Revealed My Secrets to Family About .. Guns..

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Philosophical considerations aside, keep in mind also that the reason shooting is a good stress and tension reliever is that if requires your total focus and attention while you do it. It makes you shut everything else out for a while. It makes you LESS aggressive, not MORE.
Both of my parents are from Slovakia, so I am kinda in the same situation. My dad used to own 2 rifles that he attempted to hide from us kids in a cedar chest in the attic. I dont think he has ever fired them, but I can remember when I found them, thought they were cool. I asked dad about them and he said that the old Italian bolt rifle was not very accurate. The other was a Marlin 30-30.

My parents are aware of my interest in the shooting sports. They think its a good thing!:D

Sounds like you're Jewish. Well, it's OK for Jews to own and shoot guns and many many do. Hell, if it wasn't for guns we wouldn't have Israel.

Unfortunately there are still elements in the Jewish community that are rabidly anti-gun (Shumer, Feinstein etc). But we can change that one person at a time. USA is the only place on Earth where you're allowed freedoms like that and we should exercise every one of them.

Good luck and welcome into the shooting community.
...As long as we have a sizeable militia, it would be very difficult for our government to turn tyranical...

Almost half my income goes towards taxes and there's almost nothing I can own, use or eat without the government's approval.

What, exactly, is your definition of tyranical? You think the US gov is going to invade? They'll just let the FED raise mortgage rates or let the market crash until we beg them to step in and take over. They don't need guns.
Well, you're right in that the government has been gradually eroding freedoms since the Constitution was first adopted, and of course raising taxes on pretty much everything. But I meant tyrannical as in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia type tyranny, and by invasion I was talking about a scenario (unlikely I know) where we would be in a war with some country like China that would actually be capable of invading the U.S. and we'd end up fighting a guerilla war as well as fighting them conventionally with regular forces.
If we had to consider fighting a Nation like China in our own lands in a unconventional fight with our US Armed Forces... there are alot of things we can do. It's not going to be a fun time but I think with knowledge, motivation and intimate understanding of the land itself (My area has wetlands that cannot support Tanks for example...) can be used to our advantage. I also can think of many places around the USA land/terrain wise that can be MOST useful if we are very fast, proactive and make it happen quickly enough.

But we would have to fight in certain places first and hold on to them. For example Idaho. We lose Idaho first, there will go a great deal of ammuniton capacity for handguns and such others as produced in that state (Along with potatoes and such as well) Either that or pack up the factories and ship em to places that can be secured like the Russians did when they shipped thier Industry east past the Urals rather quickly before Moscow itself was threatened.

But dont worry. A nation like China is a strong nation, as long they have food. That would be where we hit em to make it hurt.
Right. My whole point is people need to have ARs, AKs, Sig 556s, etc. and know how to use them (and not just for bench shooting). Keep the militia alive and well, that's what I say. The media likes to portray "assault weapons" and the militia as somehow evil and threatening, but we needed em in the Revolution, needed them in 1812, and might need them again some day.
I made some questionable choices in my younger years but was never violent or tempermental. No one ever felt unsafe around me, just uncomfortable and worried for my health. That is behind me and I am a clean living person who cherishes sobriety, honesty and respect above all else.

I would be absolutely sure, with yourself, that you are mature, calm, and safe enough to own firearms. This is something you need to be frankly honest with yourself about. You don't need to convince anyone with words, prove that over time through your actions. You do however need to be truly honest with youself. You alone talking to your deepest inner-self and finding what lies therein. I know I'm being redundant, but being true to yourself that you are in control of your emotions is the only way to be comfortable as a firearm owner.

Sit down and ask yourself the question "Am I truly secure within my emotional state to be a responsible owner of potentially very dangerous weapons?" Answer yourself honestly, only you can know the answer, and then act accordingly. If you are at all unsure that you are truly safe then feel good about your decision and work to reach a place where you do and get back into guns then. Good Luck
Oh, and I meant that under the scenario of someone like China invading the armed forces would be doing the conventional fighting while the militia would be causing the invader as much pain behind the lines as humanely possible.
4Freedom, you say "I want to prove to my father I can be noble and I want all my bad traits from the past crushed. I hate that temper and want it gone for good."

Only the passage of time and the successful handling of difficult life situations will prove your fundamental change to your father and family. I'm guessing that your temper will be something that you'll deal with for the rest of your life. You'll get better at it and it will get easier but it will always be there and will try to bite you on the butt when you least expect it.

