Say hello to History Channels R. Lee Emery!

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can anybody tell us what happened to the animated Ermy on the website giving the opening spill that was so good. I got to see it 2x. Haven't been able to get it to come back up. Thanks
R Lee is a great actor and a fine role model.

Mail Call rocks. There is nothing better than watching a fellow afficianado blast away with a 50BMG and lovin it like R Lee does.

I never miss Mail Call.
Since the miniguns that are attached to vehicles and aircraft require great amounts of power to operate, does the military have any plans for other heavy weapons that can be operated if the vehicle/aircraft is disabled?

What kind of grabasstic unorganized question is that? :evil:
sin and consequence.....

As a new member I committed the sin of failing to use "SEARCH" to see if there was a previous thread saluting R. Lee Ermery for which I will do so in the future.

Via SEARCH I found there to be 46 references to him and/or Mail Call with one in particular that was started by FPrice on 1/14/03 with 50 replies and 1355 views! The thread is:
i'd love to have him on board here!!

been a fan ever since i saw him in "Full Metal Jacket" and once, even got to see him give a speech at a function at Quantico (friend of the family is a medically retired master gunny, got invited, and asked me to go with him) i was both shellshocked and in complete Awe!!
Gunny Ermery, at The High Road

p.s. If there is sufficient response to this thread I will personally forward it to him with an invitation to join the High Road!

Seems like a reasonable action.
now I gotta admit that I'm just a disabled old soldier (my younger brother is the family member associated with Uncle Sam's Misguided Children) but I have to admit that the first time I saw the movie one thing that kept coming to me over and over was "this guy isn't just an actor"

another was "that was they way I wanted to cuss when I was a SGT!".

The only guy I've ever seen who could cuss more fluently than R.L.E. was an Army warrant officer who'd been in so long he was reputed to have been one of the road guards at the Crucifixion.
Funny how out of six, or seven billion lost souls, there are always a few unique ones. From "Firebase Gloria" to "Mail call" gotta love him.

When Saddam is cornered, I suggest R.L.E be given a megaphone and go at it until Saddam decides to do the right thing and go room temperature.
Ermey in "Switchback" on TBS

wow..... just finished watching : R. Lee Ermey in a dramatic role playing Sheriff Olmstead in "Switchback" on TBS tonight - super performance!

and my personal apology to all and especially R. Lee Ermey himself for my blunder in mispelling his last name, a last name that will go down in the history books under
"E R M E Y" and let's not forget that fellow maggots!
Full Metal Jacket came out a year or two before I joined the Army. I joined the reserves while in HS so I got to go to drills for about 9 months before basic. Curious about what lay in front of me I started asking guys in the unit about it and uniformly the answer was "watch the first half of Full Metal Jacket". In 1989, that was Army Basic Training, minus the actual hitting. I've been a fan ever since. I own the movie on VHS and soon will on DVD and I usually only bother with the best part- the first half.

I'm posting this to get the count on this thread up so maybe it just might get his attention if forwarded. I would really love to see the Gunny on THR (even if he is a Jarhead:evil: ).
Official Plea!

As the son of the man who wrote "Battleground," "Hell is for Heroes," "Go for Broke," created the TV show "Combat!," and fought in the Battle of the Bulge(Robert Pirosh), please join The High Road! "Mail Call" is the BEST!:cuss:

Steve Pirosh
I have the 'Motivational Figure' (Hilarious!), and the 'Were You About to Call Me an *******?' T-shirt (Also hilarious!)
Mail Call 2/16 and proposed blitz?

Gunny Ermey's Mail Call tonight was up to par and maybe more. Grenades, L.A.P.E.S., dogtags (I thought that notch was for the teeth too...), pickle helmet, M.R.E.'s, combat cupcake and tunnel rats to wrap it up. Dammit Gunney, a half hour just ain't enuf!!!

click on this, dirtbag: :evil:

:neener: got an idea..... how do us little people make our voices hear by politicians? we blitz'em!!! I've already sent my e-mail so just maybe if he were to get 20, 30, 40, 50 or more he might get the idea......

his e-mail address is: [email protected]

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