S.4057 introduced, carry in National Parks

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Feb 24, 2003
Introduced by Sen. Allen (he promised this before the election, and has kept his word), it would allow concealed carry in National Parks, in states that allow it. Might wanna contact your Senators and voice support, as well as asking the Majority Leader to give it priority.

Maybe we can move it through before the Dems take over. :)

Contact info for Senators:

Contact info for Majority Leader:
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I figured someone might have beaten me to this ;-)

Folks, this is VERY IMPORTANT ... Please contact your congressional delegations ASAP. Call early, and call often and ask that they cosponsor, or support this bill and ask for a written or email response. This could very well get the lead out of this effort if all of us will get behind this. If we can show enough co-sponsors to use as leverage, it may not even have to pass since DOI can still handle this administratively.

You can go here for links to contact information, tips etc.
What's the deal with concealed carry not allowed in National Parks? Does it apply to National Forests as well? A lot of our land is controlled by the feds as National Forest in VT.
Presently, national parks(federally designated) are CCW no-nos, regardless of state laws. This bill is a good thing folks.
My understanding is that National Forests are A-Ok, National Parks are not. Please check your local listings for confirmation.
My understanding is that National Forests are A-Ok, National Parks are not. Please check your local listings for confirmation.

In AZ, national forests if I recall are okay, but the camp grounds are considered National Parks. I don't know though because I generally camp in the middle of nowhere, not at a designated camp site. :evil: But anything that promotes conceal carry is fine by me.
.pdf copy of S4057 located at



go to http://bighammer.net/timeline.html and click "go to the most recent updates".

Make sure you get a contact back from your elected officials. Call multiple times if you need to, and follow up with email. Don't forget to mention that DOI can still administratively fix this by implementing VCDL's petition to amend the Parks rules.
I sent off an email to both of my Senators in support of this bill. Maybe I can write up a letter and bring it to my local gunshop with me when I go to pick up my new AR (yep, panic buy caused by the election, thanks for the excuse to buy it, Dems!). Have them circulate it, gather signatures from residents of the state, and send it along after a week or so or whenever they get a good looking number of signatures.

Grassroots activism, folks. Get familiar with it. The leftists seem to have a monopoly on it, at least in my area. We can only protect our rights by motivating those who would defend them to get involved in the fight.

So I ask you all to write up a letter in support of this bill, and to bring it along with you to the range, to the gunshop, to your buddies that shoot, and get signatures. Let your delagation know that you support this bill.
good question. Not many. That doesn't mean we shouldn't pursue this however. We need co-sponsors, a strong showing of support and backing. This ISN'T the only movement on the issue... See the original posting.

Now time to call my senators.

I contacted Senator Warner's office, but didn't bother contacting my other senator (George Allen) because he is the one introducing the bill.
I contacted Senator Warner's office, but didn't bother contacting my other senator (George Allen) because he is the one introducing the bill.

Call him anyway to say "Thank you!" and ask him to follow through on his promise to do everything he can to push it through.

Like pushing it through the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, headed up by Senator Pete Domenici from New Mexico.

It has been read twice, but must come up for a vote in this committee before it goes anywhere else!

From the VCDL Alert:

We need to contact Senator Domenici and urge him to get the bill a vote as soon as possible:

Senator Domenici's web email address is:


Suggested copy-and-paste message:


Please bring up Senator Allen's bill, S 4057, for a vote as soon as possible in the Energy and Natural Resources Committee!

This important bill would allow law-abiding citizens to be able to defend themselves while in a National Park. It is critical that S 4057 clear the committee and be brought to the Floor for a vote quickly!

I very much appreciate your help in this matter.
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