Posting firearm ownership information on internet forums - bad idea?

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As a group we are hurting ourselves with our paranoia. I changed my personal view concerning posting pictures of guns after Heller and that whole "In Common Use" clause. Semi-automatic firearms are protected under the second amendment because they are in common use during our time. The Anti-gun people are trying to claim that AR's, AK's and just about anything that self loads is strange and unusual and not owned by most gun owners. They argue that because of this, they are not protected under the second amendment.

Posting pictures of firearms is not only fun and interesting for me, it sends a political message and puts into public record that these things are not strange or unusual. :)

Yep. Exactly.
Besides, I actually like it when people post pics of guns that are nicer than mine!
It gives me something to strive for.
So Joe, I guess you never heard of a little storm called Katrina that caused some to justify Gun Confiscation? I swear, you have got to go buy a tv or radio so you can listen to the news. It's happening right now in New York for those that are on or have once been on anxiety medicine. This is confiscation and the beginning of a slippery slope.

I wasn't aware that gun confiscations occurred during Katrina because of a "list."
And I haven't considered NY a state in a long time. I consider NY as it's own little socialist entity.
So Joe, I guess you never heard of a little storm called Katrina that caused some to justify Gun Confiscation? I swear, you have got to go buy a tv or radio so you can listen to the news. It's happening right now in New York for those that are on or have once been on anxiety medicine. This is confiscation and the beginning of a slippery slope.
I went through the eye of Katrina... armed.
Not everybody made it through armed. And not, they didn't go by a list. Gun confiscation isn't always about having a list. If we get lost in the what if details of how it could occur and shoot those theories down, we overlook the fact that it is occurring.

I'm amazed at peoples denial or lack of news info.
This is called "moving the goal post". First you guys claim the federal government will use the law to confiscate weapons based on "lists". We say no they can't do that. Then you claim it's happening to in multiple states. (see you moved the "goal post" from fed to state). Then that is shown to be untrue, so you move the "goal post" to Katrina, but that was done illegally. (goal post moved again). Now you claim this proves your original position. No, it doesn't.

The government can't just blanket order confiscations. Not now, not ever. This theory has been posted many times. It is not happening, it can't happen. It is a distraction of the real issues that are happening. Incremental erosion of our rights is possible and is happening, but not sweeping bans and confiscations. Those they have tried and failed.
Obama can't use Executive Orders to "get yer' guns". Congress can't pass such a law. Americans would not allow such a law to be enforced.

I am equally amazed that Americans can believe the things you claim. Please read the Constitution, Miller/Heller/McDonald and some history of this country. This is not England. We don't bow to a queen, we already have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to arms, and we are not going to give it up.
Your repeated claims that Obama is at the door to take your guns and eat your children helps the anti's. It does not help our cause.
We need serous debate on real issues. Not paranoid claims about a bogey man going to get you.
I hafta agree with you Dog. Threads like. " How much ammo do you have on hand?" and the like, rank right up there with " How many guns is enough? " and, as you said... "What is the last gun you bought?"
A lot of unneccessary attention drawing chest pounding.
Like when a particular gun is being discussed and someone will post a pic of that particular gun and there is another gun, or guns, in the pic that have nothing at all to do with the one being discussed.
Or posting pics of mass quantities of ammo

There's an IP address attatched to that " silly username".
So in short, gun owners on a gun forum should just shut up, right?
The way I see it, post on your own risk. The government already knows that millions of Americans own guns anyway. I just wouldn't go bragging and posting about it openly personally.
Not too worried.

I've been posting pics and videos for years. I am an NRA Life Member, so I guarantee I am on any "list" you chose to postulate.

As for confiscations, proposed by Senator Fienstien back in 1994 and this year by Governor Coumo. Yes, it is a possibility, no matter what, always an option for the powers that be, if they are willing to accept the consequences, both intended and unintended.
You know, I was going to post articles and arguments about how confiscation is a real tool that is currently in use, but I realize that it will not change your mind Joe.

I just hope that there are more people out there that see the danger of today's political world and realize that it's only by lobbying and making our voices heard that our rights will remain.

To blindly have faith that the politicians will go by the rules as outlined in the constitution is just silly.
Joe, one other thought. You are blowing our arguments way out of proportion and that does not do justice to the cause either. You are obviously passionate about such things, but remember, the confiscation during Katrina did occur.

You can't deny history. Yes, this is Wikipedia, but I'm tired -->

As for being so trusting of our government, maybe you should ask the indians about that. It didn't work so well for them.

Or maybe you should go ask the New Yorkers about having to turn their guns in if they take anti-anxiety meds. While this isn't your classic "knock down the door and collect all your firearms", it's the path to it.

