Ruger security six won't cock all the way back.

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Mar 9, 2017
I bought this revolver almost forty years ago but have only put maybe a thousand rounds through it. (A buddy needed the money.) It was made in 1976 because it says "Made in the 200th year of American Liberty" on the frame. No rust, well taken care of, but never anything more than standard cleaning. Now when I cock the hammer back the transfer bar doesn't come up when manually cocked, and the hammer when released goes to half cock. But it operates double action (dry firing) just fine. Do I need to take it fully apart and give it a total cleaning, or is something broken?
First, clean it. Make sure you put everything back together properly and try and make note of any obviously broken or worn parts.
That gun doesn't have a half cock notch so something is out of wack. They are easy to take apart so thats what I would do. If you are unsure of your ability to disassemble it by all means take it to the gunsmith. I doubt cleaning will fix this. It really sounds like something is broken. I had to by a new latch and latch pivot for my 1972 made gun and I got the the parts from Numrich. Looks like they may be owned by Brownells now.
First, clean it. Make sure you put everything back together properly and try and make note of any obviously broken or worn parts.
I'll do complete takedown. Since I didn't buy it new and don't have the manual I'll go online and get it. It's had so little use I think "worn part or parts" isn't likely. Broken part? Who knows? Makes at least as much sense as a grain of sand getting in the worst possible place and not moving. I have many Ruger firearms with way many more times ammo shot through them with no part failures. But there is always a first time. I'm sure it'll be way easier to completely take down than a 1911. I really appreciate your advice.
That gun doesn't have a half cock notch so something is out of wack. They are easy to take apart so thats what I would do. If you are unsure of your ability to disassemble it by all means take it to the gunsmith. I doubt cleaning will fix this. It really sounds like something is broken. I had to by a new latch and latch pivot for my 1972 made gun and I got the the parts from Numrich. Looks like they may be owned by Brownells now.
Thank you for the reply! I'll never do a 1911 complete take down to the last spring and pin again, (what a pain for an amateur) but this revolver I'll give a whirl. Took it out and shot it just because I hadn't used it at least ten years. Worked perfectly for about fifty rounds, (a rookie was shooting it under my supervision, not me) then the problem arose. But I only paid attention to muzzle, trigger control etc. for safety. Maybe she figured out how to break it without meaning to. Who knows? Appreciate the heads up on who to get parts from. I'll check with Ruger first, then Numrich and Brownells.
The Security Six is designed to be disassembled and reassembled by the user (does not require armourer skills or tools, just the ability to follow the instruction sheet). On first detail strip of my first Security Six, when I removed the pawl, the pawl spring and its plunger popped out. I spent minutes crawling, shining a maglite scross the kitchen floor to find that tiny little coil spring (good thing I was not outdoors at the range or on the mountain). All in all, the Ruger lockwork is easier to disassemble/reassemble for detail clean or repair than a Colt or S&W double action.
Since you have shot this gun very little over many years we can hope the lube got hard or sticky or even both and a good cleaning will fix the problem. No matter what the revolver needs a good cleaning anyway.

Good luck, keep us updated please.
If you took the hammer and main spring out, make sure you didn't put the spring and it's retainer in reverse.

There are diagrams that show just what the relationship should be.

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It could be someone was trying to fix the gun and screwed it up. I recommend picking up a new hammer and trigger on eBay and replacing them in your gun...or send it back to Ruger. Yeah, I know they no longer support the "Six" series, but they do and don't. Sometimes find the beast parts and you're back in business!
Send it back to Ruger or buy the parts from eBay. Ruger says they no longer support the security-Six, but t they can work out deals.

I was able to get my Liberty Security Six to stop at half cock once. I fully cocked it and it went back to normal operation and I wasn't able to get it to do in again.
I appreciate all the advice and look forward to getting it up and running. I'll report back. Thank you guys!
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