Proud Dad

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Contributing Member
Dec 24, 2002
Memorial Day, 2005. I just got back from dropping my 18-year old son off at the local Marine recruiting office. He checks in this evening, and assuming he passes his inspect tomorrow a.m., ships off to Parris Island tomorrow p.m. Mom, of course, has mixed feelings about all this, but I'm one proud dad. We'll be praying big time for his health and safety, as well as for that of his entire unit, for the next twelve weeks.

His check in couldn't have fallen on a more appropriate day.
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my hat is off to you....your family, and son.... fitting day.... a day laced in honor.
My hat's off to your boy, being the son of a THR man, I have no doubt that you've taught him to shoot straight.

Best wishes,

He does shoot straight ... and well; he's been at it since before he turned twelve. And Mom, looking over my shoulder, says "Hey, I'm proud of him, too!"
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Ken - I sense the pride - it is inevitable. :) Yes indeed, I wish him well and thoughts go out for his health and safety. He will be a man above many men - and a beacon most likely for those that will follow.

A very memorable memorial day for you - great! :)
Wow, Ken.....if I had known that on Saturday I would have shook your hand one more time to pass on to your son.

On behalf of all of us THR folks, thank him for his service and pass on our best wishes.

Having sent off my, then fiance, wife to Navy bootcamp I know that final moment is a tough one.

Please keep us posted on his progress.
Having sent off my, then fiance, wife to Navy bootcamp

Oh the horror and dangers if the clarinet section revolts against the trumpet players!

"Call in the reserves! We're out of reeds and there's a football game in 11 hours!"


More best wishes to your son Ken.
Oh the horror and dangers if the clarinet section revolts against the trumpet players!

Well, at least clarinets are black and if you've ever heard one in the hands of a 5th grader you know that they're evil. assault clarinet :p
I salute you,sir for raising such a fine young man,and I salute him also,for his service to our nation.Semper Fi.
Thanks for the well wishes, all. I've been told to expect that for the duration of boot camp, "no news is good news." But if we hear anything of interest, I'll be sure to pass it on!

Despite my handle, I never served (though many in my family did). I have always wistfully admired the camaraderie of those with service experience, and hope/expect to get a lot of vicarious enjoyment through my son's endeavors.

Thanks again.
I've been told to expect that for the duration of boot camp, "no news is good news."

I don't know about the Marine Corps but when I was in Army basic, while there were days we were punished with no phones or no letter writing, it was very common for us to be required to call and/or write home to let everyone know we were doing fine (though sometimes the call may have been limited to only a minute or even less). Once the letters start coming you'll probably be getting 3-4 a week, and a call at least once a week (but again I don't know how the Marines do it, and even the Army today since basic was, gasp that long, almost 16 years ago :eek: ).
My wife and I pray

For all our military Daily. God Bless your son. I wish I could go back in (49 :( ) but not happening. I'd gladly put on the uniform and serve with him on the front. Might be a big target though with my chest swelled with pride and this big butt for them to shoot at.
Update I

Well, this week received the postcard and form letter new recruits fill in with their mailing address, etc., so we know our son has arrived and is underway. FYI, the letter begins:

Dear _____________ (my son filled in "Family")

I have arrived safely ate Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island and have been assigned to Platoon ________, _________ Company, _______ Recruit Training Battalion, which is comprimised [sic] of ______ Recruits from various parts of the United States. Our Senior Drill Instuctor's name is ___________

You get the idea. Besides filling in the blanks, the only thing our son wrote on the form was "P.S., Gator Aid, Power Bars" and his name.

We're glad to know he's alive and well, but look forward to a more personal (if not overly newsy) note.
As the father of a Marine "Lifer"....

Welcome to the Corps!!

My son was out of the office on the day the Murrow Building in OKC was bombed, or he would have "checked out" that day.

He has ducked "incoming" in Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He and his family just arrived in HI for 3 years of recruiting duty.. He's earned it..

Best wishes to you and your son!!
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