When does it stop? At what point does the American Public realize their rights are being infringed upon? While we can play the arguing game about what you believe and what I believe, maybe it really doesn't matter. What matters is that we all realize that we must work together to ensure that infringement never happens and quit trying to poke at each other and rile others up.

People have their own beliefs. Good! At least their thinking and not being an uniformed voter. Just because you don't believe in what they do doesn't mean you don't have common ground with them.
I understand you have no faith in our Constitution. I do. I don't have to "trust" Obama or Feinstein. We are a country of laws, not men.
All in all - probably not so prudent really.

I'll still engage though in moderation and take my lumps when the data/pixel/recognition/cross reference swirling vortex of electro-sampling doom gets around to classing people based upon social media content.

Does it matter right now? I don't know.
Will it matter in the future? You betcha.
Just look at any of the very recent episodes of nonsensical nannery surrounding various versions of internet postings and parenting.

Who cares that you own guns or will show care in the future?
Governments, all
Insurance companies
Employers - current and prospective (note the recent fleecebook scans by prospective employers)
With over 1200 patriot groups in this country, "I looked the other night out of curiosity", you have very little to worry about being on a forum that discusses guns. If you are alarmed about that then you would be wrong as much of what people say on forums is just talk. The lists of people that the government is really interested in have deeper roots than just discussing guns and or questions about guns or gun laws, and ammo being hard to get. The facts below show what the government Is more likely to be focused on rather than a group of people who collect and hunt with firearms, and if they were being that petty, everyone with a ccw or any permit for a weapon permit would be on that list, which would be half the country.
And people who have illegal guns or are likely to be a little off, are less likely to converse with others on a regular basis , on a forum which may be monitored. THR has a very high standard when it comes to what they will and won't allow, many forums don't, I honestly believe that you would be mistaken to be concerned about any theoretical discussions you have here.
now if you were a card carrying member of "some" of the groups mentioned below, you can be pretty sure your actions would be monitored.

The Southern Poverty Law Center identified 1274 anti-government “Patriot” groups that were active in 2011. Of these groups, 334 were militias, marked with an asterisk, and the remainder includes “common-law” courts, publishers, ministries and citizens’ groups.
As for confiscation, the powers that be, also know that you are very unlikely to have the same guns that you had 30 to 50 years ago, and god only knows where they are now, Honestly I have none of the guns I had in 1972, or 1992 so there really I no need to fret about things like this. Up until know you may have gone through a 25-100 guns that you no longer own, nor can possibly know where they are, especially if you have been shooting for 5 decades. It's like any hobby, even cops and agents trade up or sell off their weapons.
As far as disusing politics, just turn on the TV and you will hear a heck of a lot more volatile discussions that we have here.
Or look a t some of the videos on utube, where people are actually showing how to manufacture illegal weapons and worse. I wonder how they get away with that.
I think that you should contact your representatives if you feel they are not representing you in a manner you approve of, or you are contributing to the problem instead of the solution, or don't complain about it here.
I for one recently sold all my COOL guns to fund a down payment for my house. It worked well since all the cool guns recently increased in value tremendously.
The government can't just blanket order confiscations. Not now, not ever.

There are no doubt millions upon millions of citizens of various countries, that if they weren't dead, might disagree with you.

This country isn't so special that we will never befall the things that happen in and to other countries. It's either very arrogant or ignorant to think we are some sort of 'special'. We are prone to all the problems and all the corruption all of humanity has seen in the past.
In the age of google and other search engines it takes almost very little info to locate your 10-20.

Even an image of your workbench may reveal a barcode that pinpoints your source of such equipment, and everything is being filed away in a server farm that would be the ultimate east German wet dream, to collect info on individual persons rating them on firepower, ammo or obviously their political leanings.

I see these asking threads, and I see posters answering them, maybe the two are working together for a false sense of security so as to lure in more posters?

Frankly I'm surprised many firearms forms are even still up and running what with the massive infiltration upon them to disrupt patriotism.

Sure let them ask about info.
Why does an average poster need to ask such a question as that anyway?
Times are dangerous, its past due to keep your cards close.

i pretty much rarely post here anymore as my comments usually ruffle too many feathers.
I figure someone somewhere is gradually filling in the cells in a 20 X 100 spreadsheet on my guns.

Doesn't bother me a bit 'cause I'm really a poser and don't own any guns at all 'cause my mom won't let me have any. Not even a BB gun 'cause I might put someone's eye out with one of those things.

Sorry to disappoint you guys about my true situation. Gotta go. Mom wants me to finish my cookies and milk and go to bed.

Terry, 230RN
I understand you have no faith in our Constitution. I do. I don't have to "trust" Obama or Feinstein. We are a country of laws, not men.
Naive much?

