Public Hearing on One Gun a Month Thursday the 24th, Trenton

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It went the way things relating to the second amendment in NJ go, "Who Gives A ****"
Its so far out of whack here that until they get out the flood of illegal gangsters, and the gangsta breeders who fill the streets every 10 years with children who have no guidance and make our legislators dole out our money and our rights to support that lifestyle, we will never be able to seperate the legal gun owner argument from the illegal gun criminal.
Guns aside, NJ is fast becoming a very rich/very poor persons state. Until that is addressed, the focus is going to be on our urban issues, unfortunately all of the focus on urban issues has mystified our politicians into thinking all guns are bad.
The big donut chief of police of Jersey City stated after those cops were shot, he felt a pump shotgun is an assault weapon. The same pump shotgun that the state of NJ gives me permission to carry when I hunt our public lands, this idiot is calling an assault weapon. Corzine, our gov, thinks all concealed permit holders are potential criminals.
Part of the issue here is cultural, we have lots of farmland, and lots of ghetto.
My shotgun is not a big deal in warren county, but in hudson county I would be slung up on the public square.
Part of the issue here is cultural, we have lots of farmland, and lots of ghetto.

I have to say, you are very correct.

I lived my entire life in Union County, and virtually everywhere I go is either there, or Essex/Middlesex/Passaic/Hudson county. Only until very recently have I traveled to Cumberland, Warren, Atlantic, Monmouth and Ocean, and i was very surprised to see just how rural even parts of the most densely populated state in the country can be. Heck, I saw a guy with a Confederate flag sticker on his pickup truck in Lakewood recently! Try that in Essex county and you won't make it down the street alive. This state really isn't the liberal / ghetto wasteland it is perceived as, like you said.

I agree that exposing people from the NE part of the state to the rest of it could do wonders for our cause.
How creepy that all the historical Patriotic cities are where we have to fight the hardest again now. Boston is where it seems like the most submissive subjects of tyranny on Earth now mope. Do Trentonites even know the irony, of how Washington turned around a failing revolution on your very soil? If these people had a time machine, I think they'd murder a baby Washington in his crib. Is there a stronger word than loathe? Actual full enemies are less vile to me than the fifth column type within.
I'm pretty demoralized, I live in Bergen county. I remember getting invited to a friend of my co-workers apartment and asking to see her Glock. Me having handled firearms for the better part of my life (I'm 28 so for me it's 21 years) handled the gun safely while the other were doing deplorable things, like waving the pistol around and even putting it to her head and pulling the trigger. Oh yeah, real funny, then they had the nerve to tell me I was scary. My answer was, "Oh I'm the scary one? You guys are waving the fu**ing thing around like a toy and doing stupid sh** and you're judging me?" Were my words eloquent? No. Did it make a dent to help fight the "good fight"? No. But it did wake me up to how ignorant people really are when it comes to firearms. I don't blame them, I blame us. We NEED to get out there, expose and educate people with little to no access/information about firearms. Hell my girlfriend, who's extremely anti-gun, went shooting with me and turned out to be an AMAZING (better than me and I've been shooting pistols for years) marksmen. If anyone has an answer to this question I'd love to hear it. How do we assemble and educate? Anyone with the, "no one's going to listen" or, "it's a lost cause" answer please don't comment, we need to really put our heads together, rally and do something because this situation isn't getting real, IT IS REAL.
Barry960 as I walk down the same street Washington and his troops used on their retreat, as I pass by the Baylor Massacre site (where brits killed american soldiers) and realize that my state is the center of the formation of our nation.
Its is a shame that now it has been reduced to some memories. We still have alot of old homesites from the 1700's, yet NJ residents are treated like subjects. You are absolutely right.
Demitrios I feel your pain man. I work with a woman who constantly told me shes a gun owner. One day I decided to talk to her about it. Turns out she thinks I'm a nutjob for having a small collection, oh but it's OK that she hasn't cleaned her pistol ever in about 10 years of owning it, and her way of holding it is SIDEWAYS LIKE A RAP VIDEO.

As for your question, I think the battle at this point is to redefine the word gun.

People in our area are mainly "minorities" now. African americans who have been disarmed and told guns are bad for the last 150 years. Hispanic and asian immigrants that come from countries where the only people with guns are marxists or drug lords. They live in communities like Newark, Camden, etc. where the only people with guns are criminals. Combine that with the growing liberal culture of over-educated whites in SmartCars. Doesn't help that all mass media villifies guns here too. The battle now is to introduce people to LEGAL, RESPONSIBLE gun ownership here. To show them someone besides a cop or thug can have a gun and its OK.

It's funny to talk with people who think it's normal for a cop to have a gun, it's normal for a thug to have one. But to suggest that a normal person own and shoot guns for fun and personal protection is some crazy, sadistic idea. We need to work to introduce people to legal, responsible gun ownership, and that probably means having public rallies and such to educate people before our state goes worse than CA (and with another term of Corzine, it will)
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