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Please Remember Your Priorities

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Nov 9, 2005
Folks, people are spending hundreds and even thousands on guns and ammo as product is flying off the shelves around the country. While this is good temprarily for the folks in the business, it does not help secure the future of the business.

People are willing to pay even inflated prices for certain items right now to get what they want or need in case there is a shortage or ban in the future. While all this money is being thrown around, please, please save a tiny bit to join the NRA, as they will be fighting the good fight will the citizens of this country stock up.
In the next couple years, the NRA will have to fight perhaps its toughest battle since it's existance with lobbying, public relations campaign, commercials, grass roots meetings, and membership drives. While some people have complaints about them for this and that, the bottom line is that the NRA is best equipped, more than any other entity, to fight the good fight to preserve our 2nd ammendment as we enjoy it now without the restrictions.
Not only join, but encourage all you gun owning friends, and even those folks who just shoot occassionally or own a pistol for home protection. The NRA does not choose parties, and should appeal to all gun owners on both sides. I have seen the NRA praise & recognizes both Democrats and Republicans for their efforts to preserve the second ammemdment.
It will be great to see the NRA report record memberships in the months to come. Thanks for your consideration, and thanks for caring about this issue, as your membership helps me also, and other like minded folks.

I renewed my NRA membership this month and will be sending them a donation to help fight the anti gun legislation sure to come.

It is also time to contact our state and federal representatves about supporting our 2nd Amendment rights. :cool:
I agree, today if a gun owner doesn't belong I'm afraid they should be considered one of them not one of us. These times are no joke and how we come out the other end will be decided by the unified front that gun owners project in the comming months.
If 50 million members would have their say then I think many in congress would listen.
While I agree with much of what the NRA tries to do, I disagree with how they go about doing much of it as well. So this you either join the NRA or you are not one of "US" is neither right nor constructive.
Is there anyone here from the NRA? I'm a member, but I wish they would quit wasting their money on all the mailing and trash they send me. Now more than ever they need to spend their (our) money where it counts!
today if a gun owner doesn't belong I'm afraid they should be considered one of them not one of us

And its comments like this which really put me off to join the NRA. So thanks!
So maybe 50 million compnorfor2a.orgs. is better, no thats what we already have isn't it? When you have to go into a fight why not be the big dog? I agree with hso in that we should support as many rkba orgs. as possible but if you can put your money in only one spot I say NRA. Its true they may not be perfect but when the gun grabbers talk hate its toward the NRA and they are the biggest thorn in the side of the antis. If you think what I said is devisive I suggest you get a thicker skin because what the left will attempt to do to the unity of gun owners in the future will be far more offensive than what I said.
I have listened to the free loaders for years b***h and complain about the NRA and stay on the side lines and talk a good story. I challange all gun owners to join and give $100. per year.
There can be little doubt that we had gun owners vote for Dear Leader or stay home this last election, this is the first election since Clinton that we were not considered a factor. Lets not let it happen again.
There you go again:

I have listened to the free loaders for years

So because I enjoy shooting but don't support the NRA I'm a freeloader?

I don't recall being a member of the NRA as a requirement to owning a firearm.

I've got quite thick skin, just no tolerance for "us vs them" attitudes. I mean, you sound like somebody is on his way out the door when you talk like that.

So if I'm not a true gun owner because I won't join the NRA, well then fine. I guess I'm not a true gun owner.

But using that type of "persuasion" to get people to join isn't helpful either. I mean, instead of getting people to join you've just turned one away!

Way to suceed in your mission! :rolleyes:
The NRA doesn't represent me or my view of the 2nd Amendment. They've been behind every major gun law that's passed since 1934, negotiating our rights away... and in some instances such as the '34 and '68 laws outright supported them.

The last straw for me was their staunch opposition to the Heller case. They stood in the way of the case trying to prevent it from being heard by the SCOTUS. Our winning that case did more for our gun rights than the NRA has done in the last 74 years.

If you wish to own something more than black powder rifles, bolt action rifles or shotguns, join pro-gun group like Gun Owners of America.

