Remember, wanting to be left alone...

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You know what happened to that guy?

Because of some cops with nothing better to do, he got arrested and mandated admission to a psych ward. Depending on his state law, he's probably in the same boat as me - Labeled a 'mental patient' for the rest of his life, unable to ever legally own a firearm ever again (I'm still working on that part, and thus far it's involved a lot of doctors and lawyers), and probably had all his guns taken away without compensation.

All because some cops had to be tough guys.

Makes my blood boil. But as I keep saying lately, I'm bitter. So don't pay me much mind.
Actually, I think this incident is pretty instructive. Had the guy fired back, it would have proved everything the police were claiming and he would have ended up dead or seriously injured.

By riding it out and then talking to the press/lawyers, he will bring a lot more misery on that police department than any firearm would have provided.
Yep, he took the hi-road and will fight the smart fight by bringing attention to the screwed up department that assaulted his home. No sense in having a violent confrontation he knew he couldnt win. Mans smarter than the police gave him credit for.

I bet his sister gets a really crappy gift from him this year for Christmas.
Even the police in Corn County want to play dress up and play with cool guy tools.:D

Couldn't Chief Wiggum just pick up the phone and ask "Wasssssuuuuppppp?" Maybe send a FTD pick em up bouquet instead of a "pick him off" bouquet?:D

I imagine that the skies will turn legal-pad yellow over Sioux City very shortly. And, from what I read, deservedly so.:uhoh:
Is it illegal to be depressed?
Apparently .... :uhoh:

I remember reading an anecdote in a book written by an Alaska State Trooper. He had to go check on an old guy who lived out in the woods and hadn't been seen in quite a while. As he approached, the old guy got a little nervous and actually fired a shot in the general direction of the trooper.

But instead of shooting back or calling for a SWAT backup, the trooper calls out: "Hey, [so and so] - it's me [trooper's name]. I just came by for a mug-up!" (a "mug-up" is an AK term for what the English call "tea")

The old guy came to his senses and put away his rifle and they had a fine little chat together, and all was well. The old guy had been "socialized" and was ready for another six months alone in the bush. :)

BTW, I actually knew this trooper's daughter while I lived up there, but I don't think I ever met him.
what a fiasco

it reminds me of that monty python skit where the guy is sentenced to be hung untill he cheers up....

or the old saying "the flogging will continue untill morale improves"

I would use the BIG GUNS, lawyers. The best way to fight the police is with lawyers. Fight the battle the cops don’t want to fight. Granted the guy didn’t have access to his own phone. I would have tried to call my attorney or looked one up. I also found it strange that there was no “negotiator” for the police. I hope he does get a lawyer and a nice check.
Had the guy fired back, it would have proved everything the police were claiming and he would have ended up dead or seriously injured.
And Vin Suprynowicz would have written a book called The Ballad of Mike Thurber.
Anyone else have a sis who would/could make that kind of call on you? If asked I might have to consider raising my hand. :( She has changes so much in last 10 yrs I hardly know her. Always so bitter/wants to pick fights/demand I realize what a wonderful person she is.
I really don't think the meds she has been on for last dozen yrs have helped her much.
I feel sorry for this guy. It would be fun to be able to go back in time to a lot of these (situations) and meet the guy a few days before. Then swing over just after his call and take him out to supper. Let the Police raid his house when nobody is home.
Same for others.
And Vin Suprynowicz would have written a book called The Ballad of Mike Thurber.

I guess it all depends on whether your goal is to vent your spleen and get a book written about you or to do damage to your enemies where they are weakest. :)
it's actually a little scary for me

it could be me, my older sister is not expected to live through the end of the week (COPD) and my mom is terminal as well.
All my friends know I have been really depressed.

This could well be me except for I am not taking any medication, I am just barely employed and not much good at work right now anyway
This may sound a bit racist... But I think it would be true. If this guy were black, there would be such outrage in the black community that Iowa cities would turn into war zones... Big wigs in the black community would descend to try to calm the masses, and eventually some officers would be convicted of civil rights violations and be thrown off the force...

But because this is a white guy, who will be painted as depressed right wing nut job with guns, there is NO outrage from the community as his white neighbors in the community see him as getting what he deserved, and the "police" as protecting them...

It is only a small minority of us gun types who even realize that these sort of seiges are illegal....
>I would use the BIG GUNS, lawyers. The best way to fight the police is with lawyers.<

would this be along the same lines as the way the Navy and Air Force conduct warfare: by throwing officers at the enemy? If so, it DOES bring up some interesting questions:
1)What kind of muzzle velocity can you get off a lawyer?
2)Do different kinds do different damage (like, would a civil lawyer be equal to a hollowpoint)?
3)Do they come available in a +P rating?
4)Are there any limits on the number of lawyers that you can legally fit in a magazine?

Ok, sorry... couldn't resist... :neener:
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