Perspectives: 'Sudden Jihad Syndrome' - A reason to carry firearms for self-defense

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Perspectives: 'Sudden Jihad Syndrome' - A reason to carry firearms for self-defense

I have compiled (quite easily, I might add) a list of murders and attempted murders carried out by Muslims acting on the basis of what the founder of Islam taught them.

Convinced that they will go to heaven if they die killing infidels who Mohammed taught his followers to hate, some Muslims don't bother joining al Qaeda or some other organized band of thugs. They get so filled with hatred from hearing Islamic sermons and visiting jihadi web sites that they decide to become freelance Jihadis.

The condition is recognizable and has been labeled Sudden Jihad Syndrome (SJS) -- although some people are unable, or unwilling, to recognize SJS. Politically correct spokesmen for the FBI and other agencies seem to be under orders to issue a denial that a SJS-related murder could possibly have anything to do with Islam.

The rest of the population should come to grips with the fact that many in America are susceptible to SJS. The best antidote for many SJS-related acts of terrorism is a bullet fired from the gun of a prospective victim.

The following list is offered to show that SJS is a reality, and that rational Americans should be prepared to deliver the most effective known antidote – a bullet administered at the first sign of an outbreak of SJS.

March 1994 – Rashid Baz, a Muslim from Lebanon, opened fire on a van containing members of the Lubavitch Hassids in Brooklyn. One was killed.

February 1997 – Palestinian-born Ali Abu Kamal opened fire on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, killing a tourist and injuring six other people before committing suicide. His daughter, Linda Kamal, said in 2007 that the family is tired of lying and admitted that a letter had been found on her father's body explaining his Muslim hatred for Israel and America.

July 2002 – Egyptian-born Hesham Mohammed Hadayet walked into the Israeli Airlines El Al terminal at the Los Angeles airport and began shooting Jews. He killed two and injured another four. He was known to sympathize with al Qaeda.

September 2002 – Patrick Gott killed one and wounded another in the New Orleans airport. He had entered the terminal with a shotgun and his Koran.

October 2002 – John Mohammed and Lee Malvo killed 13 people in the Washington, DC area. Both were converts to Islam and had attended a jihad training camp in southwestern Virginia.

August 2003 – Mohammed Ali Alayed almost totally decapitated his erstwhile Jewish friend, Ariel Sellouk, following Alayed’s getting serious about his Islamic faith. He went to a mosque after killing Sellouk.

October 2005 – Joel Henry Hinrichs III, a convert to Islam, was an engineering student at Oklahoma University. His student career ended when a bomb he had strapped on himself went off prematurely outside a crowed stadium, killing only himself. Police subsequently cleared explosives from the apartment that Hinrichs had shared with Muslim students from Pakistan.

April 2006 – Muslim Ayhan Surucu was so angry when his sister started to wear make-up and date men in Berlin, Germany, that he put a gun to her head at a bus stop and killed her. Boys at a nearby school, attended mainly by the children of immigrant Muslim families, cheered and applauded when news of the murder reached them.

May 2006 – Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill student, rented an SUV and drove it through a crowded part of the campus-- intentionally trying to hit people and wounding nine. In a series of letters to the student newspaper, he explained that he acted in obedience to Koranic dictates.

June 2006 – Michael Ford, a Muslim convert, walked into work at a Safeway warehouse in Denver and opened fire on his coworkers, killing one and injuring five. Relatives explained that he was being teased at work because he’s a Muslim and he could not take it anymore.

July 2006 – Naveed Alzal Haq, a Pakistani, walked into the Jewish Federation Center in downtown Seattle and shot six women-- killing one, and wounding five( one of whom was pregnant). He stated matter-of-factly: "I am a Muslim American angry at Israel."

August 2006 – Omeed Aziz Popal, a Muslim Afghan refugee, used his SUV as a weapon and ran down at least 14 people and a bicyclist in the San Francisco Bay area. He was targeting Jewish neighborhoods to terrorize.

