Should it be MANDATORY to notify LE that you are carrying concealed with a permit?

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I think that everyone who carries a firearm under a second amendment permission card should be of the mindset that they break no law and should obey all of the traffic laws. That way LEO would never have to worry whether we are armed when we are stopped because we would never be stopped and also everyone who is stopped and armed would obviously be a criminal since they are not obeying the law.

There. When .gov reads this they can not use it against me at my trial.

Within living memory..

There are people who remember when there WEREN'T any drivers licenses, issued by the state or otherwise. Did licensing improve anything?

i don't think it ought to be mandatory.
Notifying LEO's about carrying a firearm.

I know that some states have started to require notifying Leo's about having firearms on their persons.I really don't see the reason for this.Massachusetts does not require it so why would any other state require it?Having been a cop for 32 years, I never asked folks that I had stopped for speeding or other minor traffic offences.Of course,I would keep a look out for any actions that were out of place and I always had them keep their hands where I could see them.It's too bad that folks that carry firearms legally are being treated as though they were felons.I am sure that I probably stopped hundreds of people that were armed legally or not,however unless an arrest was made I would never find out.Actually I cannot recal even one instance where I made an arrest and someone was carrying a firearm and a license to do so.
As far as I am concerned,if you havent done anything wrong except a minor traffic offense,why make the Cop more nervous by announcing that you are carrying a Roscoe?lol
Answering questions about eyebrow-raising subjects when said questions have not been asked needlessly raises eyebrows.
I have been pulled over three times while carrying. I have not told them, but if I think it would have been an issue, such as "sir please step out of the vehicle" I would have notified them. Before anyone gets on me for "OMG what if you reached for you wallet and he saw the gun" I generally pocket carry.
Maybe we should hear from former and current LEO's on the site about how they feel about this issue.
In Idaho, when they run your license, they find out about your CWP. Might as well just tell 'em and get it out of the way and take credit for it.

No you shouldn't have to but then again why do some people wear their seatbelt all the time? Risk avoidance. The person I'm protecting is me, not the officer who stops me. I'm not getting shot over a misunderstanding. They have a tough job and I want to go home after the traffic stop. Common sense and risk avoidance, of course absoutists will hate me for it, but I'm not risking it.
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