PETA equates hunters with some goofy disorder...

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Dec 24, 2002
This chaps me. As soon as I can get a quack shrink to state that cannibalism is healthy, trust me, PETA = Eloi. :fire:

Subject: PETA

Norfolk, Va. — While the results of the research are preliminary, scientists at the Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder Research Organization have discovered a genetic link between small penis size and the thrill of the hunt. The organization recently began to tabulate data from a two-year study of men with Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder (DMGD) and has posted the results on its Web site,

The subjects of the study varied from men with a slight abnormality in penis size to men with pubis innius, a term for an inverted male pubic region. By tracing what has been identified as the "DMGD gene," an abnormality in the 21st chromosome was discovered. Researchers found that this abnormality appears to be consistently linked to two traits: abnormally small male reproductive organs and the ability to derive joy from killing, which starts with hunting small game and, in isolated instances, can manifest itself in homicidal acts. Research team leader Dr. Brian Upchurch and his colleagues in New Orleans, La., plan to investigate whether DMGD was a factor in the 2004 Sawyer County, Wis., incident in which a deer hunter went on a rampage and killed six other hunters.

"These findings confirm what we have believed for a long time: Hunters just don’t measure up," says PETA’s Justin Jest. "They are apparently overcompensating for their failure to hit the mark in the bedroom by blowing small animals away in the woods."

PETA intends to incorporate the findings of the study into campaign materials to combat hunting.
I assume that is some sort of an attempt at humor by PETA. Just look at the first line -- Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder Research Organization. I'm not about to google that while I am at work but I can not possibly believe that it is a real organization. Right?
Well, I googled "Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder Research Organization"
and it linked to Peta, go figure. It seems that small endowed men are members of Peta.
I googled it. There is a website apearing to be realiistic, but the only page on the whole website that works is the article about hunters. Any other page brings an error message. The whole website was probably set up by PETA as a joke.
And in case all that wasn't enough, the name "Justin Jest" is indicator that it's all supposed to be satire. The truth is, though, that PETA is a collection of lunatics and terrorists. They aren't funny.

Remember. You're talking about PETA here!

This is the same organization whose top official once said, "A dog is a rat is a pig is a boy. We're all the same."
A PETA "journalist" once quoted me after I said that trappers were mostly good, upstanding country people. You would have thought I had I had advocated some illegal or immoral act.
My favorite memory of PETA members was a demonstration a few years ago at a national trappers convention. Protesting PETA members were allowed on the fairgrounds because the midway was a dedicated city street. They were screaming and splashing red paint for benefit of TV cameras. One shrill woman acosted a good ole boy who couldn't take it any more and he "accidentally" spilled some of his supply of fox urnine (used to hide the scent of steel traps) on the moron.
Well I know one way to check this out for sure. Hey Justin why don't you come over here.


Ben Dover.

To even give this the benefit of a thread is just plain silly. These people are a bunch of immature, juvenile, holophobes who's minds aren't often far from the subject of the male genitalia, bambi or M-TV.

Of course we have a few members on THR who could probably tell you exactly who and how this PETA organization works. I've heard from them on several occasions.
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H&H Hunter, I hope you aren't calling me silly...

I received the above PETA stupidity from a fellow gun owner and hunter who also failed to see any humor in it.

Here's the link that didn't transfer from Outlook to my cut-and-paste job above:

The Justin Jest moniker did raise my eyebrow, but unfortunately the document may be something PETA's trying to propogate, even if not as gospel truth. So I started a thread. My bad...
BS or true - PETA does not I fear have my respect or support!!!

I hope it will be remembered that homo sapiens is and always has been a hunter-gatherer. Mind you tho - analysis of the average couch potato might make this less believable.!

To hunt is to employ an instinct as old as the hills - food for the table.

No I'm not calling you silly. Though that is what it would seem from my post. I am simply refering to the obvious idiocy of PETA and their members in general.

No offense meant, to you. To any and all PETA, Fund for Animals, ELF, HSUS,Earth First, Green Peace and all the rest of these ignorant no account lying sacks, well they can kiss my....Anyway you get the point.

Well, lessee. According to the anthropology folks, homo sap spent thousands of years as hunter-gatherer types. Without the hunting part of the deal, we wouldn't be here. None of us.

IIRC, the Pitiful PETA People wish that nobody would ever hunt, among other things they wish people wouldn't do.

Does this mean that the PPP regret that they, themselves, as children of Extreme Sin, do indeed exist?

I know I regret that they exist...

:), Art
***Puts ruler away and pulls up pants...*** Oh, a joke - I get it!

Absolutely nothing propogated by PETA deserves a moment of consideration. :barf:
SM? That reminds me of a line about escaping from a hungry bear. You do NOT have to run faster than the bear, only faster than another person that is with you. Maybe we should all take a Plump Peta Person to the woods with us?
Its a fabrication, put "Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder Research Organization" into a search engine and ALL you get are links to the posted article. If you go to the website observe that every single link on the page is broken, and the only thing on the front page is, you guessed it, this same thing. Its a bit more elaborate than most of the nonsense put out by PETA, it appears that they are now starting to forge source material for their BS claims now. Its a joke today, but how long till they start "citing sources" for less obviously humorous conclusions?
As my Irish Grandpa would say, "The truth is not in them"....

PETAphiles and I have a history. Their HQ was near here, and the Citiots were campaigning against herd control hunts in some areas of Mongomery County. Two friends and I went as a counterdemonstration when they wanted to block traffic while the TV crew filmed away. Naturally, they had some fool dressed up in a deer suit.

Gaithersberg, MD that year had over 1000 deer/vehicle accidents within the town. One was fatal to a female student,19 years old.

Most of the 20 or so demonstrators wore leather clothes,belts, shoes, handbags and so on. When we talked to the newspeople, their leader led them in chants to drown us out.

IOW, they only wanted THEIR views heard.

Dealing with PETAphiles on the Net got me some death threats, viruses, and accusations of "Dimunitive Genitalia".

Wonderful Wife gets a kick out of that last one.

Best I can say about them is they tend to be better spellers than the White Power trash over on Stormfront, who also were mad at me.

Something to understand about PETA. It's a religion or cult to many of its members. To others, it's a means to a power base.

PETA is jammed with control freaks. While we hunters care not a whit if everyone hunts or not, PETAphiles are obsessed with everyone on Earth dancing to their tune. Kinda like Islamic Fundamentalists.....
Well PETA does not like me either. They did not use the same "affection and language" as they would hugging a bunny.

Boy- do they get pissed when you have Venison Chili delivered to a luncheon. ;)

I dunno, I though maybe the dove, duck feathers, rabbit fur could have been used for Arts and Crafts. :evil:

So instead of wasting good venison, and fly-tying material ....just have a el-cheapo "all meat" deli tray delivered to a luncheon - courtesy of M.R. Buck. :p
Riddle me this PETA......

If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did he make them taste so good? :confused: ;) :neener: :evil: !!!
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I didn't evolve to the top of the food chain just to eat vegies. ;)
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