January 2007 – A 22-year-old Muslim, Ismail Yassin Mohamed, stole a car in Minneapolis and rammed it into other cars before stealing a van and doing the same, injuring several drivers and pedestrians at crosswalks and on sidewalks before police caught up with him. Mohamed called himself a "terrorist."

February 2007 – Ibrihim Ahmed, a Nashville cab driver and Muslim, was enraged that two passengers did not agree with him about Islam. When they got out of the cab, he tried to run them down, striking one in a parking lot.

February 2007 – Sulejman Talovic, a Bosnian Muslim immigrant, went to a Salt Lake City mosque on a Friday night. Then he went to one of only two malls in the state which prohibits civilian carrying of concealed weapons. He killed five before an off-duty cop (not subject to ban) used a concealed firearm stopped his murder spree.

Cornell University did a study estimating that there are seven million Muslims in the U.S. If even a single percent of that population is motivated to go kill a few infidels for Allah, the country would be facing 70,000 murderers on the loose.

The examples that I have found of Islam being the driving force for murder show that the prospect of Sudden Jihad Syndrome should be reason to loosen the country’s concealed carry laws. The Utah Jihadi did not have a concealed carry permit, but he carried his weapons to the scene of the crime concealed anyway. Why should the laws make it harder for the rest of us to counter what criminals are already doing?

Put another way, our current restrictions on concealed carry on the books in most states facilitate murder by tying the hands of victims.
The law should be on our side, not on the side of the bad guys.

Larry Pratt is Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, a National gun lobby with over 300,000 members located at 8001 Forbes Place, Springfield, VA 22151, (703) 321-8585.
Do we need more reasons to carry than what we already have?

'The condition is recognizable and has been labeled Sudden Jihad Syndrome (SJS)'

--- By who? Never heard of it.

Also just a guess but Johnny Malvo was in it for the money and could have given a hoot about religion.
Some people, for whatever reason, have a propensity to "go postal". Some of these people are Muslims. Some are postal workers. Some are just regular American Joes. When a postal worker does it we say, "it's 'cause he's a postal worker". When a Muslim does it we say, "it was for the Jihad". Etc. But none of this is true. It's all just their own internal whatever it is. They may later say, "I did it for the Jihad" or whatever, but the responsibility is 100% with the individual who chose to do it. There are a billion Muslims out there who don't shoot up people.
Derek: First if I may a little background about myself:

I am a Marine, and I have been deployed to Iraq in a Combat arms capacity.

While in Iraq I observed many things both admirable and horrible about the Islamic culture.
I did my duty, and did what was necessary and have few regrets. (Anyone who says they have none... well lets not go there.)

I returned to the US almost 2 years ago, and have spent the time since recieving medical care (3 surgeries down, 4th and last in April)

I have Several Muslim friends, from both Iraq and Iran.

Now for what I have to say: I do not believe Larry Pratt had anything to say against Muslim's. he was speaking out against those Muslim's who wished to do harm to iniocents. (Something I believe forbiden in the Koran)
-Please reference the: "SOME Muslems"

This article is written as a reason to provide a reason to promote the Second Amendment. It could just as Easily talked about White Christians (Of which I am one) and the extream elements which associate themselves with Christianity.

I have heard of people calling for us to do the same thing to Muslims as was done to the Japanease during WW2. I am against this (And I'm not trying to suck up to you.) I believe if we do this the Terrorists have WON!

This is America. Where you are free to worship any way you choose. And I will be happy to elemanate anyone who wants to infringe upon that right wether Christian or Muslim.
-Please tell me if you have a problem with this.

I believe this article is mearly a side of that statement.

I hope I have expressed myself adequately.
That is better so let us look at facts. 13 years about 200000 firearm related murders. Take out the Malvo's and we are talking what 5? How is this a big threat?
I do not believe Larry Pratt had anything to say against Muslim's. he was speaking out against those Muslim's who wished to do harm to iniocents.

