Open carry is the norm, what would you carry?

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Think Renaissance Europe or Feudal Japan where the samurai and gentlemanly classes routinely carried swords, except extend the idea to the whole of the populace in modern times.

I picked full sized Glocks before I realized you were thinking along these lines.

But I can’t think of anything that fits my personality better than a Glock. I would show the world just how prestigious I am not. Boring, not pretty, but effective. Like an old truck or work boots.
Think Renaissance Europe or Feudal Japan where the samurai and gentlemanly classes routinely carried swords, except extend the idea to the whole of the populace in modern times.

During the Meji government of the 1850's, carrying a sword in Japan was severely punished. So sword makers started making Shirasaya swords. Swords hidden inside bamboo or other wood walking "canes." In essence, they developed real concealed carry on a large scale.

If open carry were the only legal method, I would not carry. Not without a very good retention holster first.
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I am not a fan of open carry and whenever I see somebody open carrying, knowing they have the option to CC, it just makes me wonder about them and their choice. It's none of my business but I just want to ask them why.

But, if for some reason we are in a world where concealed carry is out, and OC is the norm......I think I'd open carry a Glock 19.... the only reason I carry a 43 is because it's smaller and easier to conceal, if concealment wasn't a concern I don't think the weight or bulk of a 19 would bother me at all, I've found the 19 to be just a lil bit much for CC EDC......the 43 is a good compromise.
Ohio has had legal open carry for decades. Still does. I never open carried and didn't start carrying at all until they passed the law for concealed carry a few years ago. With all due respect I feel that open carry is disrespectful to others and their children. It's intrusive. Maybe I was raised wrong but my opinion on this is very strong. I have no disrespect for anyone that does not share this opinion.
I'm closing this one based on my experience with past open carry threads. They never end well. Ever. It's just one of those topics that causes a strong emotional response for both sides, then things get said, infractions get issued, feelings get hurt, and people get banned. Do as you see fit and is legal where you live and allow that others may chose to do it differently.
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