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People Are Getting Wacky

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Speculating as to his motives is probably useless but it sure sounds like something had him upset. Steeling from someone in broad daylight who already knows who you are. Nuts.
The OPs story is unusual - very odd for a regular customer that they know, have paperwork on, is likely on CCTV cameras, etc. to rob a GUN STORE. :what: Frankly he's lucky the didn't shoot him because they would have been within their rights. He is now ARMED and commiting a dangerous felony. How do they know he doesn't have a full magazine in his pocket and put it in the gun..?

But it's nothing new, really. If you watch forensic files or worlds dumbest criminals, desperate and dumb people do all sorts of things for what amounts to only a few dollars that they probably could have begged or borrowed from someone. People literally commit murder and armed robberies for a few bucks, despite the penalties and the likelihood of getting caught especially with video tapes, forensic science, detective work, etc.
Wonder if this was a premeditated plan with some sort of endgame that we'll learn of soon. Just sounds like an idiot did something extremely stupid. Very, very odd. If he didn't realize that they knew exactly who he was and that the gun's SN would forever be attached to this incident, he's ranking high on the Darwin list.
multiple personality disorder----naw

some people are just estranged from their own inner selves

thusly when they do something that they can not even explain for themselves, how are we supposed to?
could it be that the man has lost his job? perhaps he has already sold off anything else worth value to maintain his house + buy necessities. Maybe he thought he'd get away with it for some reason.
who knows?

It is a shame that that is too true. I am a firm believer in capitalism, but greed is never good no matter what Michael Douglas says.

so... what you are saying is, you are NOT a firm believer in capitalism... Gotcha

I so love all the hand wringers complaining about greed... yet, they don't seem to turn down raises or if someone wanted to give them $10 mil to play baseball, they would jump at the chance...

"Greed is ok for me, but not for thee" attitude.
What gets me most are the nut jobs robbing (aggravated robbery), people for 2 or 3.00. They're doing it in broad daylight more often now and many of them are 14 to 19yrs old. IMO it's worse and will be getting worse as the weather starts warming up. I also shoot with some LEO's and what they're telling me scares the hell out of me. They told me less then `1/3 of the crimes are actually being reported because it "creates" a bad image for the city. Gang activity is high and the reason the gun crimes for little or nothing in return is they're "proving" themselves in order to be a full gang member. What they are seeing is more violence in the crimes over the past few years.
I so love all the hand wringers complaining about greed... yet, they don't seem to turn down raises or if someone wanted to give them $10 mil to play baseball, they would jump at the chance...

"Greed is ok for me, but not for thee" attitude.

You are making blind assumptions about me. I wanted to go to law school. I took the test and all of that. I didn't go to law school because I didn't have any desire to work eighty hours a week for a huge paycheck and couldn't afford to pay for my education on the type money I would be making in a small town prosecutor's office. My free time was more important to me. I like my job now. It doesn't pay much and I have had one raise in the last five years. That kind of takes the wind out of that arguement.

And, I agree. People have always been wacky. I think they're just getting wackier.
Is it possible that this long time customer is an elderly gentleman that has reached an age where he's becoming confused a bit?
Duke of Doubt said it better than I could. We live in an age of self absorbed entitlement. And when expectations are disappointed, those folks get angry, indignant, and yes, sometimes criminal. Some folks have pathalogical impulse problems. Out of an era, of self indulgent grown people, lacking a moral code, may come more criminals.
I believe hso's question might have a lot of merit here. That or he's not worried about being caught because he's planning on ending it with a really nice pretty gun.
Is it possible that this long time customer is an elderly gentleman that has reached an age where he's becoming confused a bit?

That's not the impression I left with. In fact, it was mentioned that he works at one of the local big box hardware stores.
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