Sarah Brady loved by Democrats and...Republicans!

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Aug 29, 2006
For everyone who thinks that the Republican Party and Sarah Brady are not friends, please read the following from 1983. In her own words, Sarah Brady praised conservative Republican Ronald Reagan and then New York liberal Democrat Congressman Chuck Schumer in her article. seems to me that both political parties back then and now are for gun control when it will get them additional votes. And...the NRA still informs us all the time that certain individuals including the "Great Communicator" are and were friends of the Second Amendment and gun owners. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

What are your thoughts on these undisputed facts, fellow THR members?

oae :confused: :mad: :what: :rolleyes: ;) :D

Remarks At The Signing Of
The Brady Gun Control Bill
by Sarah Brady
United States Gun Control Activist

East Room, The White House: November 30, 1993

Thank you, General Reno. She didn't tell you that on that courthouse step alone, fighting for the Brady Bill, there was one other woman -- the Attorney General herself. And right along the way this year since we've been fortunate enough to have her in Washington, she's been right along with us.

It's a special day for us all. I don't think it every occurred to me that I would be this emotional. And I walked in and looked at the faces here and the memories that come back over these past seven years -- every face I look at brings back a different memory.

And I want to thank a lot of people here, and I'm going to try to do it as quickly as possible. Everybody here has helped. And each of you in your own way reflects many others across the country. First of all, I want to say to have an administration, an Attorney General, a Vice President, and a President who we knew would sign this bill is of the utmost importance.

I'd like to draw attention also to another President, who we feel very close to, President Ronald Reagan, who supported it and came out for the Brady Bill, and who made it a badge of honor for Republicans -- (applause) -- and brought this bill into the arena where it was not a partisan issue.

I would like to thank the men and women in blue who have by the hundreds of thousands come to Washington to fight for this over the years, marched for us, been in press conferences, and more than anything else who day in and day out give their lives for all of us. (Applause.)

To our bill sponsors, Senator Metzenbaum, Congressman Schumer, Congressman Sensenbrenner, and our very first Ed Feighan, and all the rest of the members of Congress who had the guts to speak out early and support us all along the way when sometimes it wasn't easy. And I know one of the earliest ones was a Senator from Texas - - and in Texas that wasn't so easy in those days; and he now, of course, sits on the President's Cabinet. So for all the Congress who have supported us, my thanks.

Our friends, Handgun Control, board and staff, are phenomenal. Over the years, they've worked their heart out. And I want to talk a little bit about the victims around the country who have suffered and suffered terribly, and who've gotten involved in this movement. And I know today for them is a very special day, and we thank them for what they've done.

For everyone who's gotten involved, I can't -- I don't know how to say that this is all part of everything a team, a large team, did together.

There's one man in particular now I want to talk about, and that is a gentleman by the name of Pete Shields, who was my predecessor. And it was Pete Shields who made this movement what it is. Before anyone else got involved or thought, he, after losing his son to gunfire, quit his job, came to Washington and decided to work for this noble cause. Pete Shields was Chairman of Handgun Control when I joined; and he was until the year before his death, until he passed away last winter. And we owe a great debt of -- a great debt of gratitude to Pete and to Pete's family -- (applause).

And I only have one or two other words I want to say. Our critics have said that the Brady Bill was only symbolic. Well, I think there is some symbolism in the Brady Bill -- it's symbolic of teamwork, of people from all over this nation working together to pass something that the people wanted. I think it's symbolic that members of Congress could stand up to a large lobby. I think it's symbolic of a lot of things. But I don't want anyone to feel that that's all it is. The Brady Bill is not just symbolism. It will begin to make a difference. It will begin to save lives. We read in The Post this morning that in four states alone, over 50,000 people were stopped in the last four years from getting weapons illegally -- or over the counter. It will help.

And to tell you a little bit on a personal level of how it would have helped her, I want to introduce a very special young woman. Her name is Melanie Musick. I met her several years ago when she came, like so many of the victims have come to Washington to help us, she came to tell her story and to plead. And her story is one of many in the past, and one of many in the future who we hope will be saved by the Brady Bill.
Personally I feel that the Brady bill is a pain in the tail...with that said the NICS investigations do in fact weed out a not insignificant number of folks that according to law are prohibited from legal gun ownership.

