Shooting range turned me away - said i'm a suicide risk!

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in general,do the people who are in favor of assissted suicide[euthanasia?] the same ones who want to close the ranges?

NO-! euthanasia Is what you do to a sick dog to put it out of misery-It [the dog] has no say! That would be akin to injecting a person with a deadly substance when they cant tell you Not to!
Assisted suicide is a person ASKING to be put out of misery !
Im all in Favor of assisted suicide -If pain get too much I should have a choice of how I go Out ! Besides sucking the barrell of a shotgun and giving the antis more ammo !
Were one to wish for assisted suicide, I think I can think of slightly easier (On the suicide victim... er.... perpetrator?) ways to do it for both the person and the survivors.
For those confused about how someone would want to kill them selves while living in Montana - remember that the entire eastern half of the state is more like North Dakota than anything else.

(It's still really sad)

I've shot at Wade's before while working in the Redmond area, nice place with reasonable prices and lots of selection in their rental guns. About 6 or 7 years back they had two people come in within days of each other, around the Christmas season, and blow their brains out with rental guns. My guess is that it then turns into a copycat thing and then a trend when people who are contemplating suicide read about it and get the idea.
I came in one day shortly after those two suicides, alone and wanting to rent a gun. I hadn't heard about what had happened and the clerk behind the counter questioned me in a accusatory manner about my mental state which I thought was kind of odd. After I finished shooting, he apologized for being brusk with me and explained what had just happened and that he was tired of the bureaucratic red tape investigations and cleanup afterwards. Can't say as I blame him.
Situation sucks ,but I guess better safe than sorry , dont want to give the antis any more ammo .
OT Alert

Suicides by State per capita as of 12/07, source USA Today

State Ranking on Suicide Rates

Suicides per 100,000 residents**

1. District of Columbia: 5.3

2. New York: 6

3. Massachusetts: 6.4

4. New Jersey: 6.8

5. Rhode Island: 7.5

6. Illinois: 8

7. Connecticut: 8.2

8. Maryland: 8.9

9. Hawaii: 8.9

10. Nebraska: 9.5

11. California: 9.6

12. New Hampshire: 9.8

13. Minnesota: 10.1

14. Texas: 10.6

15. Michigan: 10.8

16. Virginia: 10.9

17. Delaware: 11.0

18. Pennsylvania: 11.1

19. Georgia: 11.1

20. North Dakota: 11.2

21. Indiana: 11.3

22. Ohio: 11.3

23. South Carolina: 11.3

24. Iowa: 11.5

25. Alabama: 11.8

26. Wisconsin: 11.9

27. North Carolina: 11.9

28. Louisiana (pre-Katrina): 12.1

29. Mississippi: 12.2

30. Missouri: 12.4

31. Maine: 12.4

32. Arkansas: 13

33. Florida: 13

34. Kentucky: 13.2

35. Tennessee: 13.2

36. Washington: 13.2

37. Kansas: 13.5

38. Vermont: 14.2

39. Oklahoma: 14.4

40. South Dakota: 14.9

41. Oregon: 14.9

42. West Virginia: 15.4

43. Arizona: 15.6

44. Colorado: 17.1

45. Utah: 17.1

46. Idaho: 17.5

47. Wyoming: 17.6

48. Montana: 18.7

49. New Mexico: 18.8

50. Nevada: 19

51. Alaska: 23.1

DC has the lowest suicide rate?

Maybe, when someone wants to kill themselves, odds are someone will beat them to it in DC.
Gun ranges have every right to have such a policy.

Put one way, it is gun control.

Sensible gun control.

That's pretty ironic. But it makes sense to control the guns in the situation this thread is about. Everybody can agree that it's a good idea.
This is one of the reasons I no longer shoot at my local, indoor range that rents. I surely do not want to be shooting next to anyone who decides it's their last day. That, and the lousy ventilation...
It seems common in California, perhaps because of the 10-day waiting period for buying a pistol. You can rent it right away.

