So how would you define ‘heavily armed’?

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Sam G. posted:

Well, they might be "heavily armed" if their flexible machine guns weren't shooting blanks. Maybe "heavily menacing"? :p

Kudos for the redirect, Springmom! Sadly, my list was "good" because it was so true... :eek:

You might be "heavily armed" if:

... when shopping for a new personal vehicle, you're influenced by the GVWR.

... you don't own a polishing cloth, but you buy surplus OD paint by the 5 gallon bucket.

... you don't own a gun safe, but you have the key to a powder magazine.

... you call the local police to give them a heads-up that you're going out shooting that day.

... you paint your target ammo bright orange so you can dig it up to shoot again.

... your idea of "plinking" is a one-shot-one-kill to a 55 gallon drum.

... you pay the neighborhood kids to load your ammo into belts.

... instead of a range bag, you have a range van.

... when shooting at the indoor range, you don't even bother putting up paper targets because the muzzle blast just blows them off the hangers.
loosedhorse, where's your "here?"

As my CCW does not allow me, for example, to march around the grocery (in my state) with a loaded, slung 12 gauge (which I would actually prefer for self-defense, though it's a bit heavy) without being jailed--rather rapidly jailed around here, I would think.

It's always nice to know where somebody's from. I have often found that comments are relevant to their locale.

In general, I think maybe folks from some highly-restrictive states or cities seem to a little more accepting of firearms restrictions than folks from so-called "free" states. Just part of what they've been brought up with, I guess.

And would you be arrested in your "here" for the shotgun, or for some dillywad other charge, like disturbing the peace... or what?

No GPS coordinates or anything, just maybe state or a nearby well-known city would help.


Terry, 230RN
The North Hollywood shootout might qualify as extra-heavily armed.
‘Heavily armed’, or just 'well armed'? :D


BTW... Some people qualify as 'heavily armed' with nothing more than a baseball bat and a lousy attitude.

All police officers I know would consider this idiot "heavily armed" and for the circumstances I have to say so do I. I venture to guess that if you guys had to disarm him you'd probably think so also.
If I had to live out of a van, I'm pretty sure I'd end up parting ways with my “precious metals” so I could afford to get out of the van.

A copy of EFAD, or the Cookbook maybe?

Yep, the cookbook would definitely do it all by itself, no gun or ammo required.

BTW... Some people qualify as 'heavily armed' with nothing more than a baseball bat and a lousy attitude.

I've met some people like that! He punched like a bulldozer, I'm glad I never got in the way! I made sure to call him “friend” with a smile on my face.

Every personal defense instructor I've ever taken a course from or read has recommended a back-up gun for non-LE CCWs: 2 is one and one is none. So 2 guns is appropriately armed for us, not heavily armed. (You one-gunners are "hopefully armed.")

If any non-leo needs a back-up gun, I'd recommend moving to south africa, it'd be safer. One gun is just right for non-leo, non-gangbanger types. More than that is too much and I don't care if they are a defense instructor, they're still wrong. If you can't rely on your one single gun, you either need to move to a safer neighborhood, carry one or two more mags with you (or moonclips I suppose), do some gunsmithing to your pistol to make it more reliable, or practice unjamming your pistol a couple times so you can do it reflexively in a hot situation. Never does a non-leo, non-criminal ever need two guns for self defense. With practice, many people can reload a clip loading pistol faster than they can draw another so the only time you'd need a second pistol is if your first pistol got jammed and you haven't bothered to learn how to clear it. Well, that and if your one and only gun was taken from you but then you've already screwed up because the perp should never be allowed to get that close to you in the first place.
Heavily armed. Multiple weapons to provide an amount of versatility for a specific individual expecting a wide range of non-specific encounters.
Jaenak observed, post 81:

Never does a non-leo, non-criminal ever need two guns for self defense.

May I most respectfully and most emphatically disagree?
I don't consider the proprietor of any arsenal "well-armed" enough for the goverment to be afraid of unless it's measured in kilotons.
to me, heavilly armed would be, 1) a semi auto rifle with at least 50 rounds of ammo in clips, AND at least 1 side arm, preferably 2 with multiple reloads of ammo for that also. kind of like when i go deer hunting! (just kidding).
If you have enough "stuff" so that even the late Gen. George Patton and his entire 3rd Army would be worried about taking you on.....well then, ya just MIGHT be heavily armed...
If you can't rely on your one single gun,
Beware of the man that wears both suspenders and a belt, for he trusts neither.

I think "Heavily Armed" is dependent on the observer, just as his "manifesto" could be a book of, under my observation, idiotic blather.
****!!!!!! I hope "they" never come here and count all my FUN stuff!!!!

So the guy got arrested one day and the story didn't make the news until 3 days later------it'd take them a month to count my ammo and toys!! (if they could find it all)

Never does a non-leo, non-criminal ever need two guns for self defense.

i disagree as well. i do alot of hiking and camping down near the Arizona/Mexico border (as well as the superstition mountains), and i carry a .38 special plus my tacticool SKS. out in the deasert, there is a real chance to need that rifle (that "unneeded" second gun). but im sure this is not the type of situation you were thinking of.
Perhaps this is bending the topic a bit, but I was wondering...

Is it just me, or whenever I hear an idiot news achor reporting that the police arrested so-and-so, and while doing so found <GASP> 100 rounds of ammunition, ... am I the only one that rolls my eyes and thinks "amateur"???

Let's see... How about this: AR-15 with an M203 style grenade launcher with 5 mags and 5 grenades for the M203, Remington 870 loaded with 3 1/2 inch magnum slugs with at least 10 spare slugs, a Sig 226 in the .357 Sig caliber with 3 spare mags, S&W .357 snubbies on each ankle, and if you can fit it, throw an S&W .500 magnum in there somewhere.

Of course the AR you would hold, the 870 would be in a sling on your weak side, your sig would be in a tacticool thigh holster, and the snubbies would be in ankle holsters. I guess if you wanted to you could put the S&W .500 magnum in a tacticool thigh holster on your weak side.

If you plan on doing this you better be real strong and have a hell of a good belt!

In all seriousness though, I believe in carrying 2 firearms all the time. My preference would be a Sig 229 in .357 Sig and an S&W .38 on my ankle.

If you don't carry 2 then you better be super proficient with your one handgun especially in jam clearing drills and reloads and all that stuff. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be super proficient with your primary gun if you carry more than one, I'm just saying the jam and reload drills are a lot more important for those who carry one.

What if while your shooting in a SD situation, you stovepipe but the next round in the mag already started to feed? What if you get a squib? What if the ammo in your primary was exposed to moisture without you knowing?

Just my .02.
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