I'm a proud member of GOA and will send every spare dollar I have to them.


Also, if you're serious about keeping your firearm rights you will need to do FAR more than send money to various pro-gun groups. You will need to make phone calls, send faxes and emails to your representatives. Never let up, send them non-stop. Set a reminder to yourself in your Outlook to send emails and faxes at least once a week.
Is there anyone here from the NRA? I'm a member, but I wish they would quit wasting their money on all the mailing and trash they send me. Now more than ever they need to spend their (our) money where it counts!
That's because the NRA is more concerned with making money than they are supporting "black rifles". The NRA caters to a specific group... the Zumbo crowd. They tend to protect hunting arms more than they protect "hi capacity" magazines, black rifles or other non-PC firearms.

Watch this interview of NRA Board Member Joaquin Jackson. Listen carefully to what he says. This is the mentality of many who sit on the NRA board.


If that doesn't turn your stomach, nothing will.
My membership is in good standing. Both of my last two "panic" purchases fron Natchez, I did the NRA roundup.

Two more panic purchases to go...

Restocking ammo, I shot a lot this summer.
I'm sure you were turned away before you read my post so I will not despair.
As far as the NRA being a vehicle of compromise, that would certainly seem to be a valid point but I hope you can also see that they have never had the full backing of gun owners in America and until the majority stands up with all their resources they might not be able to be no compromise. If time were turned back and the presence of the NRA vanished I doubt we would be having these gun debates today.
There is little evidence that shows me tha NRA is anti handgun, semiauto, or right to carry.
GOA is a stand up org. as are others but they simply don't have the clout. We need huge numbers and consensus on the 2a, and have 2 yrs. to make that point, I will encourage and support the growth of both the GAO and NRA with the hopes both their numbers will trully represent the number of gun owners someday.
Until then I will continue to despise the ones on the sidelines who talk of rights but would let others defend them.
I whole heartedly agree in activism but also know that affiliation with well known groups will get more attention than the individual in most cases.
The last straw for me was their staunch opposition to the Heller case. They stood in the way of the case trying to prevent it from being heard by the SCOTUS.

They did this because they weren't sure if we could win. And they weren't too far off, we won 5-4, if only one vote had gone the other way that would have been an enormous blow to the 2nd.
Lets see now. People by the millions called our government to say "No Bailouts" but the government did it anyway.

People by the millions called our government about too many illegals here and the government does nothing.

I doubt money to the NRA is going to do any good because our government isn't listening to anything we the people have to say.

If it makes you feel good, do it but don't think anyone is listening.

They did this because they weren't sure if we could win. And they weren't too far off, we won 5-4, if only one vote had gone the other way that would have been an enormous blow to the 2nd.
And that's exactly kind of behavior I've come to expect from the NRA. They buckle under pressure. They always compromise, and when they do it's my black rifles that get thrown to the sharks.

The lamest excuse I can imagine is the one that the NRA just wasn't sure they could win. The SCOTUS will NEVER be more conservative than it is right now. The GOA and just about anyone else with an ounce of gray matter between their ears realized this was perfect timing for the SCOTUS to hear such a case. Keep in mind, these cases don't grow on trees either.

Now look at where we are. If we hadn't gotten that decision we would be going into an Obama Presidency without Heller and where he will seat at least 4 Justices. Was it the NRA's plan to wait another 8 years and hope another liberal Democrat doesn't take office and seat even more liberal judges? Maybe their master plan is to wait until all guns are banned and we have 9 liberal justices before they supported a case that actually went all the way to the SCOTUS?

The NRA should have been in the fight with their considerable resources making sure we had the victory most of us knew we would get. But instead they sat on the side lines... no, WORSE, they actively tried to derail the case.

It's time we support real pro-gun organizations that fight for the 2nd Amendment as a whole and not just for the Zumbo's of the world.
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I'm sure you were turned away before you read my post so I will not despair.

Well you're right to a point. Because you're not the first to espouse these "Us vs Them" thoughts. Of course, I've been on the fence, and still am to a degree. My dad is a NRA member and has even offered to buy my membership.