What you have worked hard for and largely achieved is maturity.


Millions of us humans never even try to grow up or see the need to.

Good for you! Just have God help you with your temper, He can help. It sounds like a great way to connect with your dad.

Exactly what business is it of anyone's that you own guns? If your family doesn't like it, they don't have to go shooting with you.

But then again I didn't get my short temper until after I had family members try to control, then later attempt to ruin my life, so YMMV when it some to family relationships.

There are few things left today that are fun, legal and piss off liberals when you do it, so why feel guilty?
This is the best thing you mentioned!

I'm sure that your parents are aware of a change in you.

As they see God working in and through you they will be less likely to question your motives when it comes to your recreation time.

Do not fret over the past. Satan likes to try and convice us we are not good people to try and discourage us from doing God's will.

Enjoy your new hobby but don't let it become the total focus of your life. Anything that we place above God becomes idol worship.

Christians have a joy that the non christain can't comprehend.

J Jesus
O Others
Y Yourself

Keep these priorities in the proper order and you will have true Joy!

God Bless!

So, Christians are happier than everyone else? :scrutiny:


Sounds like you're Jewish. Well, it's OK for Jews to own and shoot guns and many many do. Hell, if it wasn't for guns we wouldn't have Israel.

Unfortunately there are still elements in the Jewish community that are rabidly anti-gun (Shumer, Feinstein etc). But we can change that one person at a time. USA is the only place on Earth where you're allowed freedoms like that and we should exercise every one of them.

Good luck and welcome into the shooting community.

You think most Jews are anti-gun because of Two AMERICAN politicians? :confused:
Maybe you should take a look at this before you spout generalizations.

On Topic:
I'm glad you've decided to join us in exercising our 2nd Amendment Rights!

As for anger problems, I'd suggesting ignoring people that say just pray.

If you want to pray about it, fine, but you should see a shrink - Talk to someone about your life. It actually helps. Let your family know you love them, because they love you.

Good luck. :cool:
To belittle someone because they practice a religion and acknowledge a Creator is not only rude, but marks you as a judgemental and close-minded person - even more so than those practicing religion you seem to take such joy in attacking.
God plays an important role in my life, and while it's certainly your right NOT to believe, it is NOT your right to belittle or attack those beliefs.
Try to show a bit more class, eh?
Show me where I belittle someone because they practice a religion.
Show me where I take joy in attacking this religion.

I suggested that he seek a Mental Health Professional, something that helped me with my anger.

I take great insult in you belittling me.

You should follow your own advice.
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Thanks for your post . I too have had to hide things about my belief and practice of the second. For a long time had a hard time telling my wife when we first met , but she was very open and one hell of a shot to boot . You never know .
I give more thanks for the responses here. Life is a roller coaster ride and has ups and downs. The Lord helps me through. I thank both TexasRedneck and kilo729 for both of their advice and comments. Please you guys don't have to argue about your differences. Kilo729 is sharing what helped him in his life and religion wasn't the solution. I think he has the right to say it. TexasRedneck and others who have been helped by the Grace of God, I think you are the people I identify with the most.

God has helped curtail my anger, emotions and all the vain cares of the world I use to have; he has given me the freedom for which I have always yearned. I could never identify with shrinks, counselors or mental health professionals, although I am sure there are those out there who are great people and have helped many people. However, I respect everyone and the path they have taken to help improve their lives and to achieve their goals. Both you guys get my respect. I will resort to prayer, faith and relying on God's grace and mercy and help. Others will seek other means to achieve harmony of their inner being.

I am Jewish and had a major spiritual rebirth about 10 years ago, which I won't go into any detail. Also, I have been learning more and more about history and have had over the years a greater appreciation for the country I live and the freedoms I have. My great grandmother got to watch many of her relatives butchered in front of her in Eastern Europe by members of the Tzar's army; they were never allowed to defend themselves. Firearm ownership was out of the question for them, since they were never allowed to own these weapons. I still cherish the memories of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in Poland, how a few devoted men and women with guns could make such an impact.

I am also a member of Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. Great site and great movement, total no-nonsense pro-2A movement, that welcomes both Jews and Non-Jews, alike. WWW.JPFO.ORG
Kilo, you belittle by saying
"As for anger problems, I'd suggesting ignoring people that say just pray.

If you want to pray about it, fine, but you should see a shrink - Talk to someone about your life. It actually helps."

