Please join the nra

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Do the rest of you guys notice that we seem to have a lot of trolls in this thread?

Do you mean the people with 1-20 posts with screen names that I have never seen posting how to fix a FTF or other issue and who seem to dislike the NRA for no real reason?
At hand is not an argument if you should question authority. The NRA is not controlling me. I control them. So do every one of their members.
You don't understand what I'm saying. I'm saying question what they have to say, avoid the Argument from authority fallacy.

WHAT! Incorrect, do not pass go. He did not vote to prevent it, he voted for it.
I think I will pass go, collect my 200 dollars, and prove you wrong.

Do the rest of you guys notice that we seem to have a lot of trolls in this thread?
Oh no, someone disagrees with you?! THEY HAVE TO BE TROLLS!
Isn't the whole point of being a Christian that you have made up your mind? And your post is exactly the reason I dislike seeing posts that bash Christians. They lead to one comment then another and pretty soon the thread is about nothing else. It's off topic to post that stuff for a reason. Please stick to the rules. It was offensive to me and that's why it shouldn't be here and we shouldn't need to have this converstation. The matter is settled in the posting rules. I politely asked that people go by those rules and you disagree with me? Again that's why such posts are off topic. This is a gun board. I don't post bashing atheists or Jews etc..
King, you seem to read a lot into something that's not there. THERE WAS NO MENTION OF "CHRISTIANS" OR ANY OTHER SPECIFIC RELIGION in the post you found so offensive. THERE WAS NO "BASHING" OF ANY RELIGION. It was a comparison between political zealots (in general) and religious zealots (in general) and the futility of trying to have a discussion with same (which appears to be happening now). So according to you, the rules state I can not use the word "religious" in any posts? This is just another example of PC run amok.

To any Buddhist, Christians, Muslims, Taoists, Jews, Shamans, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Wiccans, etc. who found my use of the word "religious" and "zealot" in the same sentence offensive I am deeply and humbly contrite and ask your forgiveness.:rolleyes:

And to keep this post on-topic, everyone please join the NRA.
Originally posted by kilo729:
The thing with Obama is he buys into the whole HURR ASSAULT RIFLES HURR Bull that Diane Feinstein and her ignorant bunch spout. He's not quite the raving anti-gun lunatic that he's portrayed as, sure he has some disquieting beliefs.

OH! Well that makes me feel a whole lot better. Guess I can cancel my NRA membership now. :rolleyes:

Disquieting beliefs! HAH!!! Al-Qaeda has some disquieting beliefs, too! But Obama gets to put other rabidly anti-gun people in power like Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, ad nauseum.

But proud liberals are always there to rationalize why these people are not bad for our 2A rights. Gee...aren't we lucky?
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Give me a break is nothing but a joke. I used to take them serious 4 years ago when I supported John Kerry, but now it seems as though they're basically spreading misinformation on behalf of the far left, and the Democratic party.

Which party has shoved down total gun bans, ammunition encoding, AWB, microstamping, one gun per month laws, 30 day waiting periods, etc.. etc... It's the Democratic party.

I'm not pro-Republican either. I hated Bush and the Repubs for expanding government. The Patriot Act is nothing more than an abomination to the Constitution. They lied about the reasoning for going into Iraq. They spent and spent us into deeper deficit. Posse Comitatus is basically dead because of the John Warner act. All of this was supported by most Repubs. The Repubs which was suppose to be the party of small government, increased the size of the Federal Government, and gave the Presidency an enormous amount of power. And now all this power is being handed down to the Messiah... aka Obama.. and the socialist far left...

And now government spending is off the charts... deficits farther than any other Presidency.... congradulations you stupid Repubs for not holding your leaders and your elected Representatives accoutable during the Bush Administration.. Congradulations for handling all this expanded powers to the annointed one.. and yes he is the most anti-gun president ever. He records speak for themselves.

I voted for the man that I thought was an actual moderate.. McCain.. Obama was nothing more than a manufactured political figure pretending to a centrist. The media and the democratic party did all they could to hide the real Obama, and his actual agenda from the public. I could see through the facade, but most didn't. For those liberal gun owners who support Obama, you deserve him and the far left congress. When their socialist policies fail, you have no one to blame but the party in power. And for you Repubs, Ron Paul fanatics, and Libertarians who didn't want to come out and vote for McCain because he wasn't conservative enough, you guys deserve Obama, Harry Reid, and Pelosi. Thank you for wasting your vote, or note voting at all for one of the most imporant elections ever.
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