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Politics.......I need to vent

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Nov 3, 2005
I have seen a lot of new coverage lately on the upcoming mid term elections, and most of it is talking about the pending landslide victory for Dems.

Now that in and of itself is not a particular issue for me....I am a registered Repub but good ideas and canidates come for both sides so that's not an issue.

The issue that is really getting under my skin is the reasoning behind the polls. Americans are supposedly fed up with the war and Bush's handling of it. I have seen so many bumper stickers that say "bring them home NOW!" Am I the only person that sees the reality behind the war and terrorism and oil and the economy, not to mention the blood that has already been spilled?

I want this mess over with just as much as anyone. I hurt inside everytime that I hear about 1 or 2 soldiers killed by an IED, or a dozen killed in a helicopter crash. But what is the price of running away?

We are trying to walk a political line in this war. We don't want to commit more troops because it will raise the ire of the left and we don't want to high tail it because of the right.

The middle ground is just getting people killed and damaging foriegn policy of the US. We need to either run and face the consequences of that decision (and their will be many) or we need to brutally crush the forces that we face in the mid-east.

No soldier should be faced with dying for a half measure. We go to win or we stay home. We didn't stay home.........so it's time to win.

In WWII we fire bombed entire cities to destroy the nations ability to make war. We should find the source and support of the enemy and destroy it......period. We have known that Syria and Iran are behind the issues in Iraq for years and we haven't addressed it.

This is a rant....I have not expressed myself as clearly as I wanted but it just seems that we as a nation are a bunch of politically short sighted wimps. War means killing people.....if it's a fair fight we didn't plan well enough. We started down this path....and it is a tough road but we need to finish it the right way.

My fear is that a democratic victory will mean more pressure to withdraw and a continuation of the half measure war. Which means more blood shed for no gain.
Here's my advice -- stop watching news channels, all of them. You're life will be better without all the crap that passes at news television these days.
FWIW, and it likely ain't worth much, I believe that the plan calls for us never to leave Iraq. We're building 14 large, permanant bases from what I hear - can't drag 'em home, can we?
This is part of a much bigger plan...we aren't leaving. Guess we'll just have to see how it plays out.

We tend to build large, permanant bases wherever we send troops for a while, and don't seem to have any problem letting them go. Places such as Clark AFB, Subic, and Danang come readily to mind.
it may not be November, but things will change when...

it may not be in November, but things will change when...

you see the mushroom cloud over Tel-Aviv.

Ollie North says that Irainian soldiers have been captured in Lebanon...and that a captured Hezbollah guerilla claims to have been trained in Iran.

Hezzbollah has basically created a border with Israel from which Iran can attack.
blackguns said:
No soldier should be faced with dying for a half measure. We go to win or we stay home. We didn't stay home.........so it's time to win.

I'm a huge fan of that statement! I don't think we're coming home any time soon.

The issue that is really getting under my skin is the reasoning behind the polls. Americans are supposedly fed up with the war and Bush's handling of it.
What gets me is that the talking heads on TV automatically think unhappiness with Bush = opposition to the Iraq war = support for the Democrats.

IMHO, disenchanted Republicans are not unhappy primarily with the war, the're primarily unhappy with PROFLIGATE GOP SPENDING and ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.
Satisfaction level of Bush = 45ish%. Satisfaction level of Congress = 23ish%

Guess Congressional (and senatorial) Democrats should to shut up, or pull up their own numbers before condemning Bush.

I don't think it's the war in Iraq that Americans are fed up with, I think it's G.W. Bush they're fed up with. I voted for the man and I'll admit he looks like a bumbling buffoon who doesn't have a clue what he's doing. During a time of crisis and unrest the country needs a strong leader and "W" ain't it.
I'm with you, BlackGuns. America's two party political system has gone nuts. Why does it have to be an either / or choice?

I have seen a lot of new coverage lately on the upcoming mid term elections, and most of it is talking about the pending landslide victory for Dems. ... The issue that is really getting under my skin is the reasoning behind the polls. Americans are supposedly fed up with the war and Bush's handling of it.