But you've done nothing to convince me either about the postives of joining, other than continuing the "Us vs Them" which won't work for me.

So yeah, thanks for continuing to give me pause to joining this organization, instead of doing something to convince me.
The lamest excuse I can imagine is the one that the NRA just wasn't sure they could win. The SCOTUS will NEVER be more conservative than it is right now. The GOA and just about anyone else with an ounce of gray matter between their ears realized this was perfect timing for the SCOTUS to hear such a case. Keep in mind, these cases don't grow on trees either.

Actually when Heller was filed the supreme court was less conservative. When NRA was trying to block the case 2 that's right 2 of the justices that voted for it were not members of the SCOTUS.

Keep that in mind. I respect Heller & Guru but if they had gotten "their way" and got their day in court earlier (remember Heller has been fighting this 6 years) almost certainly they would have lost.

The SCOTUS would have ruled that there is no individual right and paved the way for a complete ban aka England and eventual confiscation of all firearms.

Now I am preaching the NRA is the end all of gun rights but take it into context. Heller was no legal scholar and Gura isn't even pro gun so it is possible they could have gotten it wrong.

If the case had been heard before January 31, 2006 Alito would NOT have been on the court and instead sandra day o'connor.

Now in her earlier years O'Connor would clearly have voted against the ban however near the end she made some pretty liberal (non constitutional) ruling so it isn't so certain instead of 5-4 it would have been 4-5.
Actually when Heller was filed the supreme court was less conservative. When NRA was trying to block the case 2 that's right 2 of the justices that voted for it were not members of the SCOTUS.
When the SCOTUS agreed to hear the case (Nov 20th, 2007) it had the same justices as it currently has, and the NRA opposed the case.

The Heller case took 4 years to work its way through the lower courts. They filed their case in Feb of 2003. This has nothing to do with the SCOTUS, not until Nov of 2007 anyway.

So, your excuse doesn't hold water. The NRA opposed the case after the current SCOTUS agreed to hear it.
I am a life member of both the NRA and the SAF.

Teamwork is not a concept that you can teach a grown person. A person has to learn it growing up. People who understand teamwork know that, occasionally, you'll hate members on your team. Heck, sometimes, you may even hate the team. However, a good teammate will always support the team when it comes down to it. Also, when it comes time to play in the game for real, a team player will not take kindly to anybody who's against the team.

The team concept applies to the NRA or any other gun association that a gun owner may join. No gun association is perfect, but gun associations are the only groups that we've got going for us. Gun owners who aren't on the team (i.e., any gun association) simply aren't participating in this "game" of protecting the Second Amendment. Protecting the Second Amendment is not an individual sport.
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The problem with that analogy is just because a somebody isn't on a team doesn't mean they aren't doing anything.

Or are you saying that a person who writes letters weekly to their senators and congress-person, and instructs new people in the art of shooting isn't doing anything, whereas the guy who buys a membership and then bitches online about how unfair the gun laws are but actually isn't doing anything is fully supporting RKBA?

(For the record, I'm currently neither)

The other problem is in an actual sport, you aren't trying to convert people to your cause. Protecting the 2nd, you are. So saying "You're on of THEM" really going to do that?
First, this isn't a game.

Second, (and to continue your analogy) if one team doesn't suit your needs you can always find another team to play with. I've chosen a team that won't sell me or my rights down the river to protect the Zumbo's.

It could be construed that if you support the NRA and the NRA backs another anti-gun law like they did with the GCA of 1934 or the GCA of 1968, then you're funding an organization that is working to disarm a large segment of the gun owning public.

Where was the NRA when they banned the production and sale of new machineguns in 1986? They claimed after the ban they would do everything in their power to repeal it... and yet they did absolutely nothing. They almost immediately dropped the campaign to repeal the law and have done nothing since...

They took our dues and proceeded to leave us hanging. Thanks NRA.

If they took half of their junk mail campaign budget and spent it on trying to repeal BS laws on the books like the 1986 ban, I would gladly become a member again. But they won't.

I won't fund a group like that any longer.
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