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Owner of broken rifle surrenders for 30-month sentence

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Dec 28, 2007

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Owner of broken rifle surrenders for 30-month sentence
'The conviction of David Olofson is a gross miscarriage of justice'
Posted: July 02, 2008
11:30 pm Eastern


A Wisconsin man today surrendered to federal authorities to begin serving a 30-month prison term for having a broken rifle, prompting the Gun Owners of America to issue a warning about the owner's liability should any semi-automatic weapon ever misfire.

"A gun that malfunctions is not a machine gun," Larry Pratt, executive director of GOA, said. "What the [federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives] has done in the [David] Olofson case has set a precedent that could make any of the millions of Americans that own semi-automatic firearms suddenly the owner [of] an unregistered machine gun at the moment the gun malfunctions."

Officials with Gun Owners of America told WND they met with Olofson today before he surrendered to federal authorities for his prison term. U.S. District Judge Charles Clevert had imposed the sentence after the gun in question let loose three shots at a firing range.

"It didn't matter the rifle in question had not been intentionally modified for select fire, or that it did not have an M16 bolt carrier … that it did not show any signs of machining or drilling, or that that model had even been recalled a few years back," said a commentary in Guns Magazine on the case against Olofson, of Berlin, Wis.

"It didn't matter the government had repeatedly failed to replicate automatic fire until they replaced the ammunition with a softer primer type. It didn't even matter that the prosecution admitted it was not important to prove the gun would do it again if the test were conducted today," the magazine said. "What mattered was the government's position that none of the above was relevant because '[T]here's no indication it makes any difference under the statute. If you pull the trigger once and it fires more than one round, no matter what the cause it's a machine gun.'

"No matter what the cause."

"David Olofson is a victim of BATFE abuse," Pratt said. "He has been railroaded by an agency that is out-of-control."

An appeal is being assembled by a legal team at the William J. Olson, P.C., law firm, supplemented by attorney Bob Sanders, whose career stretches from being assistant director of criminal investigations at BATFE to many years in private trial law, officials said.

Constitutional expert Herb Titus also is counsel to the Olson law firm.

WND reported earlier when Olofson, a drill instructor in the National Guard, was convicted in a federal court for illegally transferring a machine gun.

The verdict came in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

An expert witness said then the decision was filled with problems.

"If your semiautomatic rifle breaks or malfunctions you are now subject to prosecution. That is now a sad FACT," wrote Len Savage, a weaponry expert who runs Historic Arms LLC.

"To those in the sporting culture who have derided 'black guns' and so-called 'assault weapons'; Your double barreled shotgun is now next up to be seized and you could possibly be prosecuted if the ATF can get it to 'fire more than once,'" he wrote in a blog run by Red's Trading Post.

"Hey, but don't worry," Savage said. "The people testing it have no procedures in writing and the testing will be in secret."

He said during an interview with Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership that Olofson had been instructing a man in the use of guns, and the student asked to borrow a rifle for some shooting practice.

"Mr. Olofson was nice enough to accommodate him," Savage said. So the student, Robert Kiernicki, went to a range and fired about 120 rounds. "He went to put in another magazine and the rifle shot three times, then jammed."

He said the rifle, which was subject to a manufacturer's recall because of mechanical problems at one point, malfunctioned because of the way it was made.

Savage said once the government confiscated the gun, things got worse.

"They examined and test fired the rifle; then declared it to be 'just a rifle,'" Savage said. "You would think it would all be resolved at this point, this was merely the beginning."

He said the Special Agent in Charge, Jody Keeku, asked for a re-test and specified that the tests use "soft primered commercial ammunition."

"FTB has no standardized testing procedures, in fact it has no written procedures at all for testing firearms," Savage said. "They had no standard to stick to, and gleefully tried again. The results this time...'a machinegun.' ATF with a self-admitted 50 percent error rate pursued an indictment and Mr. Olofson was charged with 'Unlawful transfer of a machinegun.'. Not possession, not even Robert Kiernicki was charged with possession (who actually possessed the rifle), though the ATF paid Mr. Kiernicki 'an undisclosed amount of money' to testify against Mr. Olofson at trial," Savage said.

I still say there is alot more to this story then has been made publicly known.
OK. I'm quite a bit agitated now that I have read the affadavit below. Assuming it is true and the article above is incredibly misleading - I had to rescind my previous post.

Wow. I am going to hold my thoughts about GOA close. I think you would have to read the whole trial to get an accurate depiction about what actually happened. Either way, the guy was breaking laws by acting as a dealer. I would reserve judgement until I got a review of the facts. I don't even know if that is going to happen.
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Pay particular attention to Item 7 and Item 10 and Item 12 and Item 13 and Item 17 and Item 20 and Item 23. Read those items over thoroughly. Olofson had installed a 3-position M16 selector, which is a real no no. Whatever else was installed or modified internally is known only to the immediate participants.

