Remake of "sniper" poster

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I also suggest changing the text. "Sniper Gun" just dosen't flow right.

I also second getting a more traditional bolt-action like a Rem 700 or Savage etc. or a Marlin or Winchester lever action. Make the rifle as common denominator as possible. Even "gun people" are not allways familiar with pump centerfire rifles, it will make them erronously conclude that Oleg is ignorant of gun types, and put the "wrong gun" in the poster, and subconsiously discount the message somewhat.

After my experiences working the WCCA table at some gun shows for Dick Baker promoting CCW, I've realized that the "huntin' only" and "trap 'shootin"gun crowd can be an incredibly dense lot, and your poster ought leave nothing to chance. These guys have literally told me to my face that they feel that those fighting for military rifle and handgun RKBA "ruin it" for them more than the anti's.

The compisition is also a little empty compared to some of your other work, and the way the rifle is held also subconciously evokes the photos of Saddam and Mussolini holding the gun up one handed in defiance from a balcony while grandstanding for crowds etc.

I suggest the frame be filled entirely with a Realtree camoflauged chest from shoulders to waist, perhaps even with a bit of safety orange vest. A game call should be visibly strung around the neck. The afore mentioned scoped bolt action or scoped lever gun should be cradled sort of port arms, with hands folded across the stock just behind the triggergaurd, with just the action and scope visible so the rifle is easily identifiable, and the ends of the barrel and stock running off the frame edges much like they are in some of those "laying on a table with hunting stuff" type of ads you see in the slicks.

Text would be:

On top, across the shoulders:

Hunters won't fear a gun ban...

Across, beneath the rifle:

untill it's called a "High Powered Sniper Rifle"

Then in a small short paragraph across the bottom:

All gun owners must stand together, or we will ALL lose our RIGHTS separately.
Hunters will simply be the last ban, what about your children and grandchildren?
Beware gun-grabbers who claim they are still "pro-hunting".

You could make a nearly identical poster with a trapshooter wearing a trap vest with a nice over-under safely broken open over one arm.

"Trap and skeet shooters wont fear a gun ban...

until it's called a "Double Barreled Riot Gun".

All gun owners must stand together, or we will ALL lose our RIGHTS separately.
Sporting shotguns simply be the last ban, what about your children and grandchildren?
Beware gun-grabbers who claim they are still "pro-sport shooting".
I'd change the wording on the bottom to :

"Too bad you own a sniper rifle"

I think hunters would be more likely to realize their guns are in danger with this phrasing,especially with the recent shootings in DC and Ohio.

This is a standard hunting rifle.
No politician would suggest taking it from any hunter.

This is a military sniper rifle.
Many politicians want it banned to protect the public.

Yes, they would take your hunting gun.
All they have to do is change the name.
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