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Lt. G

Jun 3, 2003
sunshine state
Since the AWB has bit the dust, is it legal to own a sap,(lead) or lead dust gloves? Would a concealed weapons license cover them.

When I was rookie paramedic working for a private ambulance company. I saw several situations that were mitigited using these. Usually pretty quick and with severe effect.
The AWB had nothing to do with saps, other than the people who wrote it. :D

Legality would actually be dependant on your state of residence.
Saps or blackjacks are usually listed as illegal weapons but whips aren't. When I go into the city or just on a walk around the neighborhood I usually can be found carrying one of these:


The handles of these mini-whips use a steel nail as the foundation and several ounces of lead is wrapped around the butt for balance. Excellent make-shift saps.
so you carry a bullwhip with you, wow the mental picture of that, you in a dark alley and a gobblen about to attack..smack Indiana Jones on the attack.
Yes, I made those whips. The debate about whips as weapons rolls on. If you do a search in this forum you'll find a prior discussion concerning the topic.

When I hike in the woods I carry a full sized bullwhip but the whips pictured above are mini-whips (four inch handle, four foot braid) that can be concealed in a cargo pocket. I just wanted to be clear that I don't walk around urban environments with an eight foot bullwhip hanging from my belt. Although, it would be cool... :D

Have a good Thanksgiving holiday, fellas.
Back to the topic at hand, saps are awesome. I have a Boston Leather Midget that I really like. In fact, I like it so much that I have two. They hit like sledgehammers and the flat ones edge can be used on soft tissue to decent effect. As far as legality goes, contact your attorney in regards to state and local laws. There is no federal law prohibiting their carry. Also, never make the mistake of thinking that just because it isn't sharp or it doesn't fire lead that you can't kill a BG with it unintentionally. Like any weapon, extreme discretion is required in an SD situation. For tons of info on saps search or check out the page at:

Thanks for all the replies. Dan, thanks for those links.

Guess I wasn't thinking clear when I posted, (the whole AWB thing, Doh).
But I got my question asked and answered!

All the LEOs I've talked to said it was not a good idea to carry one.
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