Possible new terrorist threat? Biological poisons?

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
From the British TV station Sky News (http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-1075720,00.html):


Anti-terrorist police are questioning six men after discovering traces of the highly toxic poison ricin in London.

The toxin, to which there is no antidote, has been linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network.

It causes massive damage to internal organs, and normally kills within three days of ingestion.

The men are of north African origin. They were arrested by anti-terrorist branch officers in north and east London on Sunday.

Scotland Yard said equipment and materials were found at an address in Wood Green in north London, where one of the man was also arrested. A woman also arrested has since been released.


Ricin was the poison used to murder Bulgarian exile Georgi Markov in a poisoned umbrella assassination in London in 1978.

Public health workers throughout the NHS have been alerted to be on the lookout for symptoms of ricin exposure in patients.

It is understood that so far no-one has been to a doctor showing any signs of having been in contact with the toxin.

Today's news comes weeks after security sources warned of a possible terror attack involving London underground.


In a joint statement, anti-terrorist chief David Veness and Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Pat Troop said: "A small amount of the material recovered from the Wood Green premises has been tested positive for the presence of ricin poison.

"Our primary concern is the safety of the public and the police have worked closely with the Department of Health throughout.

"The Department is now alerting the health service, including primary care, about these developments.

"It is also ensuring that the health service is able to provide advice to the public, including through NHS Direct.


The statement adds: "Intensive police investigations are continuing and forensic analysis of the premises in Wood Green will take some time to complete.

"While our message is still 'alert not alarm', we would re-iterate our earlier appeals for the public to remain vigilant and aware and report anything suspicious to police.

Terrorist expert Professor Paul Wilkinson told Sky News: "Ricin is not an obvious weapon to use to cause mass injury, but it is worrying that such a poison was being held so near to an array of targets in central London."

Last Updated: 18:18 UK, Tuesday January 07, 2003
Well had a micro professor talk about that years ago, hush hush tho'...it was mentioned on TVCSI recentley...with pics of plant. Toxic enviroment where mixed. In the show , substituted /added in salt shaker. Show also cited the cases as did the article above.

Micro Phd. Also gave a heads up for Monkey Pox a reality in near future. Old Cowboy looking Phd. fellow pretty sharp, I'd say.

Monkey pox like smallpox--'cept NO vaccine...smallpox vaccine doesn't work.
Ultimate terrorist threat...if the terrorist wants to destroy the world and is happy to sacrifice himself and all those "like" him. Just drop a vial of ebola(whichever strain, doesn't matter), in the middle of NYC. The only thing that has kept that monster from running wild already is its' remoteness and our own speed of travel. By the time an infected victim gets to a large population center he's already dead. Curtails the spread and the adaptation of the virus.

Turn it loose in a major city and watch it adapt and spread across the globe. I'm amazed it hasn't already happened. It's the one thing that actually does worry me in all this and I often wonder if the only reason it hasn't happened is because no terrorist bastage has been smart enough to keep it from killing him first. How do you stop it from happening? If someone is smart enough to contain it long enough to stay alive you don't. Period.
Ebola is actually a pretty poor virus. Why you ask? It has too high a lethality (it kills too many victims and too quickly, thus cutting it's spread rate to soon). Ebola is a mystry too because it pops up out of nowhere and then disappears. The carrier or host of Ebola hasn't really been found yet. There's been a few fiction novels written about genetic enhancement being used to make a Super Ebola weapon (Tom Clancey wrote 2). Ebola does scare the hell out of me, nasty nasty stuff.
Ricin has yet to live up to it's potential. There's been lots of talk over the years of people making it/planning/etc. The good news is there really isn't a case of it being used to kill someone other than that spy in the early 70's (I think it was the 70's).
That was my point about dropping it in a major population center. Give it sufficient fuel and rate of travel(jet traffic to other major metro areas)and you overcome both it's high speed lethality and the apparent genetic leap to humans that it seems to have not, quite, accomplished. The Hot Zone got my curiosity kicked on this thing years ago.
Only problem/saving grace about Ebola?

It's virtually impossible to get and keep in a containment capsule.

Even in areas of relatively high population density it tends to burn itself out too quickly.

Some of the other hemhhoragic (sp?) viri are actually more of a concern in this way.
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