Why is it that Republican = pro-war and Democrat = anti-war? Just ask Joe about it if you don't believe that is the way it stacks up. But it shouldn't be that way. Unfortunately, however, the parties have each staked out mutually exclusive positions at the extreme fringe of (pretty much) every issue. And the way our society has structured it, the poor guy trying to play a more balanced portfolio gets left behind in the money-fed two party system we have let evolve.
Why is it that Republican = pro-war and Democrat = anti-war?

Great point. People often forget the Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were both Democrats. I'd say they were a couple of decent war time Presidents.

It would have been interesting to see how Kennedy would have handled Vietnam. He couldn't have handled it any worse that LBJ did.
Either the House or the Senate will be in Dem hands. '08 is anyone's guess for everything going up.

The media, as expected didn't understand why certain people are mad at the Republicans, and why others are not. The Dems are mad for the same reasons anyone would be in certain circles (civil rights, soldiers dying), but many of them simply would oppose Bush just because he is Bush.

The Dems don't understand that many of the House Republicans are very popular in their districts because they are against the President, but in ways the Democrats can't match.

If you are a Republican that flames Bush for the border, and not being fiscally responsible, and your constituents like it, there isn't a Dem that can touch you.

It's the swing districts that will most likely turn. But there aren't very many of them.
I'm with News Shooter- there won't be a major swing. Republicans who were previously elected on the thinnest of margins need to worry, but by and large, dissatisfaction with Bush does not translate automatically to dissatisfaction with elected Representatives and Senators.

It wouldn't surprise me to see a minor shift toward the Dems, but I do not expect to see a significant percentage of the Reps up for reelection to lose.
In WWII we fire bombed entire cities to destroy the nations ability to make war. We should find the source and support of the enemy and destroy it......period. We have known that Syria and Iran are behind the issues in Iraq for years and we haven't addressed it.

Unfortunately, we aren't willing to do what needs to be done, for fear that the world will cry foul. Personally, I'd turn both countries into a parking lot. We are lacking a president with the cajones to do what Truman saw needed to be done with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Someting so terrible and awful to send fear into any foriegn country that even entertains the idea of haboring terrorists or condoning terrorism. I'm sure that there were plenty of innocents killed in WWII... unfortunately, it was necessary to stop the agressors and prevent any further unneccessary American deaths.

Anybody remember why it was safe for any Roman soldier to stroll unarmed anywhere in the world? Everyone feared a massive Roman retaliation.

Washington knew best when he preached unilateralism.
Those who experienced the Vietnam fiasco have seen the same trick pony before. Polls constitute a cheap means for the media to create news and thereby get their agenda on the front page or on the screen. Only two polls matter. The one conducted every other November and the one conducted at irregular intervals in the house and senate. If opposition to the war was as strong as the other polls would have you believe, congress would have conducted its poll and simply voted to stop funding combat operations. It happened in the Vietnam fiasco.

Yeah we're headed for a house cleaning but it ain't swappin' Democrats for republicans. You know republicans are in a bind when their only argument for returning them to power is "yeah, well we ain't as bad as them Democrats." Democrats have yet to come up with a substantive reason for letting them near the levers of power. This year may be one of those infrequent tiimes when voters vote to throw out their own bums instead of wanting to throw out the other guy's bum.
I also agree that we are not coming home anytime soon. That is truely what bothers me, we aren't coming home because we aren't making progress.

We will probably always have a presence there but we need to start taking this insurection crap personally. I mean seal the borders and KILL anyone that tries to smuggle arms or fighters into the country. I'm talking about a couple safe roads in and out with checkpoints on them and any other traffic trying to cross the border gets a visit fron an Apache or an A-10.

It would take half a million troops to secure the place and that's why it hasn't happend.

Iran and Syria are scarred that success in Iraq and the Palestinian(sp) issues in Israel means a contagious wave of democracy could spread out of control. So to stir the pot and try to discourage us they have tried to turn Islam into a cancer on the west. Using people's faith to manipulate world politics.

I think there is a special place in the after-life for people like that. And it's not with 70 virgins.
The Democrats have almost 3 months to self destruct; that is plenty of time if the taliban of the left doesn't run out of money and I don't see that happening.

As for Iraq, whether we should have gone in or not and whether we should be there now or not the reality is we are and I don't see any alternative now except for the politicians to get out of the way and let the professionals finish what the politicians started. Won't happen though; we didn't learn anything from Viet Nam.
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