Doesn't seem to mirror his opening:
I have compiled (quite easily, I might add) a list of murders and attempted murders carried out by Muslims acting on the basis of what the founder of Islam taught them.

Convinced that they will go to heaven if they die killing infidels who Mohammed taught his followers to hate
-Please reference the: "SOME Muslems"
I don't see "some" listed in the initial post. According to the head of GOA, Mohammad taught Muslims to kill Jews. And there's an (apparently measurable) risk that some irrational American Muslim will go nutzo on the street and kill random American Jews. And that's justification for right-to-carry.

I'm all for right-to-carry (hell, I've owned permits in 3 states over the last 11 years), but find his rationale disturbing.

This is America. Where you are free to worship any way you choose. And I will be happy to elemanate anyone who wants to infringe upon that right wether Christian or Muslim.
Glad you feel that way. Me? I feel like GOA isn't a great way to support my own rights. I had issues with Pratt when he backed right to life candidates over pro-gun candidates way back when, but was willing to forget about that because they do a lot of good.

I don't feel that way any more.

-Please tell me if you have a problem with this.
Not if you don't have a problem with where I'm coming from. Larry Pratt can get his donations from somewhere else. :)
Between 50 and 70 people are killed per year by lightning strikes. That dwarfs the number of people killed per year by "sudden jihad syndrome". This has to be the worst justification for carrying a handgun I have ever heard.

If the GOA continue with sort of thing, they will fade even faster into irrelevance.
Between 50 and 70 people are killed per year by lightning strikes

That's Sudden Zeus Syndrome.

There are enough fanatics of all sorts to warrent being wary. Just because some guy is paying attention to one sub-group of Fanatic Inc does not mean they are any more dangerous than the rest. I'm vastly more worried about the random criminal than of being run over by an angry cab driver.
I just put a sudden jihad on a bucket of chicken...

All that article says is over the last ten years or so some (like 10) Muslims went bonkers and killed some people, I hate to say it but, way more white people commit murders in the US than anybody suffering from this "SJS". That article is completely inflammatory and ridiculous, I am probably as much of a bigot as anyone, but there is no way a group normal people (regardless of religion) will just flip a switch and decide to kill you...
Cornell University did a study estimating that there are seven million Muslims in the U.S. If even a single percent of that population is motivated to go kill a few infidels for Allah, the country would be facing 70,000 murderers on the loose.
This sounds all nice and neat and rational... until, hopefully, the reader realizes that he pulled "one percent" out of his ass.

He has what, 15-20 incidents over 13 years? 15-20 actors out of a population of, as he says, 7 million - where does he suddenly expand that to 1%/70k?

How many white supremacists killed non-whites over that time?
How many Christians killed non-Christians over that time?

How many homicides, period, were committed in the United States over the last 13 years?
The Utah Jihadi did not have a concealed carry permit, but he carried his weapons to the scene of the crime concealed anyway. Why should the laws make it harder for the rest of us to counter what criminals are already doing?
this is about the only point out of the whole bigoted rant that I could agree with. This rest is the same irrational logic that we fight when used against us by antis pushing bans. People inherently fear what they do not understand, and even go as far as to try to legislate based on unfounded fears and emotion. Using his own statistics, if he can only come up with a couple incidents out of a muslim polulation of 7 million it proves that "SJS" is statistically insignifigant, same as the few uses of "assault rifles" in crimes. You are thousands of times more likely to be attacked/mugged/robbed by a random american bad guy than a "jihadist". His public Bigotry and unfounded conclusions hurt our cause and I will not support a low road director's organization.
Why does everyone want to continue to pretend that a goodly portion of the worlds problems right now don't stem from the teachings, twisted from the original or not, of this religion? Not all, but many, and probably the biggest proportion. Maybe not the way it was originally intented, but twisted enough and with little enough protest from other followers that it appears condoned. When those clamoring that Islam isn't this way are screaming as loud as those calling for death to all Infidel maybe I'll listen. Why isn't that happening? Why the "silent Muslims"?

