Sgt York fought here

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"Left is a photo of the twenty-one .45 caliber ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) shell casings and four slugs fired by Alvin C. York on 08 OCT 1918.

I'm a big York fan, not to take away from the heroic can they be certain these were fired by York? I suppose if the gun still exists forensics could match up the firing pin marks on the casings. Conclusion could be made that York only missed four shots...17 were hits.
What nice and wonderful history lesson...But just one question comes to mind. Standard practice even in WW! was to carry your 1911 with an empty chamber. Now under real world, I suspect the a round was chambered and the magazine topped off. giving the first string a total count of 8 rounds. Followed by two 7 round reloads. That would equal 22 rounds..So where the extra round came from since they collected 23 cases? Or was our good friend York packing a couple of extra magazines in his pocket to boot?

Either way I reall enjoyed the artical. Thanks for the posting.

Be safe:cool:
Ok..I read the article again.. They stated 21 rounds..and then 23 rounds.. I suspect soemone miss wrote.. and for some reason I took the 23 round count and latched onto like a dog with bone..

Be safe all:cool:
i thought he used a captured Luger for the first few.....then a .45
i thought he used a captured Luger for the first few.....then a .45
Did York take the luger off the surrendering German Officer, and used it to cover him and the other prisoners he took back to allied lines, because he shot both his Springfield rifle and M 1911 pistol dry?
I'd never heard the Luger angle before

York's story, on film, depicted him using a luger because the design of the 1911 cannot feed and fire blanks. Hollywoood's prop department substituted the luger and one was never actually used by York. It's been a long time and my memory is a bit fuzzy. Has anybody else heard this?
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