Open carry vs. Concealed

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It's A Density Thing

When only a few people carry, there is wisdom in discretion.

When carry becomes relatively commonplace, then open carry becomes quite viable.

Imagine: You are in a bank with twenty other people, and nine of you are carrying open, while some others are carrying concealed. A small group of thugs walks in, looks around, decides this is not their day.

If every 5th person on the street is packing iron in the open, the very idea of assaulting someone in that environment would be laughable.

I look forward to the day when I have to decide whether to wear a dress holster or just plain leather. The clients we're meeting are likely to expect something more upscale, so the dress holster it is.

Man, I would REALLY like to have the chance to LIVE that line: an armed society is a polite society.

We need to hurry up and bring enlightenment to our culture. I want to have that holster problem.
When only a few people carry, there is wisdom in discretion.

When carry becomes relatively commonplace, then open carry becomes quite viable.
Now I might agree with this, except that carry of any kind has never really been relatively commonplace. Not statistically as it relates exclusively to handguns - open or concealed - where codified by constitution (state) or simply not prohibited. Historically in earlier times it was more common for poorer people - the greater number - to keep a rifle handy. Because a rifle often served two key purposes - protection and food. Many such folk could not afford a decent rifle and a decent handgun. On the other hand, many more affluent people tended to live in or around cities, bought their food, and perhaps carried a handgun.

Placing this kind of condition on removing prohibitions on open carry are going to keep it moribund. Discouraging open carry where there are no current prohibitions is going to reduce the commonality of handgun carry - because in many jurisdictions many people simply can not afford the taxes and related costs of concealed carry. From there it will die a natural political death.

Open carry can be rightfully promoted on sound reason and logic with simple historical hindsight. Concealed carry is fine too - as long as it is not limted by permission and taxation. The former is a matter of the rights of any free man or woman, the latter of financial oppression - a sort of government form of racketeering.

One of my friends just showed me his XBox game

called "Condemned" Criminal Minds, and it is a pretty cool "escape the rooms" game where you are a police officer pursuing a serial killer through an abandoned factory.
What brought me to my senses was that in the second room, an addict high on some potent methamphetamine rushed me with a crowbar and I had to shoot him 4 times with my service weapon to get him down. I told my friend that some criminal threats are hard to netralize, especially if they are stoned on something, which makes them immune to pain, emotion, and reason. The meth just turns them into vicious werewolves, and if they see you, they will just try to tear your jugular open with their knife, teeth, whatever they got.

I then thought about my thread "Open carry" and saw that neither would deter such a crazed individual, but me, I choose concealed carry, anywhere, anytime. The only place I would open carry is at an SAS match or cowboy action event.:)
I hope you aren't basing your defensive strategies on a video game

Seriously what percentage of criminals are raging 'werewolf' methheads or deranged individuals and what is your likelihood of running into one? I'm just saying that there are lot more criminals who would be detered by an openly armed individual than emboldened. In the situation you described I'll take a open carry and a faster draw time than trying to pull a weapon from concealment any day.
Interesting Anecdote From PDO

Believe it or not.

From Bruce Bremer:
"RE: Actually she could have carried, BUT

pvancleave wrote:

she would have to open carry and that is very difficult for women since their clothing is not usually conducive that such a thing.

Philip, you are absolutely right in that. However, the requirement of this law is a stupid hassle that was designed to be a stupid hassle for those opting to get the permit. You and I both open carry in a restaurant all the time. Also, a valid point that women's clothing and build do not readily lend themselves to open carry.

I think my greatest complaint is the politically correct zeitgeist (German for spirit of the age) that keeps people from even considering the idea of arming themselves. That's why I open-carry much more than I need to... to enlighten the masses.

For example, last month my wife and I took a walk in Norfolk's upscale Ghent neighborhood. I had a full-sized service pistol (Beretta 96FS) in open-carry. We got 2 blocks down 21st Street when we met a young family pushing a stroller, infant inside. I said "Good evening." to them and the young lady said, "Please be careful. There's a nut-case following us and he's been screaming, yelling, and threatening us for blocks."

I turned so she could see what I was carrying and she said, "Oh good! Can we stand next to you?" I said "Sure." and we started talking like old friends. Soon enough here comes nut-case, sled and all... screaming, cursing, and making threats. when he looked at me, I turned so he could see my piece and he backed off about six paces, still screaming and yelling.

I don't know what was said between husband and wife, but I imagine it went something like, "Why don't you get one of those, honey?"
Longwatch: You make sense but I was just pondering

I work on the railroad, and many of my jobs are in the yard, heavy duty welding, lifting, pushing, switching and maintenence jobs. I encountered several beastly fellows in the yards before at night, mostly drunken vagrants. Luckily, I never had to and never did confront them, but some of them acted like they were one some drugs or something, or maybe mental illness? Don't know but many things go bump in the night. Thankfully, my Colt M-1911 or my Navy LeMat will bump back if needed.:)
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