As long as people try to pretend it's not true, just to be nice, it will continue.

Lock the thread, ban us all, I'm not going to be polite about this perversion of Islam (if it's a perversion, have not studied it enough to say) in any fashion. Sending 20 bucks extra to GOA this month for giving another reason to be an armed American Citizen.

IBTL and all that.....
I don't think anyone is saying that fundamentalist islam is not causing problems.

I think what people are saying is that fundamentalist islam accounts for a statistically insignificant risk for crime in the US.
I think what people are saying is that fundamentalist islam accounts for a statistically insignificant risk for crime in the US.

When something happens often enough that the behavior pattern is given a name, is it still statistically insignificant?

Postal workers "going postal" is statistically insignificant as well, but has happened enough that people should acknowledge it exists.
The name is just made up.
15 incidents out of a population of 7 million, over 13 years. That the same as the population of Chicago. If 15 people were killed in the entire city of Chicago in a 13 year period, would you say Chicago had a murder problem?

Over the past 13 years, many more people have been killed by ordinary criminals using AK series rifles. It's called Sudden AK Murder Syndrome, or SAKMS. Clearly we should ban AK rifles to prevent these murders.:barf:
Why does everyone want to continue to pretend that a goodly portion of the worlds problems right now don't stem from the teachings, twisted from the original or not, of this religion? Not all, but many, and probably the biggest proportion.
My response to that would involve a popular Karl Marx quote, the Pope, Monty Python, Oliver Cromwell and 'the Troubles.' It would also pretty much guarantee a threadlock.

When those clamoring that Islam isn't this way are screaming as loud as those calling for death to all Infidel maybe I'll listen. Why isn't that happening? Why the "silent Muslims"?
Because you aren't looking in the right places? Because they don't make as good a story for the media (kinda like 'good gun owner' stories)?

You're making an assumption and then demanding answers for said unproven assumption.
When something happens often enough that the behavior pattern is given a name, is it still statistically insignificant?
What behavior pattern doesn't have a name? any time a new behavior is dreamed up there is someone with a PHD standing by to name it, and then come the acronyms. MHD, ADHD, DST, RPD, ADD, the list goes on and on.

15 incidents out of a population of 7 million, over 13 years. That the same as the population of Chicago. If 15 people were killed in the entire city of Chicago in a 13 year period, would you say Chicago had a murder problem?
nice to have a fellow numbers guy chime in, 13 in 7 million over 13 years, thats not wholesale public slaughter, its Mega Mayberry. Now DC has a much smaller population with an annual murder rate of about 50+ in 100,000 and gun ownership is practically illegal, what could we attribute that to? innumerable and often attacks on unconstitutionally unarmed citizens, or IAOAOUUC. that should deserve some attention
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When something happens often enough that the behavior pattern is given a name, is it still statistically insignificant?

Postal workers "going postal" is statistically insignificant as well, but has happened enough that people should acknowledge it exists.

There are rare diseases which have only affected a dozen people throughout history, and they have names and researchers who study them and sometimes even people looking for cures. These crimes, committed by Muslims, are of no statistical significance. There are similar levels of crime committed by Christians against non-Christians (or pick any religion) here in the US.

Most crime is committed by plain old criminals, and to the victims, does it even matter what the motivation is?
When something happens often enough that the behavior pattern is given a name, is it still statistically insignificant?
Sudden Gun Owner Schizo Wife-Killer Syndrome.
AR-15-derived Sociopathology

We can 'name' anything we please.

Postal workers "going postal" is statistically insignificant as well, but has happened enough that people should acknowledge it exists.

"Going postal" has some cultural cachet as (largely) a joke. That's it.
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