Romney professes loyalty to NRA

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Oct 1, 2006
In a Los Angeles coffin.

Mitt Romney, who has taken some hits on his record on gun control and gun owner rights, did not show up in person today for a National Rifle Association forum attended by other Republican presidential contenders.

But via a video, Romney did pledge to protect the rights of gun owners and to appoint judges who would oppose "back door" attempts to ban guns through lawsuits against gun manufacturers. He also said he would ask Congress to repeal a campaign finance law that he says unfairly limits the rights of the NRA and other groups to participate in politics.

"Let me speak very directly and candidly about where I stand: I support the Second Amendment as one of the most basic and fundamental rights of every American," he said in the video. "It's essential to our functioning as a free society, as are all the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights."

"I've been proud to have the support of pro-Second Amendment and sportsmen's groups in my previous runs for public office. I'd be proud to have your support again as I campaign for President."

During the presidential campaign, Romney has portrayed himself as a longtime gun-lover, a sportsman, and strong defender of the Second Amendment. But he has acknowledged that he didn't join the NRA until August 2006, that he didn't personally own guns, and that he had only hunted one summer as a teenager, then just once in recent years.

And he has in the past supported some gun control measures opposed by the NRA. During his 1994 US Senate run, for instance, he said he backed a five-day waiting period for gun purchases and a ban on certain assault weapons.

To support his record of supporting gun owner rights, the Romney campaign points to several bills he signed into law in Massachusetts that streamlined regulations for hunters, sport shooters, and makers of target pistols.

The campaign also says that assault weapons law included provisions sought by hunters and gun owners, including lengthening firearm licenses from four to six years and reinstating a 90-day grace period for renewing licenses.

Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor at 11:42 AM

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