Proud Papa

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Sep 6, 2006
Ocala, FL
My daughter's 9th birthday is coming up next month and I gave her several options for what she could get for her big present. The one she chose warmed my heart. She picked a Ruger 10/22, so we can go shooting together at the range. My wife and I talked about it and decided to get her gift a little early, so we could take advantage of the nice weather and go shooting.

This afternoon, I took her down to Walmart to look at the long rifle and carbine versions of the Ruger. The carbine was a much better fit for her small size, so we bought that with some targets and a box of ammo and headed out to the range. Over the next couple hours, I coached her as she shot about 120 round from her new rifle. Once she figured out how to hold the gun steady and use the sights, she started to actually hit the target and even come within an inch or so of the center. I figured that wasn't too bad for her first time out. I need to adjust the sights a bit next time we go, because it shoots a couple inches high. Other than that, its a great little rifle.

She is not real fast at reloading the magazine yet, but that gave me enough downtime to shoot 50 rounds with my .380 and 80 rounds with my .22 pistol. All in all, it was a great day out with my girl.
Outstanding. A new member of the shooting community being introduced to the smell of gunpowder and the feel of finely tooled steel and wood. I remember years past when I first started taking my two girls to the range to try their hands at the .22's. Lots of fun. It gets better as they get older. Now my oldest who always wants to go with me shoots my Colt Officers Model and loves the AK's.

I have two daughter been shooting since they were eight. Now they are 11 & 12. They both shoot well and took them this past weekend. Your girl will get better and will want to shoot more than you. I can't wait until they make me look bad:p
Feel the pride brother:)
Now I just have to join the local sportsmen's association, so I can stop using the public range. Anyone can use the public range for free, but there is no range officer and sometimes its kind of scary out there. The gun club range requires orientation and training, so I'm hoping there will be a lot fewer yahoos. My "favorite" thing about the public range is that people will shout "COLD" without actually making sure that everyone heard and start walking down the range. When you are 20 feet away wearing plugs and muffs, you don't necessarily hear someone yelling. I always walk the line and make sure everyone is cold before I go anywhere. Not everyone does. I've had at least two occassions where people didn't check and then got pissed when I didn't stop shooting until I saw them in my peripheral vision. Idiots.
It's a great way for a father and daughter to spend time together.
Due to the INS denying a God fearing and law abiding person the right to enter the country to witness his own daughters' birth, I didn't get to see my first born for the first year of her life - it caused some issues between the two of us. So I figured I need to do something to strengthen the bond between us.
I bought her a BB gun when she turned 4 and we spent hours shooting from the back deck at all kinds of targets. It worked great!

She is turning 5 soon and it is time to get something a bit bigger. She already shoots my 10-22 like a champ, but it is way too large for her. So I got her a cricket. I'm still waiting for the pink laminate stock!

Not to hijack the thread, but just to say, way to go!
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