A stock factory AR15 was modified with an M16 selector at the very least, and quite likely other parts changed or modified. This is a federal crime.

This is an issue that NOBODY concerned about this case will acknowledge or admit to. Instead, everyone goes into Hyper Rant Mode about Second Amendment issues and JBT's.

The sad fact is, he illegally modified an AR15 and loaned it out to some nimrod who didn't have enough sense to leave that third selector position alone at a public range.

Well this whole thing sounds like much ado about nothing given the fact that he installed a select fire system onto an AR-15, something that all of us know better not to do...
I didn't know a gun slam firing was considered a machine gun.
To anyone thinking this guy is innocent: READ THAT AFFIDAVIT! If it's true, he modified his AR-15 illegally.
Isn't it amazing how so many people get worked up into a mass fever of outrage, resentment, retribution and scorn, while totally ignorant and wrong regarding the facts. Kind of like invading another country without the actual facts.

What fears motivate people to charge off without actual facts ?
This is yet another reason I will never support the GOA. They are deliberately misleading their supporters and attempting to mislead the country that the ATF is some boogeyman organization trying to throw you in jail for no reason.

If they had any integrity they'd discuss all the details or apologize for intentionally misleading everyone.
It also states he was selling guns on Ebay. Since when can you sell guns on ebay?

Other than that though, it also said he had no FFL.

Obviously, the guy was some mall ninja doing crooked and was busted. Case closed.
The guns broke, it jams and only certain ammo runs in it. Its not a machine gun.......
I hope the weather is decent in that private little world of yours. I won't waste my time trying to help you see why it is indeed a machinegun under the law.
Must be allot of machine guns out there, since a gun malfunction is considered a MG.

If they wanted to charge him for installing an illegal part, then fine but to classify it as a machine gun is incorrect.
you obviously did not read the affidavit, even though you claim you did. read the affidavit.
PTK said:
I hope the weather is decent in that private little world of yours. I won't waste my time trying to help you see why it is indeed a machinegun under the law.


No doubt. But, I'll bite for now:

Illegal modifications to bolt and selector switch with the express intention of making the gun fire in a select-fire capacity. And, in-fact, producing a gun that did fire in that capacity.

This guy should have had enough sense to know that what he was doing was illegal, and he is now going to jail for it.
This guy was assembling/selling weapons without a proper ffl.....his azz is toast!:uhoh:

PTK , I did read the charges and he's in dutch for allot more then having a illegal weapon!:(

That would be correct. Illegally dealing in arms, illegal conversion of an arm to FA without registering it, etc. A real dummy.
Initially all you heard about this case was that the rifle in question misfired (ie broke). You later read that David Olofson had some other things going on that were also illegal. He appears to deserve to be in jail in accordance with current law. He screwed his life up himself and now he's paying the price.

Whether or not a broken firearm that will go into full auto mode is in itself illegal remains to be seen relative to ownership. I don't know the answer to this quesion.
Even the 3-Position selector would have have had no effect on the operation of the rifle without also having an M16 disconnect, which...on the older SP-1 rifles...also required an M16 trigger due to the "tail" on the M16 disconnect.

There's also a question on the hammer and bolt carrier. The stock AR15 hammer and bolt carrier have mating angles that work to capture each other and bring both bolt carrier and hammer to a dead stop should the hammer fail to engage the disconnect. The angle can be seen in the bolt carrier at the lower front. The angle on the hammer is left over after removal of the upper hook present on the M16 hammer.

These angles are arranged so that in the event of a failed or modified disconnect...the hammer will fall into the bolt's path and up into the angle on the carrier...making it impossible for either one to move.

I agree that there's more to this than we've seen reported.
from what I havew seen on ARFCOM where mr olfolson was a member there seems to be some odd things happening, He was charged merely with the transfer of a machine gun, he had some m16 internal parts installeed by the factory, and as for gun selling he helped people assemble EBR kits from kits bought from ffls, The factory m16 parts were previously said to be legal by the ATF in a letter to the manufactorer that the atf barred fro being wentered as evidence and as for the selector switch if that is true tthere are a few EBRS that have one as a cosmetic thing that does not work I have seen a couple on ARFCOM with faecitious comments where the auto would be.

E.G. Single, Safe, SHTF or Happy Switch.

From reading lots of different infomation I still think there is something odd about the case aas transferring not manufactoring as a charge and the pressure and smear tactics used by the ATF.
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