Prayers needed

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Dec 26, 2002
Upstate New York (Fingerlakes)
I know this isn't firearms related (other than I shoot and he's my son), but my son(Liam 2 1/2 yrs) has recently been diagnosed with asthma, and we're having a hard time getting it under control. Poor little guy has been coughing his lungs out while trying to sleep at night.

Any of you so inclined to that might keep him in your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps!!

My son also has asthma and has had a couple pretty bad bouts. My prayers are with you and your boy.
I was 1st diagonosed w/ asthma as a sucked. I still have it today, but is now managable. The nice thing is that today, there are many techniques to treat it...God bless your little guy!
My son also had asthma as a baby. He is now a 14-year-old black belt in Kempo Karate, also passed his NRA pistol and rifle safety course. Simple, regular medication with tiny doses of two inhalers has totally beaten the problem. Stay on your doctor until you get a working solution. Email me if you want details on my son's meds.
Trade ya prayers... ;)

Our youngest (3 months) was diagnosed with RSV which is now thought to be a largely undiagnosed precursor to asthma. Tiny little guy has to take medicine from this mask that percolates the medicine. It just about kills me seeing that. Neither my wife nor I have ever smoked a single cigarette and he still has to go through this.

I'll be doing' my part for you, ABND. :(
Prayer sent from somebody who knows...

I have Asthma and had it really bad as a child but as much as it sucks it is treatable and chances are the little guy will grow out of the bad stuff and only have a mild attack now and then when he has a cold or something.

Keep a couple of emergency inhalers around, cars, house, friends house etc. just in case.

I have sent a prayer or two for both of you but try not to worry too much. I turned out fine, well barring the drain bamage.:D

Prayers and luck to you and yours.

I had this pretty good as a kid - but my younger brother had it much worse.

Ours (as in most people) is triggered most easily by allergens.

Pets and molds are the most common triggers, but you should have him tested and you should also know that allergies can shift and change over time.

My brother says that having one of those O3 (ozone) machines really helped him the last couple years he lived at home. Ozone is controversial as it can both help and harm - but definately go the extra mile and maintain good airfilters in your A/C system and consider some type of HEPA filter or ionizer to keep the particulates down.

Another thing that may be radical (but as a father, I know nothing is too radical if it makes my baby not be sick) Consider where you live in the country and consider moving. Areas with bad smog are MUCH harder on people with asthma than the rest of the population (and it aint good for them either).

Also - some areas just have more pollen and junk than other areas.

They say now that regular exposure to dogs and cats in the first year cuts the risk of developing asthma in half.

The other thing I would say is - be sensitive to his condition and you may need to break a few (teachers) arms when he goes to school. Brother and I have both had teachers who "did not believe in asthma" or who said in P.E. "just run it off" (the worst thing you can do).

Keep the medicine handy and also make sure he stays in shape - my asthma was almost non existent when I was in excellent condition - so encourage him to stay active (I played football and stuff) but also do not let coached push him to keep going if he gets symptomatic - that can lead to a hospital stay.

If you understand the disease and stay on top of it, you will get through it - some people do die from it, but in my opinion, they are probably not managing the disease properly.


Armed, my youngest daughter had it (along with several severe allergies). As others have said, it is treatable with the right inhalers and such. My daughter used 3 different inhalers and had to have shots every day for the allergies. When tested for allergies, she was allergic to ALL the tests, including the negative control.

She is now a 24 year old 2nd grade teacher, and handles all the allergies well.

However, the MS is another story... :( (Say one for Sarah if you would.)
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