Pocket gun options?

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So... is that a Rottweiler in your pocket, or are ya just happy ta see me?

Sorry... just quoting the wife again. My first thought was the possible criminal charge:
Prosecuter: "Yer Honor, Mr Gunmeister is charged with one count of carrying a concealed weapon"

Judge: "And, out of curiosity, what was the weapon?"

P:"He was in possession of a concealed K-9"... ;)
FWIW Ex Officio slacks and shorts (available from REI and elsewhere) have a nice little coin pocket at the bottom of the front pocket into which the barrel of a P9 (or some other pocket gun) fits very comfortably. It keeps the gun in a good stable position, and helps prevent printing.
I have carried a sp101 in my front pocket of Levi's 501 for about
4 months without a holster. Shirt untucked, works pretty good for me.
If I wear jeans or pants with bigger pockets I need a holster to
keep the gun in place.

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