Personally I do not agree that all of those crimes should prohibit firearm ownership but there are in fact repeat violent offenders that the inept court system keeps churning through our jails that it does in fact eliminate from LEGALLY purchasing a firearm.

I believe that only the true violent criminals that are at significant risk of harming others should be prohibited...the rest of the nonsense felonies should not be prohibiting events.

With that said NICS does nothing to prevent a criminal from illegally obtaining a firearm.

Do I favor elimination of NICS....I don't think so but it needs to be tuned up so that folks are not prohibited for nonsense mistakes.....

I also do not believe in waiting all...end of discussion on that one.

Put into perspective the 1983 article and what the Brady Bill accomplished was pretty mild and was easy for most politicians to swallow and is mild compared to what the BC is trying to accomplish today with the bans on Semi Auto's, Ammo Encoding and outright bans etc

Sarah Brady and Paul whats-his nuts are completely off their rockers fascists in my opinion....I would actually consider labeling them traitors to the US for actively working to undermine the Constitution...ymmv
Just because a Congresscritter is a Democrat doesn't automatically make it anti-gun. Just because a Congresscritter is a Republican doesn't automatically make it pro-gun.

As a whole, no, the Republican Party and Sarah Brady are not friends.

Cutting off one of dozens of supply points for firearms does not fix the problem. Any criminal who is outside of jail can easily get firearms or any other type of contraband with great ease. The only way to disarm violent criminals is to keep them in jail where at least they will be restricted to fighting with other inmates. If youve already convicted them of a violent felony, keeping them behind bars should be easy.

The whole idea of prohibited persons is a sham to save police the effort of doing their jobs after the courts have neglected to do theirs. It is so much easier to convict someone of possessing a gun than of committing a real crime. And the general public foots the bill by slowly losing our rights and being subjected to a greater likelihood of victimization.

The simple solution is suitably harsher punishments for violent felons and no restrictions once people have served their time. When you finish repaying your debt to society, you shouldnt still be on the hook. And parole should only be reserved for prisoners that can demonstrate they truly have been reformed, not to alleviate shortages of cell space.
please read the following from 1993.

Well the fact that you had to go back to 1993 tells me plenty.

Since you like history, riddle me this:

How many new anti-gun laws were introduced while Republicans controlled Congress in the last 20 years.
How many new anti-gun laws were introduced while Democrats controlled Congress in the last 20 years.
Presidential hopefuls score card on Sarah Brady, NICS and Gun Control:

Republican Rudy G. former mayor of NYC:
Never saw a gun control law he didn't like.

Republican Arizona Senator John McCain:
Same as Rudy G.

Republican Mitt Romney, MA Governator:
Same as the above two Republicans

Democratic Senator from New York State Hillary Clinton:
See above on Rudy G.

Democratic Senator from Land of Lincoln, Barack Obama:
See Rudy G. and Hillary above

Democratic Senator from North Carolina, John Edwards:
See Rudy G. Hillary and Barack above.

Second tier presidential hopefuls,those with less dollars:

Republican Fred Thompson from TN:
Very little known on Second Amendment but some believe he supports gun owners.

Democratic governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson:
Holds current CCW from his state, some think he will uphold 2nd Amendment.

Third tier Presidential hopefuls(those with even less money):

Republican Congressman Ron Paul believes in zero gun control. Get rid of NICS and all anti-Constitution gun laws in the US.
This is the only person who really is 100% pro gun and Second Amendment.

I rest my case. Mainstream Democratic and Republicans both support current gun control and most will look the other way if more so-called sensible gun laws are passed by the Congress.

TX Rifleman, you really do not want to chase that particular rabbit down the hole if you like your republicans. Just take a look at New Jersey for example that has some of the worst guns laws in the country that were all implemented by Republican led legislature and governor.

If you want I can revive a thread that is buried around here somewhere on this exact topic that reveals a lot of ugly truths. The truth is that republicans are not much better than dems.
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