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Shot Fired at Gun Show

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Assumed- there ya go
While this was a way stupid thing to happen thank goodness no one was hurt-
Its a miracle with these type of idiots stealing oxygen. Why do these exhibitors think they need a damn ccw in the first place- Do they think if someone comes up to rob them at their table they are really going to hit the leather in that environment?
It seems the last 3 times there has been a shot fired at a gunshow its been an exhibitor feeling the stupid need to show someone HIS pistol- like he is really going to prove/show a customer something they can not show with a piece on the table.

As an aside, I am not sure this was in any way the customer fault-

"This exhibitor assumed his CCW pistol was unloaded when he experienced the negligent discharge."

Unless the reporter meant otherwise but felt the need to use the "he" pronoun and not use the few additional letters it would take to say the customer.
thezoltar that is an excellent way to put it-
"I think most experienced shooters would say an ACCIDENTAL discharge is a mechanical failure and a NEGLIGENT discharge is human caused."

Any inconvenience this incident caused the exhibitor is tough titty- He shouldn't carry-

Several years ago I was at a show in Austin and a fella standing next to me asked a vendor about a shoulder rig for his 40 XD. He pulls it out of his fanny pack.
(why these are called fanny packs when worn under ones belly eludes me)
Anyway, he pulls it out racks the slide THEN pops the mag-
I am already moving............BANG hits the guy that was on the other side of me in the thigh and down he goes. The look on the shooters face was indeed priceless.
Of course I imagine mine was something too.
OldFalGuy, wait...you were actually standing next to a guy at a gun show and he was shot. Holy cow!!! Some people are really stupid, I'm definitely CCWing to the next show I attend, if someone shoots me in the damn thigh I'm puttin one in their thigh....and their damn foot!!!
I think if gun shows ever become a thing of the past due to these ignorant, flat footed, mind numbingly stupid morons that call themselves gun owners, we should all make a collective effort and go door to door, 2 guys for each visit, 1 guy to hold the 'ND' down, and the other to brand an 'XS' on his forehead. 'XS'=Xtra Stupid 'ND'= Negligent Dumbass
rule #1 - cardio
rule #2 - always know your way out
rule #3 - stay out of NY
rule #4 - stay out of Vermont
rule #5 - ???????

(life is a learning process)
I've seen 4 NDs at gunshows over about 50 years.

No panics and thankfully no injuries.
The last two resulted in dealers being drug out and possibly banned.
Ass kicking would have been in order.

Most crackpot gunshow theory I ever heard was when I made fun of somebody packing behind his table.

Theory was a smaller show might get taken over by an armed gang and these guys apparantly would hold he line and defend everybody.

Thankfully in this case no ool panicked and created chaos.
It seemed to take forever for the guy to keel over-
Would have been plenty of time to plug the idiot in return
Forever being my perception of time- reality being more like 1.3- 2.2 seconds (hahaha)
Ever heard of a ND at a proper gun store? mmmmm why is that?
At all the gun shows I've ever been to, you are asked at the entrance if you are carrying a gun or any ammunition.

On the tables, there are tons of guns... All empty and zip-tied. What good does this do in terms of response to a shooting spree? Generally speaking, there's a good distance between ammo tables and firearm tables. And even if you're carrying ammo, you still have to load up.
I have been to many gun shows and that has never happened. I always imagined one day it would. It is nice to hear how the staff and security was on top of the situation so fast. Thanks for sharing your story!
From a local (Michigan) gun owner's forum. It happened on 08-07-2010. At first I thought that this incident was what this thread was referring to.


today about 4:45 one of the vendors pull out his glock to show someone and pull the trigger discharging a round that bounced off a couple walls and the ceiling no one was injured but a lot of people crapped their pants.
was at a gun shop once and someone had brought in a lot of old C&R guns in for sell.

i was looking at a few and found a live round in one, shop owner liked of croaked when i told him what i had found.
I would have had the same reaction. I used to live in East LA. so random shots were not a surprise to me. The first time it happened when I moved my family back to LA, my wife was freaking out and wondering why I wasn't getting off the couch and checking it out or calling police. I told her a single shot was not something I really worried about. since there was no car speeding away, or any screaming, I saw no reason to panic.
If I was at a gun show and that happened it would be the same thing. no screams, no one hurt, no big deal. Other than the lack good judgement.
Well, I have to admit that with all the talk on the forum about personal safety, security, heads on swivels, color codes, etc. that folks need more than one gunshot in a confined space before they are going to be bothered enough to take any action.

It just strikes me as odd that people are more concerned with seeing unsavory-looking people in their neighborhoods that haven't done anything wrong than they are when a shot rings out at a gun show.

Interesting mindsets.
I was in Bien Hoa Viet Nam in 66 shortly after most of the flight line was wiped out after an accidental bomb blast. After the blast groups of friendlies wound up firing at each other thinking the base was under fire. The same thing could have happened here. If some one had loaded up and was seen as a bad guy, who knows what kind of a war would have started. Sounds like it was a good time to let security handle it.
There was a gunshot at the Reno show on Saturday. I was told it was security checking to see ifthe weapon was loaded. At lest one guard thought all you needed to do was pull the trigger. No one was hurt.
Double N S

I am in the same boat. About all I did was to hunker down and start looking for exits, not that I moved toward any.

The hunker down bit is a natural reaction, taking you head lower.

I will now tell a wee story! Any Texans, cover your eyes!

A few years back, shooting an Annual Match (USPSA) standing next to an Ex Marine (no such thing as an ex Marine! OK) anyway this young Chap was about 6'4" and 200+ lbs. Built like a truck, he was employed as a Body Guard, I had no reason to doubt that fact.

One of the stages (dumb one) had you slide over a window ledge (prop, very solid, low enough, and wide) well to continue, big guy... really big! Read fat.. not nice? OK but true, managed to hook is big butt, and fell! Forty five in hand,
which muzzle swept the crowd!

I promptly stepped behind said big Texan! He turned on me "I saw that" he said,
quite peeved. I said how many Americans here? He said Hundreds, I said "As far as I know there is only one Scouse, me"

I walked by him a few times over the week, he always pointed his finger at me!

Last one, Honest! Saw a young guy, same Match, about 5'7" he had a ball cap on, it said. Proud to be from Texas I pointed at the hat, "Thought all guys from Texas are huge" He looked at me, and said, "I am a Texas midget!"

Broke me up! OK Texans, uncover your eyes.
Most of the unsafe behavior I've witnessed at gun shows revolves around the homies, wanna be thugs, and the kids in high school who are experts on military weapons because they play call of duty and watch future weapons. I can't believe one of the venders would be so careless, and quite frankly, stupid for letting such a thing happen. Our Sun Coast gun show here in Fort Myers is usually so packed it would be hard to not hit something. It really makes all of us look bad when stuff like this happens. I've been handling a wide array of firearms on a daily basis since I was 12 (21 now), and have never fired a shot I didn't intend to shoot.

I've always tried to get more people into shooting to promote our sport, and to free the misinformed from the "guns are bad" indoctrination built into alot of folks. Although I must say, they're some people who are inherently careless and have absolutely no place near a firearm.
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