Organized Children and Guns?

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Having read the article I'm puzzled as to when you consider this event to have been "under control" in the first place.

My point was pretty clear, I think--the guy intervened in what was an act (or multiple acts) of property damage to a neighboring home. Not cool, but not a situation that threatened life or limb. After his intervention, it became a potentially deadly confrontation, culminating in him displaying a rifle. Hope that clarifies; did you have a point?
did you have a point?
Yes, in fact I did have a point.

According to the information available, there was no period when this situation was "under control" or calming down. You seem to have the opinion that somehow the neighbor "escalated" the situation but I propose the thought that an out-of-control group actively destroying a residence <does anyone know if it was an occupied residence?> is about as escalated as it gets.

Perhaps it is just a difference in where we live but in my area if someone was tearing up a neighbors house that would be considered a threat to the entire neighborhood and there would be a response by, at minimum, the neighboring households, more likely a response by the block.
Protecting someone else's property from vandalism, damage or theft is not viewed as a legitimate justification for the use of deadly force, or the threat of deadly force, in many jurisdictions...

Protecting someone else's property from vandalism, damage or theft is not viewed as a legitimate justification for the use of deadly force, or the threat of deadly force, in many jurisdictions

Lee, that's not what happened here.

A mob was tearing up the neighbors place, this guy stepped out and basically said "quit that". The mob then started to come after him at which point he retrieved a weapon for self defense which had the fortunate effect of dispersing the mob.

When someone telling bad people to stop what they are doing and leave is held at fault for "escalating" a situation something has gone terribly awry in our society.
something has gone terribly awry in our society

Many things have gone terribly awry in our society, but that's too broad a discussion to enter on here. The fact that, in many places in this 'awry' society, a citizen might well be taken to task - or to jail - for threatening mere boisterous youths with a rifle is but one of them.

I understand reasonably well how this specific situation developed and evolved. Fortunately for this particular homeowner, in his case, in his jurisdiction, he was neither taken to task nor to jail for his actions. To anticipate that would be the case anywhere else is likely asking too much of this awry society, however.

One episode in one locality does not define a national reality... know your local reality as best you can, and do your best to abide by it.

You seem to have the opinion that somehow the neighbor "escalated" the situation but I propose the thought that an out-of-control group actively destroying a residence <does anyone know if it was an occupied residence?> is about as escalated as it gets.

Well, the truth is that he did escalate it. I don't think that was his intention. He just wanted to get the little jerks to stop destroying his neighbor's property, but his confronting the twerps resulted in them redirecting their aggression. Again, not justifiable, but at least a foreseeable consequence.

However, don't mistake my clinical--and perhaps, in your mind, incorrect--dissection of the events as suggesting that I wouldn't do the same thing. I actually think it's laudable. But, I also think that this is the sort of situation where, in many jurisdictions, this guy could have ended up with charges being pressed against him.
something has gone terribly awry in our society

Many things have gone terribly awry in our society, but that's too broad a discussion to enter on here. The fact that, in many places in this 'awry' society, a citizen might well be taken to task - or to jail - for threatening mere boisterous youths with a rifle is but one of them.

I understand reasonably well how this specific situation developed and evolved. Fortunately for this particular homeowner, in his case, in his jurisdiction, he was neither taken to task nor to jail for his actions. To anticipate that would be the case anywhere else is likely asking too much of this awry society, however.

One episode in one locality does not define a national reality... know your local reality as best you can, and do your best to abide by it.

Your Correct this issue falls into YMMV depending on your local Laws. In TX we have a lot more liberty in this area that other states. As it been stated here at THR know your local and state laws and follow them.
From the article:

These kids don't realize the tyranny they're bringing on the community. Instead of being a good productive citizen to this country, they want to be thugs...

While I agree with the second sentence, I don't agree with the first.

These "kids" are FULLY aware of the tyranny they're bringing within their respective communities, and that is EXACTLY why they perform such acts. They WANT to instill fear, as in their minds, that is FUN, and they WANT to be identified as a "tyrant" / thug.

Ignore the age and focus on behavior IMO. Threatening behavior from a "kid" is just as dangerous, and needs to be stopped like any other threatening behavior.
simply put, they have nothing to stop them, except fear and/or pain

That statement is too broad to be acceptable. I know a large number of "kids" from ages in single digits to almost adults that do not in any way fit that description.
simply put, they have nothing to stop them, except fear and/or pain
That statement is too broad to be acceptable. I know a large number of "kids" from ages in single digits to almost adults that do not in any way fit that description.

IMHO, children are sociopaths until properly taught otherwise.
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