Ranges that rent guns around here typically won't rent to a lone person they don't know. People with range memberships, and groups, are assumed to be a lower risk for a suicide rental.
Unfortunately, while it's inconvenient for you, I think this may be a sane policy for the rental range. I don't know if this was already suggested, but perhaps showing both an NRA membership card (preferably more than 30 days old...) and a membership card for your range/club at home or any other sort of proof that you had a longstanding law-abiding relationship with guns would be persuasive?

OTOH, I recently rented an M249 in Vegas despite being by myself and from out of town. A shame I wasn't able to supply my own M249, but they were happy to rent to me. Somehow they didn't ask if I was a suicide risk! But that might relate to the fact that there were more employees than customers, all employees carried visible sidearms, and many employees were ex-cops and/or military. I guess if you try to shoot yourself, they'll shoot you for trying. ???

Couldn't the gun store lobby the local government for a new law that would make it illegal to rent a gun for the purpose of committing suicide? Place a really stiff fine and perhaps 30 days in jail on it, and it may cut it down some.

I think this is a great suggestion - let's get the Brady bunch started on it.
Warning some somewhat graphic material in this post

Armed Bear, IIRC DGM in SD had a suicide last year. And I have witnessed a range suicide. At least in my area the city steps in and sends a hazmat crew to clean up.

And it does affect the customers, depending on the shot angle, the buller could hit someone else, luckily the range partitions did stop a bullet that penetrated the skull:(

And we were back in business within 2-3 hours. The gun did come back to the range, the cops cleaned it up a bit it seems or maybe it just wasn't that dirty to begin with but it did have a small piece of gore on it:(

I've talked to gunshop clerks that worked a a shop that used to get guns from the county assessor, suicides and old folks and such that had guns and died w/o heirs.

Those guns he said sometimes he had to clean, they came in kind of gory:(
No, but if you had an extra few hundred dollars, you could just go to a gun shop and buy yourself a gun with which to off yourself.
I believe I would put it on the old charge card, not cash!
My city too.

I overheard some gun store clerks discussing a range suicide. The suicidal person was not a "gun person" and somehow thought that they could stage it to look like an accident.

A big reason that people kill themselves is that they become desperately poor. They lose their job, or farm, or ranch, or truck, or fishing boat, etc. Nearly everyone has some kind of accidental death insurance issued by their bank, even if they cannot afford life insurance. Suicides think that if they stage some kind of accidental death they can at least leave some kind of legacy to their beneficiaries. Those afraid of the potential pain of a vehicle accident would see a gun range as a perfect setup. It is only right that a gun range should protect itself and its members.

For those traveling on business who cannot bring their own gun along, perhaps bringing a small range bag with your own ammo plus eye and ear protection, and an NRA membership card could see you through the screening?....................elsullo
Armed Bear, IIRC DGM in SD had a suicide last year.

Not just one, apparently. I know a guy who witnessed one there, and I have a membership at the place so I shoot there often.

Goddamned inconsiderate *******s, really, offing themselves and then making someone else clean up their messes.
There I was, having read the initial post, thinking the gun range clerk was just piling it on high about having had suicides at that range, and there you guys go and confirm yes ineed they had had them. I guess I can understand there being hesitant if the ones who committed suicide went it and rented guns, then did themselves in. I don't like the policy, but I can understand it.
if you had an extra few hundred dollars, you could just go to a gun shop and buy yourself a gun with which to off yourself.

As I wrote above, not if there's a waiting period for buying one...
I was at my fav gunshop when a guy walked in and asked if he could see a firearm, then asked if he could buy one bullet...he was joking, but my buddy who owned the shop asked him to leave in a forcefull manner. I could see it, even if you are joking if they don't know you very well, that could happen....
I had this happen at a range while working west of Chicago. I came back the next weekend, with my wife, and then they said I couldn't rent because I didn't have a FOID. this really pissed me off b/c I told them the week before, that I was from out of state.
in SF a few years ago

a couple of "New Order/Joy Division" fans flew into SF (From Germany!)
went to Jackson Arms firearms range and shot themselves in the head.
Who in Hades would fly all the way from Jersey to Washington to commit suicide?!
Jackson Arms had the same policy in effect and still does, as far as policy goes, if I owned a range that had rentals, I might do the same except for NRA members or the like.
However, any employee that doesn't obey range rules would have to seek other employment.
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