Please Say a Prayer for my Mom

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Aug 7, 2007
Portland, OR
I got a call from my Brother today and my mother who is 92 was found unresponsive in the dementia care facility where she lives. I'm flying back to Kansas City early tomorrow morning for what may be the last chance I get to see her before she passes.

I've never felt so helpless in my life. My Dad passed several years ago from lung cancer and ever since then my Mom just hasn't been the same.

My Brother and I were post WWII babies and my Mom, who had seriously dated my Dad before he went off to war had actually become engaged to another man. That changed when my Dad came back.

My Mom was always protective of us kids, I guess because they tried so hard to have children before they finally had my Brother. I came along two years later.

My Dad taught me to shoot and hunt and fend for myself in the woods. We had a deal with my Mom. We shoot it and clean it and she would cook it.

At times like this it's easy to feel sorry for myself, but when I think about it, what do I have to be sorry for? I've had the best parents a kid could ever have.

If your Mom or Dad are still alive, call them and tell them how much you love them and how important they are to you.

Thanks for listening.


Having lost both of mine, you have my sympathy. Remember all the good. Take care of yourself, and your Mom for whatever time she has. Sounds like you've had a great set of parents. I did.

All the best
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I've lost both of mine as well. My dad in '99 and my mom in November of last year. You have my sincerest condolences and my family will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Keep that chin up and remember the life they had and gave you, the rest is just is just the natural progression of things, sadly.
Just hung up with my mom after reading your post. She's in my prayers and thanks for the reminder to appreciate every moment the folks ;)
I'm sorry to hear this. :(

I am going to close this, but leave it up so it can be viewed.
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