For a good many folks, taking their problems to their God does more good than any "professional" help can do for them. For others, professional help can assist them in working through their underlying issues. But because you choose not to believe doesn't mean that those that choose to believe are wrong, or can't get the needed help through prayer.

I don't sign off with a religious-based sig line - why do you find it so important to tell the world you're atheist? It's your choice - and your soul - and I will pray that you'll one day understand just what you're passing by, but don't deride that which you don't understand.

There are things that go on around us which defy explanation - and ultimately, even the most ardent evolutionists have to face the fact that something created the first matter - because the most basic scientific principal states that you can't create something out of nothing.
Kilo, TexasRedneck, I think this is why the Moderators said this in the Forum Rules:
"We have learned from bitter experience that discussions of abortion, [religion ]and sexual orientation often degenerate into less-than-polite arguments or claims that "my God is better than your God". For this reason, we do not discuss such subjects on THR, and any threads dealing primarily with these subjects will be closed or deleted immediately. Threads which deal with other subjects, but which mention abortion, religion or sexual orientation as a side issue, may be allowed to continue, but will be closely scrutinized, and closed or deleted if they "cross the line"."

Now 4Freedom brought it up as a side issued. Mainly discussing fear of his past anger and his families reactions to his gun ownership. I do not believe that it was kilo's intent to belittle his religion.Though, I can understand how it can be taken that way.

My point is that this is the reason why we are ment to avoid this topic and line of discussion.
Congratulations to 4Freedom for disclosing your guns to your family. I did the same way too, but only for a month. I didn't tell my wife that I have purchased pistols, and when I told her I have it. She just said be careful with it and hide it so the kids won't see it. She's very supportive and am happy with it. :)
Kilo, you belittle by saying
For a good many folks, taking their problems to their God does more good than any "professional" help can do for them. For others, professional help can assist them in working through their underlying issues. But because you choose not to believe doesn't mean that those that choose to believe are wrong, or can't get the needed help through prayer.

I'm reminding of a saying/joke:
It was flooding in California. As the flood waters were rising, a man was on the stoop of his house and another man in a row boat came by. The man in the row boat told the man on the stoop to get in and he'd save him. The man on the stoop said, no, he had faith in God and would wait for God to save him. The flood waters kept rising and the man had to go to the second floor of his house. A man in a motor boat came by and told the man in the house to get in because he had come to rescue him. The man in the house said no thank you. He had perfect faith in God and would wait for God to save him. The flood waters kept rising. Pretty soon they were up to the man's roof and he got out on the roof. A helicopter then came by, lowered a rope and the pilot shouted down in the man in the house to climb up the rope because the helicopter had come to rescue him. The man in the house wouldn't get in. He told the pilot that he had faith in God and would wait for God to rescue him. The flood waters kept rising and the man in the house drowned. When he got to heaven, he asked God where he went wrong. He told God that he had perfect faith in God, but God had let him drown.
"What more do you want from me?" asked God. "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."

Like I said, go ahead an pray. I'm not knocking those that do, but seek professional help while you're at it.

I don't sign off with a religious-based sig line - why do you find it so important to tell the world you're atheist? It's your choice - and your soul - and I will pray that you'll one day understand just what you're passing by, but don't deride that which you don't understand.
What does my sig line have to do with this? Nothing at all. Do me a favor and don't deride what you don't understand.

There are things that go on around us which defy explanation - and ultimately, even the most ardent evolutionists have to face the fact that something created the first matter - because the most basic scientific principal states that you can't create something out of nothing.
I'm not going to respond to this, you're putting words into my mouth by suggesting I believe in the Big Bang Theory, or that the Big Bang Theory has ANYTHING to do with the Theory of Evolution. Two different theories.

All and all, I gave the guy some SOLID advice and you get argumentative with me because my beliefs differ from yours.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.


Now 4Freedom brought it up as a side issued. Mainly discussing fear of his past anger and his families reactions to his gun ownership. I do not believe that it was kilo's intent to belittle his religion.Though, I can understand how it can be taken that way.

Correct, I had, and continue no have to intention to belittle ANYONE'S religion. I gave advice. He can take it with a grain of salt if he so desires.
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4freedom I am glad you have your life straight ,just don't get to caught up in thinking that everthing great is gods doing . God don't freat over the small stuff.. The small stuff is all you man. all your doing for good or bad every day.
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