I am informed. I am unaware if this charge would be upheld, anyone with information on this subject please advise.
tblt said:
I'm not going to jail
get put in jail day

Do you have anything productive to add?
If you don't want to OC because it's illegal in your jurisdiction, or for any other reason; that's just fine. Nobody is going to make you.

As for me and many others here, I can and have OC'd with absolutely no fear of going to jail. OC is legal, the police know it, and they're fine with it.
It would not be nice for open-carry advocates to seek out CCW threads and point out why we wouldn't carry concealed. It would be off topic, pointless, unproductive, and rude.

Which is why we don't do that.

Now, how about we drag this thread back on topic?

I'm feeling left out, since I'm in this open carry state. Not much I can do to help. :(
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