We are no longer a nation of laws, the powers that be pick and choose which laws to enforce, ask any illegal alien openly protesting for gimmmiemo gimmiedat freebies.
Joe, once again, it's not about my faith in the constitution. I believe in it. That's why I swore to defend it. I just refuse to stick my head in sand like you are doing right now in order to hide from the truth. The truth is that the politicians are the enemy of the constitution and our God given rights. Just look at the fact that current politicians believe that rights come from them and not from God and you will quickly come to this realization.

Time to wake up and smell the java. We either stand now united, and fight to retain our rights, or we'll be divided and our freedoms will become just a memory.
I figure someone somewhere is gradually filling in the cells in a 20 X 100 spreadsheet on my guns.

Doesn't bother me a bit 'cause I'm really a poser and don't own any guns at all 'cause my mom won't let me have any. Not even a BB gun 'cause I might put someone's eye out with one of those things.

Sorry to disappoint you guys about my true situation. Gotta go. Mom wants me to finish my cookies and milk and go to bed.

Terry, 230RN
I take support in RN's admission and would like to say this:
Hi, I'm Todd and I'm a poser.
(brief pause while I wait for a supportive welcome)
I've been above board and honest about my posery for, how old is this post?
I began my posiness by innocently scrubbing photos off of the internet to back up my claims of gun-manliness and it eventually grew to hanging out at gun shows with a back pack full of sand and wearing Tee shirts from firearms manufacturers whose products my wife won't let me buy.
I used to hide my growing addiction to posery by changing my clothes before work and before returning home but gradually I found my co-workers and family either didn't notice or didn't care.
Some day I hope my wife will let me buy a .22 but as she says I have to re-establish trust with a rechargeable air-soft first, I don't see it happening soon.
I want to apologize to all those who may have been mislead by my claims of prodigious current and past gun ownership, apologize to all those from whom I have stolen photos on the internet and mostly would like to apologize to any wonks who have wasted time including me and my ether-armory into any current or future data base of owners and their firearms.

See, it was all just a figment of my fevered imagination... nothing to see hear, these are not the droids you are looking for...
I understand you have no faith in our Constitution. I do. I don't have to "trust" Obama or Feinstein. We are a country of laws, not men.

There are forces in our country that are demanding we a) redefine the 2nd Amendment or b) eliminate it altogether.

These people don't work by fiat. They work incrementally.

Don't underestimate the threat.
Joe, once again, it's not about my faith in the constitution. I believe in it. That's why I swore to defend it. I just refuse to stick my head in sand like you are doing right now in order to hide from the truth. The truth is that the politicians are the enemy of the constitution and our God given rights. Just look at the fact that current politicians believe that rights come from them and not from God and you will quickly come to this realization.

Time to wake up and smell the java. We either stand now united, and fight to retain our rights, or we'll be divided and our freedoms will become just a memory.

If we are going to stand together and fight...which I agree with...
We should probably not lump all politicians under the same "anti-Constitution" umbrella label.
Quite a few of them are on our side. That's why we still have our guns at all.

I've never been a big fan of the "God Given Rights" thing either, to be honest. It just seems counter-productive to me, and I NEVER use that phrase in a debate.

Our country was founded with the concept that you are free to believe in any God you like. This is true. But, our country was also founded with the concept that you are free "not" to believe in any God at all what so ever as well. This is also true. Yet, I know quite a few atheists and agnostics who are still VERY pro-gun, pro 2A. I personally find it harmful to draw a religious line in the sand and even further divide gun owners.

I tend to prefer "Natural" or "Universal" or "Unalienable" Rights based on just being a human being...with faith (or lack of faith) in a God, or Politician either one, as being completely separate from the issue at hand.

Throughout the course of human history, there have always been two different kinds of Rights, no matter what civilization you look at, where on the globe it was, or what time period it existed in.
a) The Rights the people themselves felt they deserved.
b) The Rights the rulers of those people felt the people deserved.
When the ideologies of both groups were in sync, the civilization flourished and prospered. But when they were at odds, a revolt or collapse usually took place.
I've never seen where it wasn't so. And what God or Gods they believed in seems to have made very little difference.
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I tend to prefer "Natural" or "Universal" or "Unalienable" Rights based on just being a human being.

United States citizen. Lots of human beings are not afforded our rights.
and that's got nothing to do with yours/mine/their religious persuasion.
United States citizen. Lots of human beings are not afforded our rights.
and that's got nothing to do with yours/mine/their religious persuasion.
Not just a US citizen.
I believe those Rights belong to all people.
But like I stated in my last post, the "Rulers" of those non-US people may have other plans.
It's up to those people to make changes...or....not.
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