Readers respond to Pink Pistols article in SF Newspaper

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Remind Them of Matthew Shepard

If Matthew Shepard, of Wyoming, had been armed with a handgun, the chances are that he would be alive today.

It is amazing that some would prefer that he die, rather than that he use violence to save his life.

A basic concept missed by many is that not all violence is bad.
Huzzah, Tom.

I doubt that any sane person, irregardless of politics, orientation, nationality, or creed considers it is more noble to lay down and die at the hands of predatory scum than to fight back when it comes time to put it out there and show your cards... matter what they say in public or print.

The only time I'll turn the other cheek is when I moon the corpse.

Violence is a genetic reality, a constant found in literally everything that lives, even when sentience and consciousness can be questioned. Plants attack other plants and likewise use an array of defenses, similarly so for the insect and reptilian world - and none can question birds - for the bald eagle is a symbol of our Republic no less clear and profound than Old Glory across the minds nearly any on this small planet. . .

Violence as conveyed to another person verbally is Occam's Razor away from being actualized physically to any and every degree, and telegraphs a predatory mindset, a marker for any who study self-defense to transition to the highest level or awareness, balance and "imminent threat" condition. Words empower deeds. . .

Violence is also a person's tool-box built and aquired through stury and training and discipline. In its' most comprehensive manifestation violence exists as an integral and peaceful facet of the peace-loving, limitless and unashamedly resourceful to instantly defeat the violent predator. It is a birthright that ties communities together in a common cause, one in which the most skilled becomes the most single-minded advocate of peace, to insure the heritage of strength and civil responsibility and resolute heart which stands guard to cherish and protect family, home and community against the chaos and anarchy of the dark; for none is so valued nor is there any who so values peace as the warrior. . .

That continually, a machine, a tool, a thing is assigned a disproportionate presence in this contemporary demarcation of liberal socialist vs constitutionalist/conservative as some possessed amulet, some icon of abject horror openly in the propaganda of the LSD is bearing fruit, as otherwise stable and intelligent people are externalizing real evidence or brainwashing.

That's why the media calls it programming , yes?

The politically correct-connected (read: bought-and-paid-for vassels) LBGT community cannot look away from the money, the ephemeral illusion of durable legitimacy promised by their keepers - and in some ways they have just cause to be so obsequious: without the pioneers of gay rights, we'd all likely still be in the closet. Gay rights and inclusion simply wouldn't exist.

But the tool weilded by the reformers past and present need not own the soul without inspection, without challenge. . .

With a larger perspective, we in the LBGT community have few other political dogmas to celebrate, both in the Beltway and in our neighborhoods. Conservative entities decry us with persistent vehemence (even to brutality in thought as expressed by word and criminal deed) as seen in NRA, many opportunities of employment, housing, and healthcare - and our life-partners/mates are not recognized.

This is unarguably relevant! I left Armed Females of America when I was told to " . . . keep what I do in the bedroom in the bedroom. It's a lifestyle choice!" As being gay isn't relegated to "immoral acts" in some bedroom, and my efforts to expand on that intellectually failed completely, I had no choice. And all my articles previously posted on AFA were purged, including their inclusion statement, as drafted by my friend David Codrea.

Do I digress? No.

You wonder why there is a 'blind spot' in the LBGT community to conservative values as pertain to 2A issues - and yet there is indeed a real and intemperate, almost inviolate "Straight Wall" that remains. I have posted pleas with you here to actively seek out and fight for inclusion in your local gun clubs - and it aparrently fell on deaf ears, as evidenced by the posted replies. I have asked you about volunteerism as a basic experience in your hearts as demonstrated openly in your communities - and out of the hundreds and thousenad of you, there was no predominance of even an acceptance of such a notion.

It would be effortless to deem such concepts as this as "your fight," contemptuously sitting on the sidelines, waiting to see what the LBGT community does.

To be sure, it is our fight, our crux of social and moral conscience to grow and emerge united. I anticipate that we will - but if we must do it alone, will you feel threatened. After all, you did nothing, learned nothing, risked nothing; and we are you.

Let your personal commission of violence be to risk knowledge and heart - because in my heart I am convinced we are stronger and better together than we are apart: and there is this socialist monster that needs us do absolute violence upon it resolutely with sure confidence.

We're finding our heart, even with such steps as determining a legitimacy to exist in defiance of the intolerant, notwithstanding the predator; and such is obvious in the initial post of this thread. Instead of ridicule, reach to these fledgling steps with peace and patience, for their battle is already more than half-won within them.

They just don't know it yet. . .

(I can sure write a lot after a couple cups of espresso. . .!)


I think most of you are missing the point on the second letter. This person is not saying that carrying a knife is better than a gun, she is saying do not carry any self defense weapons at all!
Rather than making me feel safer and more able to repel potential attackers, these two items of self-defense made me feel even more threatened and unsafe. That I was carrying them all the time meant that I felt threatened all the time!
The logic here seems to be that carrying weapons reminded the writer that violence was a distinct possibility and threat. It was probably a constant reminder of the previous two attacks. That reminder was obviously very upsetting.

So, the solution appears to be don't carry any weapons and don't worry about it. Then life will be carefree and fun. :rolleyes:
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