Schrade® 10" Bowie Hunting Knife on sale

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The Schrade is a Chinese knockoff of an Al Mar design (I hate design thieves).

Here's the original. Quest III (smallest of the Quest designs)

I wouldn't consider it a "bowie" anyway.
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Received the same e-mail from Bass Pro. Considered it for about a minute and decided to pass. Sounds like a good decision.
In their defense, they do sell some really good stuff via their e-mail specials. I have bought stuff from tackle to clothing.

Al was a great knife designer, pity to see one such iconic Al Mar design stolen so blatantly. Its one thing to knock off the basic design philosophy in a piece (still unacceptable) like a couple of manufactures do consistently, but to just copy it without attribution because it isn't protected...:fire:
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Rant on.
Any Schrade not made by the original company will never enter my collection. Period. Amen. End of conversation.
Rant off.
Carry on.
whats the deal on schrade putting a Special Forces crest on the handle. too frickin big to carry. bad enough its a cheap copy. come on!!! $15.00 I could destroy it in 4 wacks....:banghead::banghead::cuss:
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I think the Association should flood Stewart Taylor's office with complaints about that.

Here's the telephone number for the office in Kingsport. 800.251.0254 * 423.247.2406
I was about to post the same thing: it's a bit "weird" to have the SF crest on that. The crest is protected by Heraldry and copyright issues. I don't know what's going on here but it stinks....
As soon as I saw that, I thought, "Where have I seen that design before..." :scrutiny:
I was checking out their blades at Bass Pro. I saw this and I'm just not a fan of it for numerous reasons. Most which have been listed.

It reminds me of those crappy cheap knives I see in gas stations or at gun shows by the young kid in the para military outfit.


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Kim, I'm glad you saw that. I just saw this thread and had to zoom in on the pic on the Bass Pro website to make sure I was seeing what I thought I did. That to me is worse than stealing Al's design. It angers me to see a company making unauthorized use of any military insignia to sell a product. That they would have the audacity to use the 5th Group crest to try to sell a Chinese knockoff with a cheap 3cr13 steel blade is below low class.
If memory serves, the knife has been knocked off before in this exact manner. I'm not sure who the first company was do to it, but they used the crest and this configuration.
anything for a sale. If they had a great nude carving I might look at it again. otherwise i'm done and will call them after calling SOCCOM.:evil::evil::barf:
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