S&W Customer Service

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Feb 24, 2007
I have often read about quick turnarounds but luckily for me I have never had to go directly back to them. But based on everything I read I decided to use them to refinish my grandfathers old model 10 that had been stored away for 12 years with no care.

On Sept. 11th they received the pistol.

5 Weeks later

On Oct 14th

I received a phone call from them telling me how much it would be to make it like new. I gave them the go ahead and my credit card number.

5 weeks later

On Oct 20th I am still waiting to receive my pistol back.

I am not doing this to bash only sharing my experience and documenting it here on THR. I took some before pictures of the revolver before sending it in. I will take some after pictures when I get it back and post the pictures along with my experience/timeline here at my website http://www.dayattherange.com

I am hoping it will be any day now, talk about no patience I am sitting on pins and needles waiting. :)
Most people seem to have favorable experiences with S&W customer service. Those of us who don't, tend to have VERY bad experiences. After my lawyer contacted their corporate counsel, they made a reasonable effort to make things right, although I ended up with a very pretty and mostly worthless gun in the end.
WOW that sucks, honestly I have not seen many bad experiences. I honestly don't think this one is to bad I am just lacking patience. Hopefully I will get a very nice model 10 back.

I hear people complaining about Taurus service all the time saying 2 months and even 3 months but I don't think that is all that bad.

Well I will surely keep everyone informed on my outcome.
I once thought that S&W had as good a customer service operation as anyone in the gun industry. Then along came the recall of the company's PPK models, and I quickly changed my mind. Your issue, in fact, could well be a result of the lingering effects of the PPK mess in Houlten.
That sucks man. I'm sorry to hear that.

It seems strange to me. It must have something to do with the fact that it's not their mistake that it's messed up. They seem to be really good and quick about fixing their screw ups, but maybe they just piddle when it comes to doing work of this nature. The only time I sent anything to them I had it back within 8 days.
Check the back log of most decent gunsmiths and you'll find that 2-3 months and longer is not uncommon for repair/refinishing work. Custom work often takes much longer. Hopefully the finished product will be worth the wait.

Out of curiosity, what work is being done, what kind of finish, and how much did they quote you? I've got a nearly new S&W revolver that has some scratches and blemishes and I'm thinking of sending it back to be refinished. I'll be interested to see how yours comes out.
Sorry to hear that, but I can't think of anyone, anywhere that would have been faster; as you seem not to have asked them how long this could take, I think it's a bit unfair to be disappointed; My experience with S&W service has always been good, with reasonable turnaround comparable to other commercial Smiths (I've used them all: Finishing only from Robar took 6). We're at the two month mark now; Can't think of anyone else who would even be close before at least 3.
I can only offer as comfort the suggestion that my experience with Smith indicates it will be worth the wait.
Cheers, TF
Doesn't sound unusual. Of the various ones I've owned, I wound up needing to send 2 of them back over the years, and it took about that long.

Just be patient.
I have never had them rebuild a gun, but I have had them to repair several, and received great service.

I'd like to have a pre model 10 reworked but don't want to spend a fortune on it. Was their estimate resonable?
I thought it was reasonable considering what some of my local smiths wanted to charge for rebluing. The only thing really wrong with it was the bluing and had surface rust from sitting in one of those egg crate foam cases, the lockup was still very tight and bore shiny. For shipping and everything it was $190.00. A lot of guys said man just shoot it not worth shoot it and enjoy it. To me it was every bit worth it as long as it comes back in good shape. I spent many summers helping my grandad on the farm and watching him carry this piece and watching him sit down at the table wiping it down and cleaning it after carrying it. So I know he was very fond of the condition it was in.
The price is reasonable. Please post some pics of it when you get it back. Do you have any before photos?
The price is reasonable. Please post some pics of it when you get it back. Do you have any before photos?

WC145 here is a before picture. There will be a more detail report on my website when I do get it back from S&W.
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Check the back log of most decent gunsmiths and you'll find that 2-3 months and longer is not uncommon for repair/refinishing work. Custom work often takes much longer. Hopefully the finished product will be worth the wait.

Out of curiosity, what work is being done, what kind of finish, and how much did they quote you? I've got a nearly new S&W revolver that has some scratches and blemishes and I'm thinking of sending it back to be refinished. I'll be interested to see how yours comes out.

WC145 not true for me. I have a local gunsmith that does a very nice job and is more cost effective than S&W. He did my grandfathers Ruger Standard, and also a MKII they were both in really bad shape. He polished and hot blued them both and I was amazed. I took over 40 before pictures of both together and disassembled before and after pictures. I will be posting a writeup of the work he did with extensive pictures on my website, this job took him two weeks. Had I found this guy before I sent my grandpa's model 10 back to smith I would have had him do all 3.
I bought a used 5906, I wrote to S&W and a few weeks later I had a new instruction manual and new grips, I only asked for the instruction manual and posed the question about the recalled pistol grips on some Gen 3 S&W auto loaders, the S&W rep went ahead and sent the brand new grips "just in case"...

I'd say that is pretty good service.
I'll put in a good word for S&W customer service based on my one and only experience with them. It was an extractor replacement on a 3rd gen pistol that I bought from another individual. They paid shipping both ways, had the gun back to me in under a week and charged me nothing.
My model 10 is back

I will be going to pick it up tomorrow. When I got home and thought about listening to the answering machine the shop was closed.
I will be going to pick it up tomorrow. When I got home and thought about listening to the answering machine the shop was closed.

Can't wait to see the pics! Hope they did your gun justice.
I am not a 'smith nor a blueing expert, but I have had two experiences with S&W Customer Support.

First was a 360PD (Scandium/titanium) that I sold a friend. Shortly thereafter he found "flecks" on the cylinder face--looked like missing metal. He sent it to S&W, they replaced the cylinder and returned it in a week, all on their dime.

Second was a 396 that I bought used. The prior owner had somehow (chemically) damaged the painted/coated silver finish on the frame. Worked great, looked...not so good. I talked to them, they said send it in and we'll have a look. I sent it in, waited about a week and called. It was already on the way back to me--completely refinished, free of charge.

However, doing a quality re-blueing job is an entirely different animal. I can't imagine that S&W or anyone else is going to re-blue one pistol, so I would guess that they wait until they have enough to make it worth firing up the tanks.

Looks to me that the difference in the work required on that Ruger as compared to the Model 10 is substantial. For an old S&W, I wouldn't let anyone but S&W re-do it, and that's the best way to retain the value of that old revolver. (Some will say Fords as well, but they will not do it overnight either.)

It is a 50-year old gun, and it didn't get that way overnight. If it takes a month or two and it is good as new, you will keep it that way forever.

Enjoy it, and post us some pics.
The bluing came out great. I am waiting for my grips to get here. The bluing came out so good that I am having a tough time getting decent pictures of it.

When I get my grips I will try a little harder to get some decent pictures. S&W even replaced all of the internal parts and put the old ones in a envelope inside the box they shipped it back in. Didn't have a letter of any sort though about the work that was done. Just a piece of paper that said if you have any questions call us at this number. Ah I just noticed those little specs in the picture is lint from my rug rag lol.
If that pic is indicative of the rest of the gun it looks they they did an outstanding job, especially considering what it looked like before. Congrats, it's beautiful.

Tell me, did you order the "Standard Polish & Blue" or the "High Bright Polish"? And, if you don't mind saying, did they come in at the original estimate of $190 or was it more by the time they finished?

Call them and talk to them. I honestly do not know what this finish is. I told them I just wanted it refinished and it was my grandfathers so I wanted it like new.

They said no problem and that price included all the internals they replaced and the bluing to make it like new :)
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